Shopping (Lock Please)
Nyra had parked her car in a lot at the begining of her shopping adventure. The sun was just begining to sink and neon was becoming visible in the interm.
Her paint stained ballet shoes made little noise on the sidewalk as she slowly wandered about. There were a multitude of coffee shops, which were definately not her thing, bleh! Why anyone would want to drink tar was beyond Nyra's comprehension. Several goth clothing shops later, she found a thrift store.
Inside she found a dented set of pots and pans as well as a chipped and mismatched set of dinnerware. There was also a sewing machine and several outfits that Nyra liked. Thankfully the store delivered and she scheduled everything to be dropped off tomorrow morning.
Next on her list of things was a place to sleep. Since the thrift store had no sleeping bags perhaps she should look for a futon. Slinging her green and purple tye dyed backpack higher on her shoulder she ventured out, looking for furniture.
On the corner next to a Starbucks was a store called "Bud's Home Furnishings" that looked one step above the thrift store. Her patchwork dress flowing behind her, she stepped into the air conditioned store to browse.

She paused in the southwestern living room look alike and mourned the death of the poor animals used to create the massive leather sectional that looked like it could seat twenty easily. The contemporary room caught her eye with its glass and metal sculpted coffee table. The twists and angles were beautiful.
"But I dont need a couch so no table needed!" She lovingly stroked the sweeping curve of glass that gleemed in the bright flourescent lights and walked on.
One dining room had a beautiful high table inlaid with tile in a mosaic pattern spray of flowers. Even the four barstool high chairs had the design on the backrest. "Now this is beautiful even though the flowers are basic. I should try my hand at something like this." she said out loud to herself while her fingers itched to rearrange the tiny tiles into a more flowing pattern.
Finally after tromping through two dozen 'rooms' she found the back wall that had couches resting against it. Ten couches later she found the futons pushed together between the cheap couches and childrens bunkbeds.
Most of the offerings were wooden with thick down pads. Clucking her tongue in unhappiness she continued to look. Finally finding the perfect one for her. The black wrought iron frame was a simple boxy frame but with small swirls and ivy leaves soldered on. The matress would not due but she made note of a Hypoallergenic one on a very ugly plastic frame in the back.
Thankfully she spotted a clerk in the childrens department and asked for assistance. Oh! A Beanbag chair. Clappy gaily Nyra snatched up a dark blue bag with yellow moon and stars on it. As she turned to lead the clerk to her futon she spied another blue, light this time, with clouds and suns decorating its surface. Happy with her chairs she dragged them and the clerk to ring her up.
One lime green mattress, two loud beanbags and a metal frame and her furniture shopping was done. She hurried out with her backpack swinging from her fingertips and promised to be home in an hour to recieve the delivery.
Out on the Strip Nyra noticed it was full dark. The glare of neon and streetlights made it almost feel like day. Slowly she made her way back to her car in the lot. The walk was filled with people which made it interesting. Goth kids littered the streets, talking and laughing to themselves. Sexily dressed women travelled in packs to the latest hot spot. One club even had a line so far that Nyra had to cross the street to get past it.
"Must be an exclusive kind of place." she mussed as a limo pulled up.
A tall man with a bone spike nose ring and blue hair bumped into her as she slowly continued her walk back to the car. "Oh, excuse me." Nyra apologized. He continued to clomp down the street but shook his head mutter something. She assumed it was an apology and sped up, smiling at passersby.
She found her car in the lot with no trouble at all. Its odd shape and lurid purple swirls painted on the sunny yellow assured her that she could find it anytime day or night. With a click and a hum she slowly made her way home to meet the delivery truck.
((Shopping done! Out.))