Crosses, Garlic and Mirrors, oh my!

Ok, just to sate my curiostiy...

Do the standard anti-vampire things work here? (ie. Crosses, garlic, Holy Water, etc.)

Oh and silver bullets or are those exclusively warewolves?

Ellis Duban 19 years ago
No, our vampires aren't cursed 'unholy' things. So yes you can see its image in a mirror, no crosses do not work, holy water...although refreshing...would be useless. A steak in the heart would slow it down, not kill it. Silver has no effect either. Same with garlic.

The only thing that could damage a vampire greatly is fire and is one of their aversions.
Meegan 19 years ago
Just don't tell Meegan that cross between her breasts won't help her...ok?
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Winter 19 years ago
I think eating raw garlic would do more to ward off a vampire (and everyone else for that matter) than a cross would..

Meegan 19 years ago
Oh, nice. *sticks out her tongue*
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Ellis Dubán
A steak in the heart would slow it down, not kill it.

Vampire killed by steak....sounds messy if you ask me...Perhaps if you used the whole cow it might do some damage...
Alfarinn 19 years ago

He has a point. I think steak is yummy but you can keep the stakes far away..preferably as the chair legs they were intended to be.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
I wondered if I had spelled that wrong, but clearly i didnt care. And Ellis would actually welcome a steak, preferably rare.
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
What, not steak tartar? =p
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Blech. Charred on the inside, rare on the inside? I'd rather it just be luke warm and moo'ing when it gets to the table.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
meh.. I thought tartar was plain raw, not cooked at all, but spiced up. My bad.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
I meant charred on the OUTSIDE. God I need coffee.
Meegan 19 years ago
Steak Tartare

Sorry for the pop ups