Checking in
Cyrus disembarked from the Hummer and gave his driver a kiss. He knew he would see her again. If she did not call the cell number on his card or drop him an email he would simply hire the car again and request her services. She tasted entrancingly sweet.
The bellman tried to take his backpack but backed off when Cyrus snarled at him. He walked up to the desk and handed the cute blonde behind it his card. He had reserved a suite on the top floor until he could find a house. Till then, this would do nicely. It even boasted a bar and restaurant. The thought of food made him impatient with the flirting blonde but he stood impatiently for his key and her name and number before stalking into the restaurant.
Inside it was almost empty. He sat at a dark booth and ordered a very nice Japanese beer and rare steak stuffed with crab and wrapped in bacon. It came with some potato and brocolli but he barely touched those. The meat made him feel better but he was still thirsty. He signed the check, accepted the waitresses phone number and took his beer into the bar. Hopefully he would find a late night snack in here before bed at dawn.
He sat at the bar, his dark blue shirt had one button closed, midway up his smooth chest. His bootheals rest upon the pole at the base of the bar as he leaned against it scanning the crowd. The bartender earned himself tips by providing beer swiftly but Cyrus did not find him apetizing. After scanning the crowd for several minutes he wondered if he should just call the desk girl and ask her up to his room. Maybe, if he had no luck by the time he finished the beer he would.
He sat back and watched for his next bite.
((Open to all))

The ride to his suite was interminable. He stalked out to his door and swiped his keycard. The blasted light stayed red through three more swipes. Finally he ran the card through slowly while concentrating very hard on the locking mechanism. The light flicked green and he caught the latch in the upright position with his mind. Blasted doors.
He got an idea as he strode into the room. He dropped his bag on the chair and dialed the front desk.
"The Grand Piazza front desk, Laynie speaking, how may I assist you?" the blonde answered.
"Laynie, this is Cyrus Arslantai in room 579. I am had quite a lot of trouble with my door, could you come up with another key and check it out for me please?" he invited.
The silly girl giggled and then said very formally. "Of course sir, I will be right up to fix that for you."
Cyrus had his shirt an boots off by the time the girl came to his room to fiddle with his lock. Smirking he made sure it gave her a hard time. Finally she entered the room looking unsure, she had thought it was just a ruse to get her to his room but apparently his door did stick!
"I am so sorry the door lock appears to be malfunctioning Mr. Arslantai. I will make sure the maintenance crew works on it first thing in the morning." she promised him.
He slowly stalked to her petite form. "That wont be necessary. As long as you could get in and I can get out, leave it." He reached out and stroked the hair she had in a ponytail against her neck and his hand. He began kissing her softly, sensing her restraint even under her undeniable willingness to play. Slowly he backed her against the offending door and kissed her neck and shoulder. He gently scraped his fangs along her skin and she moaned an clutched at him.
She was delerious before he ever took a bite due to his roaming fingers all over her skin. She slumped against him as he finished licking up the blood. He realized he gave her quite a hickey as well as making her pass out. Once he settled her unconsious form on the couch, he pulled a bottle of orange juice from the minibar. She roused to him standing in front of her holding it out. She took it thankfully and eyed his unbuttoned pants with wary hunger.
"Come back tomorrow night Laynie, for more." he smiled at her and led her out the door as he coaked her to finish the juice. As she boarded the elevator he put the Do Not Disturb sign on his doorknob and locked it with all the deadbolts and latches provided.
He stripped out of the leather pants, shifted into a great grey spotted leopard and curled up under the bed for sleep.
((ooc: Fixed an italics error))

The drapes with blackout curtains had been pulled shut, obscuring all light from the room. He gave a great yawn that bared his long canines and flipped his tail over his nose as he drifted back to sleep.
The next time he awoke the sun was setting. He crawled out from underneith the bed trying not to claw the carpet too badly. That might be a bit hard to explain if someone saw it while he was there. He padded into the bathroom and reluctantly shifted back to his human form. Somehow he never learned to brush his teeth without a thumb. After a nice warm shower he pulled his backpack to him from where he had left it in the sitting room. When he got it to the bathroom he took out another pair of leather pants, an earthy brown this time and a silk shirt in a warm golden color. He changed his silver jewelery for black half circle barbells with spikes on the ends. The only piece without a spike was the black hoop around his lower lip, that one had a captive ball of tigerseye.
He stomped into his boots, hid his bag containing his belongings under the bed neatly and was out the door. The night was young and he was hungry. It was time to hunt.
((ooc: lock please will be continued wherever there is prey))[/i]