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A trip to the mall

Nyra parked her car in the parking garage at the mall and made her way inside, stopping only three times to admire the architecture and shadows the lights made as they flickered on in the burgeoning twilight.

Inside the mall that was teaming with Nachton residents, she wandered about window shopping. She passed large chain stores and jewelery booths. She briefly contemplated picking up some scented candles in a specialty store but kept walking, knowing she would forget about it and leave it lit unattended. She paused outside a clubwear shop to admire an interesting display of wire and glass chunks hung like a mobile. She wondered if the artist worked at the store or lived in Nachton.

She walked into the store to get a better look at the piece. Unfortunately it was blocked from view on the inside by a rack of long black pants with various straps, zippers and buckles apparently this was for someone 5'6" weighing 500 pounds due to the amount of fabric, Nyra speculated.

Pushing the heavy cloth aside she climbed underneith the rack and into the window to get a closer look at the art.

((OOC: Others welcome to play. Hope she doesnt get kicked out by the managment for playing in the display!))

Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl leaned to indicate her wariness, but Serena's attention was out the window.

She wiggled her hand in assent when the other woman's gaze returned inside the car.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron had felt things were going rather well. They were going to his mansion, they were going to have dinner, which would most deffinetly include wine and he had been fairly certain that afterdinner drinks weren't out of the question. Well, it would hardly be fun if it wasn't a challenge. He had always despised the Anantya's dominating way of getting their prey, though it was somewhat better than the bloodspatter usually in the wake of a Tacharan feeding.
Rena was worried, almost frightful, an emotion that made people do irrational things, and Rachyl seemed to get less relaxed the closer they came. Well, it would be easier to deal with when they weren't hiding in the back of his car.

"I believe something chinese will do rather well, just make sure that some of it is without animal products. And a suitable wine, perhaps something italian"

Aron took of the hands-free and wondered how he might make his guests feel more comfortable.

"So...what do you all do for a living?"
Serena 19 years ago
She noticed Rachyl's silent agreement and felt a little relieved. At least she wasn't the only one feeling a little weird about this whole thing. Looking back down at the paper she scribbled another note and glanced at Rachyl as she showed her.

"Me - blk belt x2 Should b OK" At least she hoped it would be. And she was not a big Chinese food fan. At least she wouldn't be too tempted to eat much.

"So...what do you all do for a living?" Aron's words made her look up at him in the rear view mirror. She'd better play along, especially just in case she was nuts and he was just that elusive nice guy people wrote about. 'Wouldn't that just suck? I meet the only decent guy in five states and think he's a vampire so I'm a bitch. Just my luck..' Slipping the notepad under her purse some, she smiled at him.

Well, I think it's a given that Nyra there's an artist, right? As for me, I work in the IT department at Dubine Industries. Very anti-creative. She chuckled.
Nyra 19 years ago
He was really quite nice. Helping her out, even so far as to buy her pendant so they could leave the store. Offering the use of his neighbor a doctor as well as providing dinner was so sweet.

Nyra listened to the topic of careers wondering why the other two women seemed tense. Hopefully her injury was not causing them distress.

Well, I think it's a given that Nyra there's an artist, right? As for me, I work in the IT department at Dubine Industries. Very anti-creative. Serena chuckled and Nyra smiled.

"I am sure you find some creative outlet as well as some senority! You just exude confidence." she assured the dark haired woman. "You are correct, I am an artist. I have a showing here in a month that I wanted to get ready for so I came down. Its only my second night in town and I am already causing trouble but making friends at least.

After a pause she remembered Mr. Swiftwood's comment about dinner.
Chinese is fine, I love Bean Curd with Garlic sauce. But I don't drink, though I am more than happy with water. Don't go to any trouble on my behalf." she gently patted his shoulder with her non-bloody hand in a friendly gesture.
Rachyl 19 years ago
"Chinese food, huh. Somehow I don't think I want to eat chinese food here..."

Rachyl responded to the question, "So...what do you all do for a living?" with a rather non-committal,
"Real estate broker..." which of course wasn't the full truth, but neither was it a lie.

Serena's note kept flashing before her eyes as they drove. The woman sincerely believed there'd be trouble, and while there definately was something out of the ordinary about Mr. Swiftwood, she was beginning to chalk it up to her own minor disinterest and slightly-more-than minor distrust in men.

"Maybe he could help turn it around," she thought. "Or bury that hatchet even more fully..."

She felt her ears wiggle as she pushed that train of thought from her head.

"No men. Not now, not soon."
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"Dubine industries? How interresting... "

That explained quite a lot. The Tacharan did try to keep their involvement a secret, but the major part of Arons fortune was made by knowing things others did not.

"They're quite the odd company you know, there are the most curious rumours about them. But ofcourse they're only rumours...and I hear their retirement plan is something out of the ordinary"

"It would have to be, now wouldn't it?" May said dryly.

"And an artist....I will have to see your paintings sometime, I haven't had time to get that much on my walls yet. Though I'm sure you will find my Salvador Dalis interresting"

Aron was puzzled by Rachyls emotions. They weren't exactly what he would've expected. Sadness? How odd... He thought about focusing more on her, from time to time he could even pick up stray thoughts, but it would mean not knowing what Serena was up to.

"And a real estate broker....Well I'm afraid I already have a house, but perhaps you might know a good architecht...I swear, the one who designed my house must've been a blind lego design artist"

As he said this, they drove up a small road through an enourmous and rather beautiful garden, to a large mansion, that did in fact look like it was made out of sand coloured lego.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl was almost overwhelmed by sadness as Mr. Swiftwood mentioned "a good architect." Almost under her breath, but loud enough to be heard, she quipped, "Strangely, a lot of architects use legos to train and learn..."

She looked up and saw the winding drive. "It probably would have been faster to go to the clinic, too." She bit back any further lip, knowing Mr. Swiftwood was going out of his way to help Nyra...
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"I'm sorry Miss Rachyl....I had no intention of hurting your feelings" Aron said, with an unusual sadness in his voice....
Nyra 19 years ago
Nyra wondered why legos would make anyone sad but swiftly lost the thought at the sight of the house. It did look like it was clicked together with large beige legos. Perhaps if it was painted in their primary colors with large lego sculptures it would look more 'finished' perhaps. Though nothing would make it look like the lego's belonged in this neighborhood.

"Must cost a fortune to heat this place. Why dont I see solar panels on the roof?" Nyra muttered out loud to herself. With a wince and a look around the car at the eyes upon her "I said that out loud didn't I? Sorry, I talk to myself quite a lot, generally you can ignore most of the mumbling. So far I have yet to learn tact while talking outloud to myself."

Again she patted Mr. Swiftwoods shoulder. "Its really a lovely house. I do like Dalis and would love to see your collection. Is he your favorite? My favorite is Van Gogh, I could look at his work all day."
Serena 19 years ago
Serena bit her tongue to stop the low whistle she almost let out when she saw the house. Yeah it was certainly not the most attractive one she'd seen but damn it wasn't bad either. Rich eccentric do-gooder was starting to sound like it may not be completely out of the realm of possibility. With this kind of money people usually had to have hobbies. 'And his butler is named Jeeves.. wonder if I can ask him stuff..' She snickered to herself.

When Nyra muttered something about solar panels she grinned. She was starting to like her. At least she seemed pretty committed to her lifestyle. Serena had to admit that while she was too fond of steaks and fossil fueled vehicles to try that type of existance, she liked hippies. They drove her grandfather insane.

While she didn't know what had brought out such a sad tone in Rachyl's voice she reached over and patted her hand lightly, trying to reassure her with a little smile.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl felt somewhat better when Serena touched her hand to comfort her, and she knew her friend's abrupt exit was very important.

"She's doing what she feels is right, and I respect that. I can't be selfish."

She breathed deep, and smiled with gratitude at the other woman.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron stopped the car right outside the front door.

"I've only lived here for a couple of weeks and have not yet had a chance to install solar panels"

He got out and opened the door for the three women

"Dalis is not my sole favorite, but he is deffinetly among my favorites. Such a big house, and yet not one single wall that could carry one of his masterpieces" he said with a sigh.

"Anyway, I believe you will find Dr. Peterson inside, along with my butler Jeeves. You may wish to keep the search engine and Wodehouse jokes to a minimum though..."
Nyra 19 years ago
Nyra pulled herself out of the car with a clumsy stumble. Hopefully she hadn't dripped too much on the upholstery. Poor cow. Finally upright outside of the car she turned back to look at her rescuers.

Mr. Swiftwood (what was his first name again, drats!) was tall and handsome. Serena was strikingly pretty with beautiful voilet eyes, perhaps she would let Nyra paint her, she had such a confident aura. Rachyl was cute with her green eyes and rosy cheeks, being shorter than herself was a rarity too.

"Thank you" she smiled at them all.

((Perhaps we should leave here to go into the Residence? Permission to move Nyra inside for all. Out!))
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl helped the other two women out of the car as Mr. Swiftwood commented, "Anyway, I believe you will find Dr. Peterson inside, along with my butler Jeeves. You may wish to keep the search engine and Wodehouse jokes to a minimum though..."

Suppressing a wry smile, she commented, "Well that's unfortunate, you've completely killed two out of my three opening jokes."
Serena 19 years ago
Thanks. Serena said to Rachyl as she helped her get back pack, purse and shopping bag all out along with herself. There was no way she was letting this jacket out of her sight, not after what it cost anyway.

She grinned at rachyl, empathizing the loss of material. It would have been a hoot to tease the guy but she had a feeling he too would be a Brit (aren't all butlers?) and they had such an odd sense of humor usually.

'Guess there's no getting around it..'

Can't wait to see the inside of a place like this, even if you haven't unpacked much yet I bet it's nice.

((OOC yep we should follow Aron into a residence thread, permission to move me on there guys and I'm out when y'all are ))
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
((To be continued in Of Dinners and Doctors))