Bio for Nyra McGurn
Basic Information
Birth Name: [color=olive]Nyra McGurn[/color]
Place of Birth:[color=olive]Oregon[/color]
Age:(real and apparant)[color=olive]28 Birthday May 5, 1977[/color]
Current Occupation:[color=olive]Artist[/color]
Past Occupation: (If different from above)[color=olive]Art Student[/color]
Hair Color:[color=olive] Nyra has golden brown hair that has a tendency to be colored varrious odd shades upon occasion.[/color]
Length and Style: [color=olive]Her hair is short, about chin length. Will curl with humidity but is normally straight with a flipped up edge.[/color]
Eye Color: [color=olive]Hazel. Neither too brown nor too green but a blending of the two.[/color]
Skin Color: [color=olive]She is cursed with a fair skin tone from her Scottish and Irish ancestry.[/color]
Height: [color=olive]5'4"[/color]
Weight: [color=olive]150lbs[/color]
Nationality: [color=olive]American[/color]
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) [color=olive]Human[/color]
Body Type: [color=olive]She is plump but lush with Rubenesque curves. A curse of the Irish ancestry so her mother says.[/color]
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC):
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
[color=olive]Nyra is at heart an atrist. She can be flighty, absentminded and quirky. She lives to paint, create and sculpt. She is helpful to anyone she sees that may be in need, always putting helping others in front of her own safety. Amazingly enough she is also very lucky, believing karma keeps her safe, and is rarely injured or upset by putting herself last. She seems to live in her own world for the most part.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
[color=olive]Nyra is a typical artist like her mother and grandmother before her. She lives in hand-me-down boomstick skirts, peasant blouses, tunics and flowing dresses. She flits about looking not completely grounded in her ballet style flats. She is prone to carrying around canvas bags or a tye-dyed backpack with art supplies inside. Generally these things are heavy making her slump somewhat, posture was never a huge sin in her family. Bright colors and odd scarves accent her wardrobe.
3.What does your character like?
[color=olive]The sun. She paints mostly sunrises and sunsets. She loves flowers and sculpts their beauty often in clay or bronze. She prefers organic fruit n veggies and sprouted grains. She has compassion for every living thing. She loves music of most types, generally finding something redeaming about any.
4. Dislike?
[color=olive]Waste, pollution, prejudice and people with no compassion.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
[color=olive] Telekinesis and some sort of empathetic ability.
6. What are your fears?
[color=olive]The biggest fear is that of a loss of her senses. She would be devastated without the ability to see or feel her artwork. Hurting others would also be right up there, either by her direct actions or through inaction to help.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Nyra is kind and generous as well as overflowing with compassion. She believes the best of everyone. Is deeply connected with her mother and grandmother which gives her wisdom and strength when she is confused by people not being helpful or compassionate. I believe all of these are both strengths and weaknesses.
Hobbies & Skills
[color=olive]Painting, finger painting, sculpting, making her own clothing and jewelery, cooking and gardening.[/color]
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)
[color=olive]Small orange sun tattoo upon her left earlobe.[/color]
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
[color=olive]Nyra is vegan as well as being a pasifist. Dyes her hair wild colors frequently.
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
[color=olive]Nyra was born on the coast of Oregon to an artistic Irish woman and an inventive Scottish man. Her mother made all her clothes her younger years and taught her how to make mud pies, bronze sculpture and clay cups. They painted together almost daily as Nyra grew.
Her father was a very intelligent man who invented an electric engine that is self sustaining. He then sold the patent to a well known car manufacturer for a substantial fortune. Of course this made no impact upon their simple life of beach, art and love. He swiftly invented an aerodynamic style that complimented further engine designs and made another fotune making eco friendly cars. His family only changed their outdated volkswaggons for these prototypes and continued living as simply as possible.
Nyra went to Stetson College in Florida where she studied art history. Within a few short years she had a Doctorate of Art under her arm and went back home to paint.
Her latest style has been sunrises over the ocean. This attracted attention from a wealthy patron in Nachton. She has a gallery showing scheduled for a month from her arrival in town. Thankfully she finds a lovely loft studio with more windows than walls to rent for the time being. She found it quite odd that such a lovely bright space would be available. But quickly sets about making herself a temporary home until the show.
She hopes to sell quite a few paintings or sculptures and head back home to her family.
Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response?
[color=olive]They offer wheatgrass here? If not I would love an apple beet juice with flax and spirulina. Thank you.
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?
Oh no! You are much to cute to be all alone. Lets see if we can find your parent. Want to color? Pulls out chalks, pencils and a sketchpad from her pack. Swiftly entertaining the child with animal drawings and a character of them. Now then, we should find your parents. Hungry? Lets get some Brocolli and Bean Curd across the way! Then we can talk to the, um, police. Yeah to find your family!
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?
[color=olive]Hopes her table doesnt get knocked over and picks up her sketchpad[/color]
4.What animal does your character most identify with?
[color=olive]A herbivor of somekind, perhaps a horse or bovine. She is content to sit in a field of grass and flowers all day long enjoying the sunshine.[/color]
OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine) - Cali
Other Characters you play - First one!
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - Followed a link from NS

Nyra could be turned perhaps if someone wanted to. Drop me a pm!

Open, bright, large windows and skylight. Tables, easels and some comfy chairs to flop upon. My own art, my mothers and my grandmothers gracing the meager wall space. The smell of turpentine and sandalwood inscense in the air. Growing plants and flowers hanging in the corners.
What is important?Status,monetary gain or self satisfaction? Compassion. Which could pass under the self satisfaction for me. I live simply even with a sizeable bank account and inheritance. No need for social status either. I would rather have my paintings hanging in museums because they are worthy not because I donated a wing.
What is the perfect time of day? Weather?
Sunrise. Any type of weather so long as I can capture the brilliant rays of gold, purple and orange as they burst forth.
What era in history most intrigues you? What would you be doing if you were there? The 1960's. My family has many good stories to tell of living on the beach with two dozen other artists.
What kind of animal would you be? A taby housecat. I love to enjoy every sunbeam. Though I would prefer to eat plants over mice so perhaps a herbevore would be better.
Describe the perfect mate He would have to be patient with my artisticness. Kind, friendly, honest and compassionate would be a must!
What is more important? honor or success at all costs? Compassion! Im begining to sound like a Buddhist. Oh I love their temples... I'll be right back.
If you had to live forever what purpose would keep you going through the long ages? The ability to paint would help, though I will be happy just having my children as my immortality.
What is you most vivid memory from childhood, dream or daydream?The most vivid thing I remember from childhood would be finishing my first real artwork. My mother and I were outside on the deck painting like we did every day. I must have been about seven, because I needed a stool to reach the easel. I had worked and worked on this canvas, my first real one. My mother gently told me that if I was going to fingerpaint I should stop tugging on my braids. giggles So I told her I was done. She came up behind me and stared at the painting, that so closely resembled the deer we had seen earlier in the trees. She hugged me close and said it was beautiful. Then she asked why I put the sun in the bottom corner instead of the top. Because I had been doing so much practice on this canvas it held some 'leftovers' the small orange sun being one, on the lower right corner. I improvised and said it was my signature. She laughed and said that Sunshine was a great 'brush' name.
((Brush as opposed to Pen, name))
What is the perfect musical form?In key? Just dont listen to me sing along to Peter, Paul and Mary, I cant carry a tune.
If you were to go on an expedition what three items would you pack first?
My travel art pack is always ready to go, so I would grab that, some shoes and an apple.
Would you rather be physically beautiful or unique?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
What part of your body best represents you as a person?
My hands. They are sturdy, paint stained, and talented. My nails also get painted wild colors of my own making, of course I normally trim them at the easel with an exacto knife.
What is your most recurring dream?
I am standing in Le Louve with four generations of my family admiring all our artwork on the walls. I so dream of passing on the gift to my children, not now, but someday!
What is the perfect vehicle? color? options?
The Offshoot my father designed and invented most of. It is a solar and air powered car that is completely self sufficient and does not produce any exhaust. When starting and idling its engine is powered by the stored solar energy, but when driving the air intakes use the oncoming wind to further propel the torque. Its quite ingenious in its inspiration as well s being quite. It has a swooping aerodynamic shape that looks vaguely like a birds wing tilted on its side.
Mine is painted Sunflower Yellow but I added swirls in royal purple, lavender and moss green. It has a nice satelite stereo and soft cloth interior. The manufacturer doesnt even offer a leather version.
Describe the perfect meal would be Lemon Tofu with organic Brocolli and homemade potato pasta. I have the recipe written down somewhere if you would like it!
What is your favorite color?I dont know that I would be able to pick just one. Yellows tend to be the colors I like to have most of, but then I love all colors.
How far could you be pushed before becoming violent?
I am not violent. Perhaps if the only way to stop someone from hurting someone else I could step in, but even then I dont know that I could actually deliberately hurt someone.
Describe the creation of the universe in detail
The universe just is and always has been. We simply continue to grow and learn within it.
What is the purpose of war?
There is no purpose of war. Everyone should spread peace and tollerance for all.
Describe the perfect weapon
Weapon? Well I did get my Exacto blades confiscated once at highschool but thats just silly. I need them to paint!
In your last 24 hours of life, what would you like to accomplish?
I would want to be able to hug and kiss my family before watching the sunset.
What is your preferred way of attacking an enemy? Full frontal assault or by sneaking in through the back door? This is a very odd question. I dont think I have enemies and even if I do, I offer them my full compassion and best wishes.
What Gods could you be descended from?
Hephaestus, because he was a great craftsman.
Describe your appearance, Hair, eye color and any distinctive features
Golden brown hair, that is short and flips upward at the tips. It is longer in front than in back so I dont put it up and then tug on it. My eyes are hazel. Neither brown nor green but a blending of both. My nose has a small smattering of freckles across it.
Is it more satisfying to achieve success or to strive towards it?
Always strive to be your best. Its a journey not a destination.
What emotions are appropriate to display in public?
Any. Though I really lament when I see others showing hate or bigotry, its a shame not everyne can be compassionate for everyone.
Who do you idolize out of famous figures in history?
My grandmother and mother. They are wonderful and I am so lucky to have them in my life.
What is the worst crime a person can perform? Hurting another through either their actions deliberate or words.
What traits in other can you simply not tolerate?
Prejudice, waste, overindulgence.
What quality in yourself do you respect the most?
Empathy and compassion.
Who gains your greatest loyalty? Yourself, family,friend, mate, country or deity? My family.
Describe the perfect trap
Traps should be humane to catch the poor little mice so they can be released in the countryside.
What is sin?
Lack of compassion
If the phone rang in the middle of the night who would you hope it to be?
I can never find that thing in time to answer it. I hope its a wrong number.
What do animals think of you?
They like me because I feed them and dont eat them!
Describe any phobias you have
Just the fear of loosing my sight or hands so I could not paint or sculpt.
What languages do you speak? English is all I speak, though with slang today sometimes I doubt even that!
What single thing do you find to be the most irresistible motivation? When others are in need of my help.