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Number of Threads (update)

Just for clarification on the number of threads you are allowed to have. We stated that you can have one clan thread and one public thread. This has been changed to better reflect what the original intention of this rule was for, as well as make it more fair to those without a clan.

There are three types of threads: Residential, Clan, and Public.

The rule is:
You may have one thread in two of these sections but not all three and not two in the same section.

In other words, you are allowed to have one of each type of thread, but only two open threads total at any given time.

*Note* You cannot have more than one residence to have more than two threads. The number of threads that a person can be in at any one time is two, unless otherwise ok'd by staff. Please remember to leave a thread before joining more than two.

The Voice 19 years ago
Technically the best way to keep the time lines in order would be to allow only one thread at a time. Its simple, this person is here.. now they are here, and so on. The reason we did not do this and instead allowed a second post to take place in the clan sections (That being the original rule) was to allow meetings and clan events to take place smoothly without every single clan member having to leave a thread in order to join a conference. We changed this to allow residence threads for humans because, quite frankly, it was only fair.

While it may not completely lend itself to an easy transition in time lines on occasion, it is better than the alternative and not as difficult for us to keep track of from a board operating stand point. The other solution would be to allow people to have as many threads as they wanted, where ever and when ever they wanted. This creates confusion and makes large plot lines on the board difficult. Not to mention, leading to an over abundance of threads by more active members which causes people with less time to feel swamped and unable to keep up.

It does mean that it is necessary to take the rule into consideration when planning your threads. This is an unfortunate side effect of trying to keep a compromise between order and gameplay.