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Bastet - Tàcharan

Basic Information

Birth Name: Bastet
Aliases: Bast
Place of Birth: Bubastis, Egypt
Age:(real and apparent) 341 years old, looks only 19 or 20 years old
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Assassin
Past Occupation: (If different from above) None


Hair Color: Black with slight dark brown in it
Length and Style: Lower back, usually left unsettled or braided back (Egyptian styled).
Eye Color: Unnaturally green
Skin Color: Darkly tanned as if she'd always been in the light.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 135'lbs
Nationality: Egyptian
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Tall and slightly muscular
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Gaia

Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality Coming from a family of Egyptians who had thrown away the new world beliefs and returned to the older ways, Bastet has become much like a defiant kitten with claws. She is spiteful to those of powerful places and follows the commands of only two people: Gaia her creator and whom ever holds the rank of Leader to the Tàcharan clan. To her these two people are 'worthy' of her services and she would follow them to death if told to.

Her nearly three hundred years of working as an Assassin made Bastet very easily hide any feeling she had, making her seem cold and emotionless. She has found little need in any type of companion outside of the feline race she herself is 'spiritually' connected to. Naturally cold hearted, Bastet feels no remorse for anything in her way, she has no need for weaker beings being around and feels that 'humans' are inferior parasites that wonder the planet without meaning. Bastet currently cares for no one, she only shows respect and only to Gaia and Ellis.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger:
The unnatural green of her eyes often makes her appear demonic but most human's brush it off as if she was wearing contacts. She usually wears her hair down but often has it in random styles (anywhere from putting it up into a messy bun or curling it into ringlets). Her face gives off a inapproachable look or a stoic, completely unemotional, look. When she walks she holds herself confidently with her head held high and her posture straight, since she feels vampires are higher then humans.

Bastet's clothing can range from anything being extremely exposing, to something more modest. She tends to favor reveling clothing even thought she often finds the world to be too cold for her tastes. Her clothing colours are either a shade of red or a shade of green, always accenting black. She doesn't seem to know what casual clothing is and is rarely seen wearing baggy 'grunge' clothing or pants. Bastet doesn't care about blending in as long as she can get her meal with little hassle.

Bastet's training clothing look much like some form of fantasy clothing, only missing most of it. She usually wear a blood red colour, signialling that she is training and not around for anything else, and wears something which she can maneuver in easily. The top is a cross length of fabric that, looks much like Egyptian cotton, is tied behind her neck. The skirt part of her clothing looks like shorts with two long flaps over the front and back, usually embroidered with different symbols representing her current mood. She usually wears sandals but in training she wears black boots.

Bestet's accessories are mostly gold bracelets, cuffs and necklaces embedded with green and orange jewels traditional to Ancient Egypt. She usually wears one's around her neck and arms, usually two cuffs around her top arms are visible, most of her other jewelry is hidden away. Sometimes she wears rings, but it is not often because she believes it will ruin her ability as an assassin.

Bastet paints her nails dark orange and usually wears green eyeshadow. She often lines her eyes to look much like the way Egyptians once did, but rarely does it when she has no reason to. Also she carries around a dagger expertly blended in with one of the cuffs on her arms.

3.What does your character like? Bastet doesn't like many things but she does have a great liking for felines, more so the larger felines. She likes her job as an assassin and enjoys killing people for no reason. She enjoys music and reading but only does so alone. Bastet prefers being alone and will only tolerate Gaia and Ellis around her.

4. Dislike? The list of things Bastet dislikes is great. Her greatest dislike is being ordered by those she feels are unworthy of her services to order her around. She despises people with more power who do nothing with it and those who believe they are above her. She hates foods that are bland (like rice) and utterly despises mushrooms, olives and liver.... Bastet seems to have a dislike of men who feel that woman should not defend themselves against the superior sex (those men usually end up lunch).

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. N/A

6. What are your fears? Bastet fears being enclosed by a large group, she finds that if she has little space she tends to get angry and violent. She fears thunder storms and rain, but only when she's outside in it.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Her biggest strength would be her independence and although it is her strength it is also her greatest weakness. To Bastet she believes being alone and independent makes her strong but she does not deny the fact her years alone have caused her to be 'lonely' even thought she will not emit to feeling emotion. She lives the world as if it is a uneventful bore, Bastet rarely does things spontaneous only doing what she is told before returning to her small area to ignore the world. This weakness has made Bastet very unaware of the world and makes her unable to plan for herself had she ever been separated from Gaia (which has happened).

Hobbies & Skills Bastet's hobbies are odd for someone of her persona, she enjoys reading and often dancing to music. Unfortunately if someone were to see Bastet doing either she would not be pleased and deny it ever happened. She's rather talented in art and self defense but prefers to use daggers while defending herself (all because she can hurt people with them).

Abilities Dreamwalking, Subterfuge, Bonding

Flaws Hears Voices, Bitchy

Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules) When she get's angry her pupils narrow in wards like a cats. She was changed on a statue of Bastet and believe's she was 'blessed' by the goddess. The change in her eyes doesn't change her vision at all or in anyway make her anyway different then normal.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention Has the bad habit of rolling and talking in her sleep, often in a different language. Bastet tends to bring 'home' stray kittens for no reason... having a soft spot for them.

Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character) Bastet was born in 1664 in Bubastis, Egypt. She was born to two people who still believed and followed the ancient gods, namely Bastet, Osirius, Horus and Ra. Her parents had named her Merititis after a late family member. She lived a relatively boring life until her run in with Gaia. She was around 18 when changed. Merititis died that day and when she woke up laying on a statue of Bastet, Bastet was created. She had done the first 'natural' feeling thing, slaying her parents for the blood that ran through their bodies. Uncontrolled Bastet had killed many in her first year as a Vampire, somehow alone in the world and lost she knew little about the way of life she now lived. It had taken her a few years to prefect her control, finding that she no longer liked sucking the life from her prey and prefer torturing them. Bastet had found her beloved calling and became a 'hired' assassin. She worked only at nights, searching for the odd white haired woman that had changed her life.

Bastet wondered around for years, searching for the woman who had changed her out of something she couldn't understand. She had felt the need to serve the woman for changing her from a weak daughter of a priest to something far stronger. It had taken years for Bast to realize what she was, to realize why she went after blood the more she tried to run away from it. She was a vampire and it was what she naturally needed to do, nature made her feed and after a while she became accustomed to it. Over the years she had begun to give up hope finding the odd woman and began to just wonder for no reason. She had gone to Cairo, to Rome, to Tibet, to China, to Japan and then somehow ended up in Nachton. It was there that she ran into Gaia the woman who made her. She had instantly followed Gaia around attempting to figure out if the elder Vampire remembered her in anyway, after all Bastet had never changed anyone so she didn't know if it was important.

After a week of stalking Gaia, Bastet had come forward to wards the elder and although the innocent looking woman was slightly disturbing to the addicted assassin, Bastet was pleased to find out that Gaia remembered the Egyptian. Fully or not didn't matter to Bastet and she aligned herself with what ever clan Gaia was apart of, finding the leader to also be worthy of her services. Thus she became a Tàcharan and has continued her life as an Assassin, one who doesn't leave behind evidence. Bastet's life had no significant events in it, she had slaughtered many during the World Wars personally feeling the need to kill annoying humans and had disappeared into her normal assassin life when away from the fighting of wars.

Odd Questions(To help define your character)

1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? If a stranger offered Bast a drink her usual response would be to glare at the stranger, probably size him or her up as a possible meal before either killing them or threatening their life.

2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? If the child was up to Bastet's requirements she would more then likely kill them, if not she would just leave the lost child for someone else to find... and the most she would do if feeling really generous would to escort the child to a police station.. then leave.

3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? Ignore it unless one of the fighters 'stupidly' interrupts her drinking, then she would interfere (what ever result happens, if she happens to injure or kill too bad).

4.What animal does your character most identify with? Out of all the feline groups, Bastet identifies best with White Tigers, she finds the animals beautiful and mysterious and is amazed that they live in the cold environments that she hates greatly.

OOC Info:

Player name (online is fine): Xylia
Other Characters you play: None
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc): Gaia told me... just had to join!