Avatar Question
Ok so I made an avatar for Nyra and I would like to use it but I dont have web space. Could someone be kind enough to host it for me if possible?
Thank you!

Aron Swiftwood
19 years ago
Alas I cannot see your avatar, since I need an account at renderosity, you could however get a simple photobucket account for free hosting. I use it for my own stuff....

19 years ago
Excelent! Thank you very much.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Another reminder, avatar lengths are changing from 250 to 200 on August 1st. And it looks awesome, Nyra! =D

19 years ago
Thanks! My first 'finished' 3d art!

19 years ago
Congratulations! She does look like she has a cheerful personality.

19 years ago
Would I get smacked if I said she looked very perky?

19 years ago
hahah Nope. No smacking gonna happen from me. I need a LOT more practice before anyone will see more than just head and shoulders of her tho. I couldnt get her pants to fit.

Aron Swiftwood
19 years ago
Getting pants to find is, I understand, a rather significant problem for a substantial amount of women, so I see no reason why it shouldn't be one for Nyra

19 years ago
hahahaha! I will succeed though! She is perky but demure darn it!

19 years ago
Soon as I have enough time I will adjust both avatars to be within specs as well as refining them both a tich. After prolonged exposure I want to change things. haha!
Soon as I have enough time I will adjust both avatars to be within specs as well as refining them both a tich. After prolonged exposure I want to change things. haha!