Cyrus could not decide what he wanted to do. Either go up to the speakers or perch on the upper story balcony. Finally he decided on the later, simply because the pounding blood of so many humans was making it difficult for him to sit there.
As he walked up the stairs several women came up to him, asking him to dance or join them. He smiled politely and got names and number but continued up the stairs.
At the top he could smell vampires. Not overwhelming but they were in the crowded booths. He picked out a small table next to the railing and backed against a wall. He sat on the back of the chair with one food on the seat, one foot over the railing and his back against the wall. Not as good as sitting on the railing itself but he figured this might not get him kicked out by the management, until he jumped off.
He scanned the upstairs and downstairs crowd, his own private game of pick out the vamp. Perhaps he could mingle and make nice but right now he felt out of sorts. Three feedings in an evening and the hunger still pressed upon him. He felt like barring his fangs and snarling at the fodder before he attacked.
But he would not, he was here to make nice and renew his ties to Anantya and he knew they frowned upon that sort of thing. Sighing he waved over a cute waitress. She took his order and he took her number. He waited for something, anything.
((ooc: this is a night or two after Ambrelle and Jan's meeting))
The music was loud, just like Cyrus liked it. The doorman did not give him much grief about entrance. There was a distinct scent of vampires here. He was not used to being surrounded by others, it was quite disturbing. The odor of blood was also prevalent. Pounding in time with the music. It made him thirsty, again.
He walked to the bar and ordered Kirin, more than pleasantly surprised they had some in stock. He found a tall round table with several stools around it. He leaned back against it and watched the people on the dance floor.
Taking slow sipps of the beer, which was cold for some odd reason, he studied the crowd. Hopefully he could find a late snack, if need be, here.

19 years ago

19 years ago
The music pounded as Cyrus drank his beer. He idly swung his leg back and forth over the edge of the balcony railing while he watched the people down below.
The people upstairs with him bore watching as well. There was a couple of young men getting it on in a back booth, two girls hanging all over what appeared to be a vampire, a giggling gaggle for a bachlorette party and a multitude of scents messing up his senses. He felt an overwhelming need to mark his territory with long claw marks down the wall near his table, but he restrained himself.
Perhaps he should take himself off to a park and find a tree to camp out in. But he knew the danger of that, without a canopy to protect him he doubted it would be wise. The jungle aforded him the opportunity to sleep outside during the day while shifted. It had been a nice change from the cave. The thick canopy of upper branches and leaves protected him nicely.
He felt homesick and put down his beer. Blindly he watched the people writhe on the dance floor to the pounding beat. Perhaps this had not been a good idea after all.
The people upstairs with him bore watching as well. There was a couple of young men getting it on in a back booth, two girls hanging all over what appeared to be a vampire, a giggling gaggle for a bachlorette party and a multitude of scents messing up his senses. He felt an overwhelming need to mark his territory with long claw marks down the wall near his table, but he restrained himself.
Perhaps he should take himself off to a park and find a tree to camp out in. But he knew the danger of that, without a canopy to protect him he doubted it would be wise. The jungle aforded him the opportunity to sleep outside during the day while shifted. It had been a nice change from the cave. The thick canopy of upper branches and leaves protected him nicely.
He felt homesick and put down his beer. Blindly he watched the people writhe on the dance floor to the pounding beat. Perhaps this had not been a good idea after all.

19 years ago
Two giggling members of the bachlorette party interupted Cryus' mussings. They were scantily clad in black and reds, skirts and corsets as well as some odd fingerless glove things up their arms. The shorter girl was vaguely asian and very attractive while the taller was a very pretty italian and plump.
"We were wondering if you wanted to join our table." the tall girl asked as the other blushed with a giggle behind her hand. He looked them up and down, contemplating taking these two back to the hotel. Though from the scenes in the back booth obviously it wasnt unheard of to get very physical here.
"How about you two lovely ladies join me instead." he smiled at them carefully, not to show off his fangs. He motioned to the waitress who now looked sad to bring the girls drinks. As he climbed off the back of the chair he pulled the shorter to him and gave her a deep kiss. She wobbled a bit when he set her back down, her eyes heavy. The taller girl was staring at him intently, her gaze scorching with heat and arousal.
He inclinded his head toward the back booth that had recently seen so much action only to be vacated. They slid into the booth and watched as he jumped up onto the table and climbed between them, their eyes wide, excited. The trio exchanged names, he learned that the adorable asian was Suzy while the other was Ilene. Their drinks arrived and the girls stutterd through some small talk. Suzy kept stroking his bicep, she sounded like she was purring. Ilene was braver and was rubbing his leather clad thigh with both hands.
In no time she was under the table pleasuring him with her mouth while Suzy put her back to the table and kissed him breathlessly. He stroked her through her corset until she was continually whimpering in desire. She was so close that the sharp nip at her neck made her convulse in pleasure. He lapped at the small wound while she shook and passed out. She was sweet, he would have to get her number.
Meanwhile Ilene was sucking on him insistantly. He grabbed her hair and stroked into her mouth, hoping she would not get caught on his piercings. She shivered uncontrollably and gulped at him as he came. He quickly brought her out from under the table and fixed his clothing. Public displays were not really his forte but she was very talented. He kissed her hard until she was straining against him, mindless. He leaned down and bit her breast firmly, to which she let out a wordless scream of delight. He swiftly sucked at the wound and licked it closed, pulling her top up to cover the spot. When he went to put her back into her seat she clung to him, shivering.
She kissed him deeply, smashing her lips against his teeth, obviously lost in pleasure. Cyrus knew there was a bouncer at their table, to check on the reason of the scream. But all he got in explaination was a raised brow and half grin. "I think it may be time to go ladies. Its been my pleasure. What numbers can you be reached at?" Ilene swiftly rattled off her number and Suzy's, who still was sitting slumped over barely concious still ocasionally shivering. The hicky on her neck was visible but her clothes were still attached properly at least.
Cyrus slipped out with several hearty kisses and made promises to call them both. He made his way out of the club, satiated for now, it was nearing dawn and time for some sleep.
"We were wondering if you wanted to join our table." the tall girl asked as the other blushed with a giggle behind her hand. He looked them up and down, contemplating taking these two back to the hotel. Though from the scenes in the back booth obviously it wasnt unheard of to get very physical here.
"How about you two lovely ladies join me instead." he smiled at them carefully, not to show off his fangs. He motioned to the waitress who now looked sad to bring the girls drinks. As he climbed off the back of the chair he pulled the shorter to him and gave her a deep kiss. She wobbled a bit when he set her back down, her eyes heavy. The taller girl was staring at him intently, her gaze scorching with heat and arousal.
He inclinded his head toward the back booth that had recently seen so much action only to be vacated. They slid into the booth and watched as he jumped up onto the table and climbed between them, their eyes wide, excited. The trio exchanged names, he learned that the adorable asian was Suzy while the other was Ilene. Their drinks arrived and the girls stutterd through some small talk. Suzy kept stroking his bicep, she sounded like she was purring. Ilene was braver and was rubbing his leather clad thigh with both hands.
In no time she was under the table pleasuring him with her mouth while Suzy put her back to the table and kissed him breathlessly. He stroked her through her corset until she was continually whimpering in desire. She was so close that the sharp nip at her neck made her convulse in pleasure. He lapped at the small wound while she shook and passed out. She was sweet, he would have to get her number.
Meanwhile Ilene was sucking on him insistantly. He grabbed her hair and stroked into her mouth, hoping she would not get caught on his piercings. She shivered uncontrollably and gulped at him as he came. He quickly brought her out from under the table and fixed his clothing. Public displays were not really his forte but she was very talented. He kissed her hard until she was straining against him, mindless. He leaned down and bit her breast firmly, to which she let out a wordless scream of delight. He swiftly sucked at the wound and licked it closed, pulling her top up to cover the spot. When he went to put her back into her seat she clung to him, shivering.
She kissed him deeply, smashing her lips against his teeth, obviously lost in pleasure. Cyrus knew there was a bouncer at their table, to check on the reason of the scream. But all he got in explaination was a raised brow and half grin. "I think it may be time to go ladies. Its been my pleasure. What numbers can you be reached at?" Ilene swiftly rattled off her number and Suzy's, who still was sitting slumped over barely concious still ocasionally shivering. The hicky on her neck was visible but her clothes were still attached properly at least.
Cyrus slipped out with several hearty kisses and made promises to call them both. He made his way out of the club, satiated for now, it was nearing dawn and time for some sleep.