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Green Beetle (lock)

Ginnie sang along with the funk music playing on her stereo. If was an old classic and she knew most of the words. She was ready to be home. Her little green Volkswagen had just enough gas to get her there. She'd remember to fill it the next time she was out.

The gun show she'd just come from was great. She had seen so much concept hardware that she was still in heaven. She had tons of pictures, specs, and even non-working samples. She had big plans for all of it.

'One day I will make a gun that fires a bullet into it's target with out leaving anything but a tiny hole, and a dead body. No organ damage, no bloodloss. I know it can be done, I just have to find out how.'

She pulled into a spot in front of The Domicile, and turned off her car. After taking her luggage from the trunk. She gave the car a pat, and set the alarm

"Night, Green Beetle." She whispered, and made her way inside.