Overwhelming Hunger (Lock)
Cyrus was hungry, overwhelmingly hungry. Every step he took brought him closer to humans. The sound of blood pounded loudly in his ears and smelled sweet to his nose. He looked for easy prey, knowing one would not be enough this evening.
Two girls came out of a lingerie store giggling and clutching their bags. They were cute in a straightlaced kind of way, Cyrus thought. They smelled clean and fresh as well as just a bit nervous. As if they were scared of getting caught buying panties or something. They walked past him eyeing him just as hungrily as he was eyeing them, though for different reasons.
With a quirk of a smile he turned around and followed them. They kept looking back and giggling. The shorter brunette smiled invitingly at him and held out her hand. "Join us?" she asked bravely as her friend poked her in the ribs with an elbow while she flushed red.
"I would be honored ladies." he held out his arms and a girl took a hold on either side. The embarassed blonde covering her mouth with her free hand simply stared at the ground. But Cyrus could hear the pounding of her heart from excitement. The trio walked into the parking garage to the girl's SUV. The sporty Jeep Liberty was red with pink seat covers. Thankfully the back seat was a nice tan cloth so he directed them back there.
The shy one sat primly in the corner, looking straight ahead. He gave her friend a bone melting kiss and turned his attention to the blonde. Within ten minutes he had her moaning in ecstasy. She never felt his bite on her breast through her own pleasure.
Her inventive friend had her arms wrapped around Cyrus stroking his chest and groin under his shirt but on top of his pants. Licking his lips he turned to face her as her friend lost consiousness. She too passed out from his attentions. He straightened their clothes and locked them into the car after making sure the brunette had the keys in hand.
He was back down wandering the strip for some entertainment and a few more clothes, his backpack was almost empty already. Hopefully he could make it through the night without the hunger returning. Perhaps not though.

He knew he needed more clothes so he kept an eye out for a suitable store. Finally he found one, painted in graffiti of red and black. The interior was darker than the night outside. Lights hung dimly over display but racks of clothing sucked the meager light into their depths and consumed it.
He spotted a back corner and picked up a pair of leather pants. No where nears as nice or soft as his, but they would do for now. He smirked at the sight of tight pants with a multitude of straps wrapped around them at all angles. He picked up his size in those as well. He spied an almost hidden section of silk trousers and grabbed up a few of those as well. Four button down shirts and one thin tank top later he presented his credit card to the young man behind the counter who had watched him hungrily as he shopped. After making arrangements for the purchases to be dropped off at his hotel, Cyrus paid more attention to the flirt.
Never one to pass up a free meal he asked the boy about footwear. Once in the back corner, behind stacked boxes of boots and shoes the boy turned quite accomodating. Cryus had another snack and the boy slumped into the chair, unconcious.
Cyrus stepped out into the night prowling once more. Perhaps there was someplace he could find fun now that he was satiated. The boy had said something about a House of Pain, he wondered where one found such an amusing sounding place.

Before he could decide if he wanted to go in for coffee or go around them the pink girl said loudly "Dory, I dont want to go to the House of Pain. All you do is dance with guys while I sit in a corner." Cyrus watched her stomp her foot with a pout. The one called Dory soothed the girl in pink, assuring her it would be cool this time.
He casually followed them on their way to the club, coffee forgotten. It was still early out, only 10pm. Cryus was pleasantly full, for once appeasing the constant hunger momentarily. He watched the girls scurry to an almost hidden manhole cover. Its worn appearance made him think this was a much used path.
Figuring that if he followed too closely it would freak the girls out so he hung back while they put the cover back after climbing into the dark hole.
((Lock please, moving to the sewers))