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Picnics and flowers (open)

The cab pulled up infront of the gardens, with a slight jerk. Meegan lifted her head off of Rachyl's shoulder and gave the cabbie his fare. They climbed from it's cool interior into the heat of the day. 'Well at least it will be cooler in the shade.' Meegan settled her purse on her shoulder and the bag in her hand. She took Rachyl's hand with her free one and set off to find some shade.

Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl actually felt excited at the creative prospects of the suggestions Meegan was proposing.

A thought occurred to her:
"Those sound great! We could even take one of the larger ones and make it a fishtank briefly, just one or two small fish. Aquatic plants are still plants! Ooooh, or... no, well, Independence Day is over, but we could put flags in one for Labor Day, too."
Meegan 19 years ago
"We should do that for the month of September, since nothing else happens. Put fish in the bowl one, and then Patriotic stuff in the other six. That will be fun. We can shop for the stuff later today."

Meegan lay her head back on her arms, angling her neck so that she can look at Rachyl, and a few rather naughty thoughts ran through her head, forcing her to clench several sets of muscles to keep from wriggling and moaning.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl nodded, glad to be spending the day with her friend. She reached to her container of fruit, and found a trio of cherries, attached by the stems. She picked up the bundle, raised them to her lips, and snaked her tongue out to catch one, dangling free. Into her mouth she pulled it, and made a show of popping it free of its stem.

Chewing the delectable sweet flesh, she picked the seed from her mouth and placed it in a napkin, then continued eating the second. When she reached the third, the stems broke apart, and she pulled cherry and stem all into her mouth.

After she split the fruit in half and picked out the seed, she chewed and swallowed, then moved the stem around in her mouth, a look of concentration on her face.
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan watched Rachyl with a look of curiosity. 'I will not laugh, even though she looks silly.'

"I've never learned how to do that, and no I do not want lessons, thanks."
Rachyl 19 years ago
Mumbling around the cherry stem, Rachyl asked, "Learned how to do what?"

Grunting in frustration, she stuck her forefinger into her mouth and fished around for a moment, then finally sighed, and pulled the stem out, mostly straight. "I have a seperation between two of my molars, and it got stuck."
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan stiffled her giggle, and involuntarily stretched her toes and legs.

"That's gross." Her words were punctuated by another stretch and a soft moan. "I think we'd better get up from here or I will fall asleep, and soon."

She grinned up at Rachyl.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl smirked. "You did have a rather trying day yesterday. But I hope today will help make up for it."

Standing, Rachyl reached her hands out, thumbs down, to assist Meegan upright. "Just need you to get up, so we can get started on the rest of our lives."
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan laughed and rolled onto her back. She slipped her hands into Rachyl's as she bent her knees. With surprising strength, she used Rachyl's hand's to steady herself and pulled up her body in one swift motions, ending in a little hop on her toes.


She took up the bottom half of her skirt and stepped into it, then quickly zipped the two halves together. Slipping her feet into her shoes she crouched, her bottom touching her ankles and fastened the buckles. When she'd finished she straightened up and took up the paper bag, and began to pick up the trash from their meal.
Rachyl 19 years ago
As they "packed out their trash" Rachyl couldn't help but wonder if Meegan had caught the unintended double entendre she'd spoken. They worked side by side cleaning the trash and folding the blanket, as they did day after day, together as friends, co-workers, lovers.

She couldn't help nudging Meegan playfully as they put their shoes back on and walked, arm-in-arm, through the Gardens, back to the entrance. Meegan dropped the refuse in a trashcan just outside, and rolled the bag up with the blanket while Rachyl hailed a taxi.

The two women climbed in.
"Arch Museum of Art, please," Rachyl asked as she entwined her fingers with Meegan's, and leaned on her shoulder.

(( Rachyl and Meegan out. Continued in "Arting Around All Day". ))
Nyra 19 years ago
Nyra wandered the gardens with her sketchpad out, looking all about intently. She already had half a dozen pages with rough outlines and jotted notes about colors and details.

She stood near a fountain and noted the water depth and how the light reflected off the surface. She found it odd that the effects were not turned on right now. Perhaps they were conserving water or electricity, she thought happily.

Spying a discarded newspaper and empty cigarette carton on the ground she swiftly picked up the trash with a disgusted look and muttered "litterers!". She knew she saw a trashcan somewhere, now to find it.

As she was tossing the trash away she noticed a red hed moving towards the exit. She was pretty sure that was Rachyl and hurried to catch up to speak to her. Unfortunately, all she could do was watch her and another woman climb into a cab.

Shrugging she wandered down the street in search of things to be inspired by.