Jan sat brooding into his wine,next to the glass there was a napkin on the counter which bore words in a hasty scrawl. The floodgates of inspiration had suddenly slammed shut on his inspiration though and he'd been sitting here staring at blankly at the cheap square of paper for nearly twenty minutes with no a single new word added.
No help for it at all, Jan decided he was doing no good trying to force his muse with a strangle hold of sheer stubbornness. He looked around and noticed a woman come up next to him and order a beer.
"High class. You must be uptown." Jan smirked slightly but with no real malice.
On the prowl ((lock))
When the elevator doors opened and the roar of music and voices washed in she blinked, suprised. This was certainly not what she'd expected, but it wasn't unpleasant either. The club was packed, almost overflowing. She pushed and shoved her way to the bar and got the bartender's attention. Over the din she shouted,
Beer, bottled.
She waited and paid him when he set down a frosty long neck. She turned and leaned on the bar, studying the club.
((OOC Just hanging out, if anyone wants to come over feel free)

19 years ago

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
"High class. You must be uptown."
Amberelle turned her head to look at the source of those words. She raised an eyebrow at him and smiled faintly. He was attractive, classicly good looking and elegant. Not her normal type but she couldn't deny he was hot. 'What I wouldn't give to run into that big muscle bound.. no no, not going there!'
She twitched her head to flip some errant golden blonde hair back over her shoulder and leaned over towards him slightly. She knew he'd get an eye full of her clevage and smiled to herself.
Am I so obvious? She shrugged faintly and smiled at him with twinkling eyes.
Amberelle turned her head to look at the source of those words. She raised an eyebrow at him and smiled faintly. He was attractive, classicly good looking and elegant. Not her normal type but she couldn't deny he was hot. 'What I wouldn't give to run into that big muscle bound.. no no, not going there!'
She twitched her head to flip some errant golden blonde hair back over her shoulder and leaned over towards him slightly. She knew he'd get an eye full of her clevage and smiled to herself.
Am I so obvious? She shrugged faintly and smiled at him with twinkling eyes.

19 years ago
Jan returned her raised eyebrow with one of his own, noting the change in view. Well, subtle wouldn't be the first word that came to mind, no. He smiled and picked up his wine, taking a sip before replying.
"I'm afraid so. First of all, it came in a bottle after all, most people here drink out of a can...or a barrel." He snorted softly and continued. "And secondly obvious is -such- a big word... dead give away. Try something smaller like. What's your problem? or Screw you.. both of those seem to be common in this place."
Jan reached over and folded the napkin, putting it in his pocket. Perhaps the words would come to him while he was having this discussion. His subconscious could argue with his muse while he was busy with idle chatter.
"I'm afraid so. First of all, it came in a bottle after all, most people here drink out of a can...or a barrel." He snorted softly and continued. "And secondly obvious is -such- a big word... dead give away. Try something smaller like. What's your problem? or Screw you.. both of those seem to be common in this place."
Jan reached over and folded the napkin, putting it in his pocket. Perhaps the words would come to him while he was having this discussion. His subconscious could argue with his muse while he was busy with idle chatter.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
She took a sip of the beer and held the bottle up to look at it with a half smile. Undone by a bottle, who would have guessed. Tant pis, guess I should have just ordered wine and not bothered to try and fit in.
My name's Amberelle She held out a soft, perfectly french manicured hand. But if you're good you can call me Amby..She grinned at him playfully.
My name's Amberelle She held out a soft, perfectly french manicured hand. But if you're good you can call me Amby..She grinned at him playfully.

19 years ago
"Amberelle it is then." Jan smiled. Good was a description that rarely applied to him so he doubted he'd be calling her Amby any time soon.
He put a hand to his chest and announced in a clear somber voice. "Johannes Jager"
With a small snort, he continued. "But -please- call me Jan." Not that he had a problem with Johannes, it was just that it seemed too serious for him. He never quite felt like the name suited him. Jan would hardly be offended if he were called by it. That emotion was resereved for anyone who dared call him J.J. reminding him of some pre-teen American kid.
"Always be what you are, I say. Its too much effort to try to be anything else."
((OOC: Tant pis, lol, I used to love saying that in French class. ))
He put a hand to his chest and announced in a clear somber voice. "Johannes Jager"
With a small snort, he continued. "But -please- call me Jan." Not that he had a problem with Johannes, it was just that it seemed too serious for him. He never quite felt like the name suited him. Jan would hardly be offended if he were called by it. That emotion was resereved for anyone who dared call him J.J. reminding him of some pre-teen American kid.
"Always be what you are, I say. Its too much effort to try to be anything else."
((OOC: Tant pis, lol, I used to love saying that in French class. ))

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Amberelle listened to him introduce himself and smiled at how amused his name seemed to make him. She'd met more than her fair share of Creole boys with unusual family names that made his look normal in comparison.
Jan it is. Nice to meet you. She smiled and tipped her head and bottle at him then took another sip. Her eyes glanced over him and around the club while she spoke.
I must say, this place is quite... interesting. Not much different than some of the clubs I've been to before, back home. I'd worried there wouldn't be anyplace fun to come to here in Nachton. But, I bet there's all kinds of trouble to be found here, non? She glanced back at Jan and smiled. Somehow she had a feeling he was trouble himself.. not that she minded at the moment.
Jan it is. Nice to meet you. She smiled and tipped her head and bottle at him then took another sip. Her eyes glanced over him and around the club while she spoke.
I must say, this place is quite... interesting. Not much different than some of the clubs I've been to before, back home. I'd worried there wouldn't be anyplace fun to come to here in Nachton. But, I bet there's all kinds of trouble to be found here, non? She glanced back at Jan and smiled. Somehow she had a feeling he was trouble himself.. not that she minded at the moment.

19 years ago
Jan raised his wine glass in salute, taking a sip before answering her.
With a look around the place, he replied. "There is plenty of trouble to be had both in the House of Pain and in Nachton in general. I suppose it remains to be asked, just what sort of trouble you are looking for. Violence? A quick romp or something else?" He raised an eyebrow at her. The first two on the list were in bountiful supply here.
"What place did you come from?" She spoke French but the accent was not the same as those of that country. There had been several colonies though, some here and some elsewhere. Few people tended to be as touchy when you got their nationality wrong so he would not presume to guess.
((OOC:that is only his view, of course))
With a look around the place, he replied. "There is plenty of trouble to be had both in the House of Pain and in Nachton in general. I suppose it remains to be asked, just what sort of trouble you are looking for. Violence? A quick romp or something else?" He raised an eyebrow at her. The first two on the list were in bountiful supply here.
"What place did you come from?" She spoke French but the accent was not the same as those of that country. There had been several colonies though, some here and some elsewhere. Few people tended to be as touchy when you got their nationality wrong so he would not presume to guess.
((OOC:that is only his view, of course))

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
I was born and raised in New Orleans, just moved here recently. Amberelle sighed, looking a bit wistful. There, one could always find a party or a bit of fun whenever you were in the mood. Or trouble when you wanted it. She looked back at Jan and smiled.
As for what kind of trouble well.. tonight, I'm feeling frisky. A good fight, a romp, maybe try to get drunk somewhere inbetween, who knows. I'm open to suggestions. Her gold eyes twinled mischeviously at him when she said that. What about you? What brings you here tonight?
As for what kind of trouble well.. tonight, I'm feeling frisky. A good fight, a romp, maybe try to get drunk somewhere inbetween, who knows. I'm open to suggestions. Her gold eyes twinled mischeviously at him when she said that. What about you? What brings you here tonight?

19 years ago
Ah ok, New Orleans, that was interesting town. Jan enjoyed the music. "There is this great club on Bourbon Street, named Utopia, there was a good band there last time I went. I can see why you miss the night life there."
He laughed at her list of things to do for the evening. "Well I'm sure you can find all that here. I try to stay out of the fights in this place. Most of the women and all of the men could probably beat me up. As far as the romping goes, I've done that here from time to time, however, the reason I'm here, is that I sing here, so I don't have time really for even a quick romp." Jan leaned back against the bar and propped his elbows on the counter. " I could sing you a song, if you like, to accompany either of those activities. Got a favorite?"
He laughed at her list of things to do for the evening. "Well I'm sure you can find all that here. I try to stay out of the fights in this place. Most of the women and all of the men could probably beat me up. As far as the romping goes, I've done that here from time to time, however, the reason I'm here, is that I sing here, so I don't have time really for even a quick romp." Jan leaned back against the bar and propped his elbows on the counter. " I could sing you a song, if you like, to accompany either of those activities. Got a favorite?"

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Oh, I know that club! Oui, they do have some good bands there. She nodded with her words and smiled, sipping her beer. She was content to let him talk while she listened, He had a nice sounding voice, she thought. When he said he was a singer, she 'ahhhd' and nodded.
The blonde had watched Jan as he spoke. While she'd never say it, she had to agree with his self assessment. He didn't strike her as a skilled fighter at all. But looks could be very deceiving, she was one to know that well.
'Well I'm sure you can find all that here. I try to stay out of the fights in this place. Most of the women and all of the men could probably beat me up. As far as the romping goes, I've done that here from time to time, however, the reason I'm here, is that I sing here, so I don't have time really for even a quick romp'
She laughed when Jan said that, shaking her head. I can not believe I just heard a man say he doesn't have time for a good round of sport. You sir, are truely dedicated to your profession! She saluted him with her beer and polished it off.
Perhaps.. hmmm. She looked thoughtful for a second as she mulled over his offer to sing for her. My musical tastes are so varied it would take me forever to choose just one song to hear.. so, how about gentleman's choice? What's your favorite to sing?
The blonde had watched Jan as he spoke. While she'd never say it, she had to agree with his self assessment. He didn't strike her as a skilled fighter at all. But looks could be very deceiving, she was one to know that well.
'Well I'm sure you can find all that here. I try to stay out of the fights in this place. Most of the women and all of the men could probably beat me up. As far as the romping goes, I've done that here from time to time, however, the reason I'm here, is that I sing here, so I don't have time really for even a quick romp'
She laughed when Jan said that, shaking her head. I can not believe I just heard a man say he doesn't have time for a good round of sport. You sir, are truely dedicated to your profession! She saluted him with her beer and polished it off.
Perhaps.. hmmm. She looked thoughtful for a second as she mulled over his offer to sing for her. My musical tastes are so varied it would take me forever to choose just one song to hear.. so, how about gentleman's choice? What's your favorite to sing?

19 years ago
He figured she was sizing up his stature and probable fighting abilities. Jan smirked, no doubt he came up lacking, they always underestimate the small guy. It was an advantage he used from time to time. While he really wasn't the best fighter out there, the streets taught him how to hold his own and to fight dirty. His abilities made him hard to keep a hold of ...that is if you could find him in the first place. The truth was, he didn't really enjoy fighting except on the rare occasion when he was angry enough to just want to hit something. Those were the nights he went out hunting with his fellow Tacharan. Lest someone forget he could fight if he had to.
Amberelle was taller than him but looked feminine in a pleasing graceful way so she was probably underestimated plenty herself. Jan figured if she said she came looking for a fight, she with either full hot air or could really hold her own. Knowing how people saw him, he assumed she knew what she was doing until that was proven otherwise. Course, he had lied, so he couldn't fault her for the opinion he propagated.
"Yes, I am dedication incarnate." Yeah right, more like bullshit incarnate, though his break between sets really was nearly over.
Jan smiled and turned towards her in interest. " All music has its place. Its good to hear you keep an open mind." He pretended to look around. "I don't have time for a quick roll in the hay and you think I have time to find a gentleman in this place?"
Pondering her music question, he said " Folk songs are good, cultural songs. I also like opera and religious music...classical religious music, like a sung mass, though gospel music if accompanied by a decent group. I also like dark metal, blues, trance.. and well everything that sounds decent. For you... Let me think...I don't know why but I am thinking "Tomorrow" by Avril Lavigne." His intuition picked the song and Jan went with it. He wasn't sure if it was appropriate or not but hey, what can you expect on short notice?
((OOC: Sorry about that had to run to the store. It would seem Jan refuses to work without caffeine. Also he had to listen to music to decide what he wanted to sing. That was the song that stood out to him. *shrug* Don't know where his intuition is going either. Maybe it means something to Amberelle.
He's currently singing loudly to "Du Hast" by Rammstein ))
Amberelle was taller than him but looked feminine in a pleasing graceful way so she was probably underestimated plenty herself. Jan figured if she said she came looking for a fight, she with either full hot air or could really hold her own. Knowing how people saw him, he assumed she knew what she was doing until that was proven otherwise. Course, he had lied, so he couldn't fault her for the opinion he propagated.
"Yes, I am dedication incarnate." Yeah right, more like bullshit incarnate, though his break between sets really was nearly over.
Jan smiled and turned towards her in interest. " All music has its place. Its good to hear you keep an open mind." He pretended to look around. "I don't have time for a quick roll in the hay and you think I have time to find a gentleman in this place?"
Pondering her music question, he said " Folk songs are good, cultural songs. I also like opera and religious music...classical religious music, like a sung mass, though gospel music if accompanied by a decent group. I also like dark metal, blues, trance.. and well everything that sounds decent. For you... Let me think...I don't know why but I am thinking "Tomorrow" by Avril Lavigne." His intuition picked the song and Jan went with it. He wasn't sure if it was appropriate or not but hey, what can you expect on short notice?
((OOC: Sorry about that had to run to the store. It would seem Jan refuses to work without caffeine. Also he had to listen to music to decide what he wanted to sing. That was the song that stood out to him. *shrug* Don't know where his intuition is going either. Maybe it means something to Amberelle.
He's currently singing loudly to "Du Hast" by Rammstein ))

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
She was becoming even more curious about this man, she mused to herself. He had good taste in music, was quite pleasing to the eyes and had a good wit about him. It seemed like ages since she'd just sat and talked with a man like this, and she was enjoying it immensely.
"I don't have time for a quick roll in the hay and you think I have time to find a gentleman in this place?"
Her expression lit up and she smiled at him warmly, giggling. Amby tilted her head towards him some, her full attention diverted to the conversation now.
I absolutely love opera! I used to go to the theatre often, usually I saw every production with my Grandmere on opening night. And I have to say some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard was a Catholic mass, sung in Latin. I didn't understand it, but it was.. surreal almost. Her face was animated and as she spoke she gestured with her hand.
But, I must admit.. while I love most popular music, I'm not familiar with that song. My tastes in modern music lean more towards metal and harder rock than Avril. Perhaps, if you sung it for me, then I could appreciate it more. She smiled cajolingly at Jan.
((OOC blech, I hate Avril.. she seems so dingy, I lost interest in her music when I heard her interviewed once. But that's just me.. Amberelle could be different =p ))
"I don't have time for a quick roll in the hay and you think I have time to find a gentleman in this place?"
Her expression lit up and she smiled at him warmly, giggling. Amby tilted her head towards him some, her full attention diverted to the conversation now.
I absolutely love opera! I used to go to the theatre often, usually I saw every production with my Grandmere on opening night. And I have to say some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard was a Catholic mass, sung in Latin. I didn't understand it, but it was.. surreal almost. Her face was animated and as she spoke she gestured with her hand.
But, I must admit.. while I love most popular music, I'm not familiar with that song. My tastes in modern music lean more towards metal and harder rock than Avril. Perhaps, if you sung it for me, then I could appreciate it more. She smiled cajolingly at Jan.
((OOC blech, I hate Avril.. she seems so dingy, I lost interest in her music when I heard her interviewed once. But that's just me.. Amberelle could be different =p ))

19 years ago
Jan smiled and nodded. "I agree a sung mass is beautiful" He took a sip of his wine watching her hands gesture as she spoke
"Hmm well if you don't know that particular song, then perhaps something else."
Jan turned and set his glass back down on the bar. Leaning close to her ear so she could hear him clearly over the crowd, he sang from memory.
"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Te decet hymnus Deus in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem
exaudi orationem meam,
ad te omnis caro veniet."
With a faint smile, he spoke in English. "Which means:
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
and may light eternal shine upon them.
It is fitting that a hymn should be raised unto Thee in Sion
and a vow paid to Thee in Jerusalem
give ear to my prayer,
unto Thee all flesh shall come at last."
Leaning back, he placed an elbow on the counter and watched her.
"I've had occasion to sing it...once or twice."
((OOC: I have one or two songs from the ex of hers that I liked, its more about the song than the band for me. I know nothing about her personally. ))
"Hmm well if you don't know that particular song, then perhaps something else."
Jan turned and set his glass back down on the bar. Leaning close to her ear so she could hear him clearly over the crowd, he sang from memory.
"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Te decet hymnus Deus in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem
exaudi orationem meam,
ad te omnis caro veniet."
With a faint smile, he spoke in English. "Which means:
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
and may light eternal shine upon them.
It is fitting that a hymn should be raised unto Thee in Sion
and a vow paid to Thee in Jerusalem
give ear to my prayer,
unto Thee all flesh shall come at last."
Leaning back, he placed an elbow on the counter and watched her.
"I've had occasion to sing it...once or twice."
((OOC: I have one or two songs from the ex of hers that I liked, its more about the song than the band for me. I know nothing about her personally. ))

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
When Jan leaned in and began to sing into her ear, Amberelle's eyes closed and she focused on just listening to his amazing voice. Her head tilted a little more so her hair fell away from her ear. She wanted nothing to block out the beautiful sound. Amby was amazed at his skill and the ease that he sang the hymn with. The words washed over her and he filled her senses. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her ear and neck and could smell the wine on his breath mixed with his clean scent.
When he finished and leaned back Amby opened her eyes. Tension she didn't even know she had, had melted away and she sighed softly.She blinked a few times and sat up a little straighter, clearing her head. Her eyes were darkened with emotion when she met his gaze.
Bravo! C'est magnifique! That was truely amazing. I may want to request a private performance when you are done here.
She smiled and glanced over looking for the bartender. When she could catch his attention she ordered a glass of wine and glanced at Jan.
Refill, my treat?
When he finished and leaned back Amby opened her eyes. Tension she didn't even know she had, had melted away and she sighed softly.She blinked a few times and sat up a little straighter, clearing her head. Her eyes were darkened with emotion when she met his gaze.
Bravo! C'est magnifique! That was truely amazing. I may want to request a private performance when you are done here.
She smiled and glanced over looking for the bartender. When she could catch his attention she ordered a glass of wine and glanced at Jan.
Refill, my treat?

19 years ago
Jan smiled slightly and nodded his head in a bow. "Thank you. Of course, It sounds simply divine when sung by a full choir but then that is how it is meant to be sung. I don't think I could get my band mates to go along with me though, not quite their scene."
He was touched that she seemed to enjoy it, music meant more to him than most anything and Jan always thought better of those who truly appreciated it for the experience that it was.
He accepted her offer of a refill with a smile, handing over the glass to the bartender.
"Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle."
He was touched that she seemed to enjoy it, music meant more to him than most anything and Jan always thought better of those who truly appreciated it for the experience that it was.
He accepted her offer of a refill with a smile, handing over the glass to the bartender.
"Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle."

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Amberelle smiled and paid the bartender for the wine, then took a long sip of hers. With a soft 'mmm' and a nod, she turned back to Jan. While the night had taken a turn in a much different direction than she'd come here for, it was going well and she didn't mind. Suddenly his last words came back to her, leaving her feeling a bit sheepish.
Oh I feel silly, I should have asked sooner, what band is it you are in? Someone I have heard of maybe? She was all ears. After all, anyone with a voice as good as his was most likely in a band she'd already heard of, or one people would be hearing of very shortly.
Oh I feel silly, I should have asked sooner, what band is it you are in? Someone I have heard of maybe? She was all ears. After all, anyone with a voice as good as his was most likely in a band she'd already heard of, or one people would be hearing of very shortly.

19 years ago
Jan smiled ruefully. "I seriously doubt it"
He had to give up the one touring offer he'd been given in recent years. It was rather hard to explain why you refused to appear in daylight hours. So he played local gigs with the most decent band he could find. There had been a few bands that his vocals have helped get noticed, only to have them move on, touring without him. It didn't bother him as much as people might thing, very little would ever compair to his first singing career anyway.
"Nox Æternus"
Jan shrugged slightly making it clear that he would not be offended if she'd never heard of them. Very few people outside of Nachton had.
He had to give up the one touring offer he'd been given in recent years. It was rather hard to explain why you refused to appear in daylight hours. So he played local gigs with the most decent band he could find. There had been a few bands that his vocals have helped get noticed, only to have them move on, touring without him. It didn't bother him as much as people might thing, very little would ever compair to his first singing career anyway.
"Nox Æternus"
Jan shrugged slightly making it clear that he would not be offended if she'd never heard of them. Very few people outside of Nachton had.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
"Nox Æternus" Jan said and shrugged.
Amberelle arched an eyebrow at the name's meaning. Any other place and she wouldn't assume. But here, among such obvious wanna-be and some genuine kindred.. well, the name stood out. It made her wonder. Could she have missed something and he was one of her own kind? All the training she'd been through and that she would miss something like that was a humbling thought. More likely the name was a play on the clientel and their desire to mingle with the vampires. If they only knew, she thought and sighed mentaly
Licking the wine from her lips she leaned in to him a little and smiled. Studying him thoughtfully, Amberelle had a teasing tone in her voice when she spoke.
That's an unusual name.. Eternal night. Trying to appeal to the "vampires" her hands made the little quote marks as she said the word that I hear flock to this club?
((OOC Cool name! Nox.. =D ))
Amberelle arched an eyebrow at the name's meaning. Any other place and she wouldn't assume. But here, among such obvious wanna-be and some genuine kindred.. well, the name stood out. It made her wonder. Could she have missed something and he was one of her own kind? All the training she'd been through and that she would miss something like that was a humbling thought. More likely the name was a play on the clientel and their desire to mingle with the vampires. If they only knew, she thought and sighed mentaly
Licking the wine from her lips she leaned in to him a little and smiled. Studying him thoughtfully, Amberelle had a teasing tone in her voice when she spoke.
That's an unusual name.. Eternal night. Trying to appeal to the "vampires" her hands made the little quote marks as she said the word that I hear flock to this club?
((OOC Cool name! Nox.. =D ))

19 years ago
He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh,yes, I am one, you know. Lived for ages now. I have a coffin and everything." Jan snorted and nodded his head towards some of the band members still hanging around near the stage, typical goths in black velvet and dark eyeliner.
"It sounded good to them and it fit the place and the music."
He took a sip of his wine and smirked at her. "Careful, you might get bitten. Or are you one who likes to bite?"
Jan couldn't tell if she were just being sarcastic about the place or genuinely trying to find something out. Its not like vampires had secret handshakes so the social dance to recognize each other was always an interesting one. In the House of Pain though, the question was innocent enough so he couldn't safely come out and say. Yep, I am and a Tacharan at that! For now he'd play human goth with fang fetish.
"It sounded good to them and it fit the place and the music."
He took a sip of his wine and smirked at her. "Careful, you might get bitten. Or are you one who likes to bite?"
Jan couldn't tell if she were just being sarcastic about the place or genuinely trying to find something out. Its not like vampires had secret handshakes so the social dance to recognize each other was always an interesting one. In the House of Pain though, the question was innocent enough so he couldn't safely come out and say. Yep, I am and a Tacharan at that! For now he'd play human goth with fang fetish.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Jan's words were spoken casually enough to be unreadable and did little to answer Amberelle's question. Such a pity the delicate hem and haw people had to do to identify their own kind. Growing up surrounded by kindred she had always been familiar with those who made New Orleans home so it hadn't been an issue. And most of the time there were hints, clues in speech, demeanor and actions. Except in a place like this, you couldn't take anything for granted.
"Careful, you might get bitten. Or are you one who likes to bite?"
She shuddered faintly at the thought of being bitten again. Quite a few unpleasant memories. But, that was her past and not going to happen again! At least that's what she told herself firmly. She sipped her wine and seemed to be weighing the choices before she spoke.
Depends on the context.. biting can be fun.. or passionate, or tender.. nurturing or needing. Pain and pleasure are entwined, non?
Eyeing Jan she pondered for a moment how to test him again and then smiled.
'On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?'
What if I was.. what if I did this? She tilted her head away from him, shrugged her jacket down some and pulled her hair over her shoulder to expose a long stretch of her smooth, tan neck. She glanced up at him, her eyes gold and sparkling with what could be passion or some other deep emotion. Tell me Jan, are you offering me your teeth... your hunger? She licked her lips and looked at him.
((OOC Lyrics from 'You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth' by Meatloaf. ))
"Careful, you might get bitten. Or are you one who likes to bite?"
She shuddered faintly at the thought of being bitten again. Quite a few unpleasant memories. But, that was her past and not going to happen again! At least that's what she told herself firmly. She sipped her wine and seemed to be weighing the choices before she spoke.
Depends on the context.. biting can be fun.. or passionate, or tender.. nurturing or needing. Pain and pleasure are entwined, non?
Eyeing Jan she pondered for a moment how to test him again and then smiled.
'On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?'
What if I was.. what if I did this? She tilted her head away from him, shrugged her jacket down some and pulled her hair over her shoulder to expose a long stretch of her smooth, tan neck. She glanced up at him, her eyes gold and sparkling with what could be passion or some other deep emotion. Tell me Jan, are you offering me your teeth... your hunger? She licked her lips and looked at him.
((OOC Lyrics from 'You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth' by Meatloaf. ))