Diary of Lady May (formerly "Training")
((This continues the training thread in the residence forum, which I believe was accidently sent to the thread graveyard, although it may appear on an episode of x-files near you))
Aron leaned back in his chair, the last days had been very tiring. He had sold his rather large deposit of switz frank and poured the money into the english economy. One of his english attorneys had been badly wounded in the bombing and although he was human, Aron actually felt truely sorry for the man. He had even sent the man flowers, although that had been May's idea.
He took a sip of his red wine and stared into the flames.
The money were ment for his projects in Nachton, the whole thing would delay them for quite a while. He might even have to settle for buying something rather than making something from scratch. The ironic thing was that he would probably be one of the men making money of the whole damn thing. The loosers would be the ones who acted like cattle in a fire. He was one of the horses smart enough to jump through the flames instead. Still, it disgusted him to be making money in such a way. He should probably donate them to children in Africa, in a way it would be extremly fitting.
[color=darkred]"You worry too much love"[/color]
Aron was shocked by her voice, it had been days since she had talked last.
"The english can deal with this on their own, they have weathered worse than this. You have done what you could, now you should focus on the tasks here, in the city of shadows"[/color]
Aron reluctantly agreed. She was right, he would have to keep his plans going or they would run out in the sand. There was work to be done if he was to establish himself in this sad little town. But first he was in need of a drink. Preferably one with pretty eyes.

She opened her eyes, looked up at him and smiled. He returned the smile and kissed her lips gently. He covered her mouth, her cheek and finally her neck with kisses. The slender neck, so fragile and tender, ripe like a plum. He had been very modest last night, a little morning drink wouldn't hurt her. He bared his fangs and let them slide into her flesh.
He could barely hear her moan as he was surrounded by a red mist of his own pleasure.

Aron woke up, bathed in sweat. Such a cliché, but he was. Such a terrible nightmare and yet so close to the fact, the truth. He sought comfort in May's soothing voice. It was strange that the thing keeping him from insanity, was a voice inside his head....

I have decided to keep an account on Aron's life, after moving to America. I'm not sure if my darling was ready for the move, but it seems to do him good. His nightmares seem less frequent, and he seems more alive than I've seen him for quite a while. He has also begun a disturbing habbit of having rather pleasent dreams, but I suppose they're an improvement over being stuck with a mad Anantya and his horde of minions. I still suspect the events that happened in Berlin so many years ago will haunt him for the rest of his unnatural life.
He lay with a human named Meegan Masters recently, and it seems his interrest is more than the normal one night drink. I wonder if he'll end up turning her. I'm not entirely against the idea, but I am still not certain of her charecter. It is always difficult to judge how turning will effect a person. I suppose he could make her a familiar as well, if he really wanted to, but with his reluctancy to use that particular abillity of our kin, I find it unlikely that anything like that will happen. It will be interresting to see how he deals with the entire matter.