Serena's Journals
Well, today I did it. Stayed late again and sure enough, Percy hasn't changed his password so I was able to log in and send another email to *him*. It took him a while to get the first one so who knows how long it will take him to get this one, but I'll be in place every Friday night to look and wait. Good thing is, I know him but he won't know me. Hell, how could I forget his face, his hair? Just have to be patient. Soon enough the bastard who killed my mom will get his just rewards!
Anyway.. tomorrow after work I'm going to go down to the mall and get that hot jacket. Man with that who needs clothes under it? I bet if I wore it to the HoP with just stockings, garters and a thong it would be so sexy! Maybe with my thight high boots? Oh yeah. The ride over would sure get me in the mood too LOL!!
Going to meet some of the crew after the mall, they have a lead on a couple suckers who will race for pinks. Momma needs some new boom toys, time to score some cash!
I think Thursday a bunch of us will be going to lunch. I hope they're not trying to fix me up again, I get so tired of that. Why do women think everyone has to be in a relationship when they are?
Oh yeah... note to self : make appointment for bikini wax!!!!!!!
((OOC - HoP = House of Pain )

Well yesterday was pretty eventful, to say the least. Went up to the mall to get my jacket finally. Thankfully it was still there. But what else I found in the store was just bizarre. A really nice lady had cut herself checking out the window display's mobile thingy.. her name's Nyra McGurn, she's an artist. A damn good one from the sketchs she showed us. A couple others came over and we helped her since she was bleeding pretty heavily. A cute redhead named Rachyl Walker. Nice bod, seems really nice.
The third person that helped was this guy, I got a weird vibe off him almost immediately even if he was pretty cute but dressed stuffy. Aron Swiftwood. And he's a vamp, confirmed. Played the super helpful guy, took us to his house and had a doctor neighbor meet us there to stitch Nyra's arm up. We had dinner, some of the best spaghetti I've had in years. I should count myself lucky that we all got out of there unscathed.
The biggest news of the night is.. I saw him. Winter. On the side of the road, I know it was him. How many people have white hair and skin? I know it could have been a trick of light and such but it was him, I just KNOW it.
Sometimes I wonder if I seek out their kind. Am I like my Mom? The thought scares me..
Got home late too, and didn't make the races. That seriously ticked me off.
(bulleted list on the facing page) :
Aron Swiftwood
Met on : 07-20-05
At : the mall
Description : kinda average height, maybe 6', green eyes, black hair, long - about to his shoulders, looks to be about 25-30, trim build, not too thin, British accent
Details :
Drives a hot looking, red convertable BMW with leather interior.
Has a massive looking estate house up in the ritzy neighborhood, butler named Jeeves (probably a familiar, nice looking middle aged guy).
Moved here recently? Only a couple of weeks he said.
Neighbor's name is Dr. Peterson, looks like Santa (try to find his address..)
House is beige, very blocky (legos)
Has paintings by S-something Dalis
Can speak telepathic-ly and read thoughts
Says he doesn't feed against your will (exploitable?)

Ugh. I had lunch with the girls from the 4th floor. Like I figured it was one of those oh meet this guy he's so nice/sweet/cute gang ups. Relationships turn people into braindead sheep sometimes I think.
Note to self : never get involved with someone for other than sex, you lose your mind. Oh, and spa appointment tomorrow!

Went by Zen's after work. Gotta love how you feel after a brazilian, makes me wish I had a date. Ah well. In about an hour I'm heading up to the meeting spot, we'll see if he got the message yet. I'm not sure I really want him to be there, my stomach is in knots. Have to remind myself why. It's worth the risk.

Winter was a no show. I waited til 20 after and got the hell out of there. Probably kind of chicken to cut out so quick, but I don't want to take any chances. Today was a lazy day, just watched some videos and downloaded some pr0n. I need a vacation, not that I have anywhere to go. Ah well.

Work has been kicking my ASS this week! First some upgrades didn't take and then everything seemed to break one after the other. Thank the inventors of back up tapes, they're gods. I think tomorrow I'm going to try and find some races to get in, starting to really get that itch. Maybe I can get lucky at an after party. Starting to become a dry spell, that sucks.