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Celeste De'Espionne

Basic Information
Birth Name: Celeste De'Espionne
Aliases: none
Place of Birth: New Orleans, LA
Age: 34 / 21
Gender: Female
Current Occupation: In service of the Order of the Night, New Orleans Anantya branch, as an assassin and spy
Past Occupation: socialite

Hair Color: Blue - black (natural : auburn)
Length and Style: super short, worn slicked back most of the time
Eye Color: midnight blue
Skin Color: extremely pale, faint blue tones
Height: 5'3
Weight: 108
Nationality: American
Race: vampire
Body Type: athletic
Description or name of your creator : Gustav De'Espionne

Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Celeste is very focused. To her it's all about honor and duty. Having given up everything else in her life, she lives for it. Celeste is darkly sarcastic and has little patience with most people. Sometimes she makes a penny scream as she stretches it. She is short tempered.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger : Cold, aloof and detached. She wears black and lots of it, usually in a punk-gothic style. Before her turning and service she was your classic goth maiden and those clothing tastes still influence her choices.

3.What does your character like?
Candlelight, poetry, full moons, red wine

4. Dislike?
Talkative people, liars, dishonorable individuals, sometimes just everything

6. What are your fears?
Failure. Dishonor.

7. What is your character's strengths? Driven, focused, determined, honorable, skilled,
And weaknesses?
Self denial, lacks compassion

Hobbies & Skills
Martial arts
Melee weapons
Handguns, missle weapons
Proficient with motorvehicle operation under extreme conditions (cars, motorcycles, air boats)
Extensive stealth and subterfuge training
Knowledge of basic security systems and survelance equipment bypasses

Hobbies are something Celest has little time for anymore. The few personal pursuits she indulges in are reading (usually dark poetry or erotica), and photography (prefering to take black and whites).

Etheral, Blending, Coat of Arms

Bitchy, Extremely Pale, Mortal Ties

Cosmetic Traits
pale skin, pierced eyebrow, nose stud, multiple ear piercings, navel ring, tribal black arms bands, flowing ribbon bow in blacks and blues at the small of her back, top of her ass

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Grits her teeth, smokes

Personal History
Celeste was born on November 19th in New Orleans, Louisiana. She has a twin sister named Chandra and a younger brother, Calibre, as well as several cousins. It's hard sometimes to differentiate them since they were all raised together. Her parents were killed in a plane crash with her aunt and uncle, leaving them and the cousins orhpans.
They were all taken in by the family's patrons, a wealthy vampire couple named Gustav and Elise De'Espionne who lived in the city as part of the social elite. The family line had always been tied to these two ancestors, as they kept their descendents interwoven in the businesses and gangs they ran, a type of vampire mob of mercenaries and thugs.
Growing up each of them was trained not only for high society, but also in martial arts, subterfuge and deceit. Gustav's goal was to turn them into useful lieutenants and members of his organization, proper pawns to further his goals and pad his pockets more. He was a harsh, cruel and stern figure, with little patience or compassion. The lack of those traits was more than made up for by his tenderhearted wife Elise, a noble born woman who tried her best to be a buffer between him and the children.
From an early age Celeste excelled at these darker arts, but she was also willful and was punished many times for her 'insolence'. Celeste's discipline was usually reduced at the pleadings of her sister, who is Gustav's personal favorite and was doted on with anything she asked for.
Many times her Grandmere counciled her on becoming more loyal and obedient, explaining the value of honoring ones elders and serving as you are needed. The concept wasn't lost on the young girl, who began to slowly take it to heart and strived harder to become the best.
Her only real competition was her cousin Amberelle, the youngest of them all. It irritated Celeste that Amberelle would always hold herself back, she did just enough to get by but didn't seem to embrace her talents.
Despite her commitment to training and serving her family's interests Celeste had a long term boyfriend, whom she met when she was only 15. She kept him closely guarded secret from everyone but Chandra and her grandmother, who aided her in her deceptions. By the time she was 21 there was talk between them of marriage and family, but Celeste realized she couldn't just abandon her commitment to her family.
She sought out Gustav to tell him. The boy was from a wealthy and powerful family who could be a great asset to them she reasoned, so she didn't see why he wouldn't give his blessing to her request to be released. She was very wrong.
He tried to force her to send off letters to him and to break off all contact, or else Gustav promised he would be killed. At first she refused, sure he wouldn't dare to harm her fiance because of his position. In a rage Gustav beat her down, hospitalizing her.
A day later when Elise came to see her and told Celeste that her beau had been assaulted and viciously beaten she felt a chill go through her. Elise was quick to console her, unaware of the fact that Gustav had arranged the accident, and assured her he would live but that he would most likely lose one of his eyes.
When she was visited in the middle of that night by Gustav she relented, and swore to break off all contact. She reaffirmed her vow to serve him and was offered her immortality. Celeste took it with hate in her heart, knowing that one day the best way to serve her clan and her family would be the death of Gustav, and she wanted to be there for that.

Odd Questions

1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? a cold stare

2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? Look annoyed if it comes close

3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? Maim or kill anyone who bumps into or spills something on her, otherwise sip her drink and snicker.

4.What animal does your character most identify with?
Ugh, certainly I don't 'identify' with any animals..

Known Languages : English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Cantonese, Japanese
Astrological sign : Scorpio
Weapons of choice : matched set of wakisashi, Desert Eagle, garrote
Favorite color : black
Favorite material : leather
Noteworthy Possessions :
BMW R1200RT motorcycle in dark graphite metallic

OOC Info:

Player name (online is fine) Temprah
Other Characters you play Amberelle, Redd, Serena, Temprah
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) TAC