Unexpected Vistor (w/permission)
Simon was in an unnatural state of rage. He had spent the good portion of his vampire life containing that rage, more out of necessity than his old human tendencies. He gripped the wheel as he thought about the events of the past several hours.
The beast missing. Marthinus having his heart attack. Ellis with Sorin doing or plotting god knows what.
His patience was wearing thin.
He sped his blue jaguar around the corner to the Manor, knowing Alfarinn and Thaddeus would be there and even if they weren't, he needed to find them and at the moment his rage wasn't allowing him to think straight.
Simon drove up the long winding road up to the Manor and slid along the gravel, taking the corners. His foot never left the gas pedal. As he passed the huge trees covering the front of the estate, he spied the front gates. Large, black and ornate.
He finally hit the brakes, stopping just inches from careening into the iron gates. He stepped out and felt the first drops of rain hitting him as he ran up to the security panel. Simon began to pound on it, signaling that there was a vistor at the gate. He did not stop pressing the announcement button until finally there was a screech.
He heard the cameras move to focus in on him. He could only imagine what they were thinking as they watched this known Tacharan vampire pounding on the front door of its highest opposer.
Simon didnt care, all bets were off and he would receive his revenge.
'Not at all. I want the ring so I can do the right thing, Alafrinn.'
The right thing was now to save what dignity and honor he had left. He let Ellis taint his soul and family for far too long. If either asked, he'd explain but for the moment he held this opinion close to him, using it to fuel his inner war.
Thaddeus could think little else for a moment, and it was not until Alfarinn began to speak that his shock wore off enough for Simon's statements to register. And the Evenhet was right; even -thinking- what Ellis had planned would be enough to incite a war.
And now they knew. They knew more than Thaddeus ever wanted to know, but he could no longer be innocent of the knowledge, much as he would have liked to forget what he had just heard.
[Simon is not in his right mind. It would be unethical to use this information against Tacharan, but they -must- be stopped and it is our responsibility...]
Thaddeus paused for a moment, frowning. Simon had not said 'Tacharan plans on harvesting ancients.' He had mentioned Ellis by name. Was it possible Simon was not supportive of Ellis's plans?
When Alfarinn asked Simon his intentions once again, Thaddeus felt something within him grow cold. There were a great many things he was willing to do for the sake of this mission, but assisting with the return of an instrument of torture and destruction to be used on ancient vampires was so far over the line that he could not begin to see it as a possibility.
[That is not an option. I am not saying we should walk away from this, Simon is clearly misguided and needs our help, not to mention that like it or not, we now know that Ancients are in danger, but I will not help him in that way.]
But Simon merely laughed at the suggestion. What exactly did -he- think the 'right thing' was? Thaddeus held the opinion that that monstrosity they called a harvesting machine should be destroyed, should have never come into existence in the first place, but somehow he doubted that was what the Tacharan had in mind. It seemed he did not want Ellis to succeed, but as Alfarinn had stated, the woman would either fulfill her plan or die trying.
[My God. He wants to stop her. Stop her in the only way he can. He...wanted us to know.]
He looked Simon in the eyes, this man who seemed so close to the edge, and surprised no one more than himself when he began to speak, candidly and with no hesitation.
I know something of taking dark measures to do what you believe is right, Simon. I am not certain you would care for what you become when your hand is forced this way. Yes, I think I understand your position well.
He leaned forward, his elbows again on his knees.
Let us help you. There must be a path that will not...he paused for a moment, looking for words....will not make you something you are not. I believed you when you told us you were a man of honor.
[I am not certain of what road we need to walk at this point...I only know that I cannot stand idly by and watch Simon destroy himself, just as I cannot ignore the fact that Ellis seems hell bent on destroying us all.]
[I'm still not understanding how she plans on getting ancients without being noticed. We aren't that many and most of us are in a clan. Clanless don't tend to survive long enough to be ancient.] He was struck by his companion's morals, which in this case echoed his own but Thaddeus had a great deal more to lose by not helping Simon. Alfarinn admired the strength of his companion who would put aside even this plan in order not to aid in something so against his ethical nature.
[I'm not so certain that his thoughts were so clearly defined as all that... at least not at this moment. Perhaps it was a matter of not being able to speak to any Tacharan about this and its been eating at him until now. Certainly a machine like that would be a cruelty that I could not see Simon allowing, much less engaging in. ]
Alfarinn spoke quietly after Thaddeus.
"I agree Simon. Lets get the ring to the Wolf and see what he tells you. If the information leads you to Hillman then lets us know. We'll need to come up with a plan from there. Certainly Ellis will want to track him down and get this thing he stole but we can't let Tacharan keep such a device in good conscience and We both would rather you not destroy yourself in this battle. Tacharan should not take to fall for this plan if at all possible. I think we need to find out what we can from the Wolf and use that information to decide where to go from there. Unless either of you have some ideas."
He looked questioningly at them both personally at a loss for where to go from here other than to follow their original plan.
Just then the yellow phone rang. Taking the cell phone back, he checked the caller ID. It was Carol. He lifted a finger to signal to the men to hold a moment and answered.
'Carol did you get in touch with him?'
Her fairy like voice filtered through. 'He called me back and says he has some information if you have what he wants.'
'Thank you Carol. Is there any additional word about Marthinus?'
Carol paused noticeable and with a quiet voice, 'Simon...I'm sorry but...he's dying. It's congestive heart failure. They're talking about doing a bypass on him but it looks...bad.' She whispered the last word.
Simon's face flinched at her words. Closing his eyes he regained his composure and hung up. He touched his mouth with his hand and covered it, staring at the ground. Simon knew what would happen now. Ellis would offer to turn him and move Jacob into place. He felt his stomach lurch at the thought. He was running out of time.
Simon looked up and cleared his throat. 'Sorry to force another cliche quote but time is of the essence, gentlemen. I will speak to you as soon as I hear from The Wolf.' He held up the yellow phone with an embarassed look, 'I'll have a replacement by then.'
He thought over Alfarinn's suggested course of action, and could think of no better plan. They would simply have to hope that Simon contacted them after obtaining The Wolf's information rather than doing anything foolish on his own. He lifted up his hand to rake his fingers through his hair, but stopped himself. It was somewhat frustrating that Simon continued to be so vague about his exact intentions, but in spite of his vocal ambiguity Thaddeus was of the opinion that the Tacharan could be trusted not to deceive them.
He turned his attention back to Simon when he cleared his throat.
I believe that is the best course of action. In fact, we may have a good solution for communications, though I imagine a new mobile would be of use.
He reached under the seat of the limo and pulled out his laptop bag.
We had the ring fitted with a tracking device in order to follow The Wolf's movements. He looked up at Simon. We can begin tracking as soon as the ring is in The Wolf's hands. Additionally, he pulled a small case out of one of the pockets in the bag we can listen to each other via wire taps, if you are willing. I know such things can be somewhat...invasive, but it would speed up communications and we would know immediately if you were in harm's way, and vice versa. I think it is in both of our best interests.
In any case, do not hesitate to contact my mobile at any time should a need arise.
'Aye, backup is always good.' The Wolf was an ancient, so Simon knew any battle with him would be one sided. He'd have to look into the Duibne research and development department for new toys. Any upperhand he could get, let him live a little longer.
Simon safely tucked the ring into his jacket. All this over a little ring. He shook his head, not understanding the ancients and their grudges. Ah well, he thought, to each his own misery.
"Be careful Simon... and good luck"
It was now their turn to wait while the Tacharan met with the Wolf and gave him the ring. He looked over at Thaddeus and sighed.
Simon sighed as he shook Alfarinn's hand. The steady grip gave him some comfort as he looked into the eyes of the enemy he called friend. There were very few that Simon trusted, so he found it ironic that the one he trusted the most was an Evenhet.
Quietly he said, 'Alfarinn...I dont have the words.' They disengaged and Simon put his hand over his heart and gave Thaddeus a short bow. 'Thaddeus.'
Simon then opened his car door and got in.
((OOC: Permission to move Alfarinn and Thaddeus. Simon out pending response))
"No words are needed, my friend."
Alfarinn put his arm around Thaddeus as they watched Simon's car pull away, glad for the company in the face of a loneliness that wasn't even his own.
[I guess there is nothing left to do but wait]
((OOC: permission granted to sense Simon))
[I suppose so. Wait, and hope.]
He rested his head on Alfarinn's shoulder for a moment, slipping an arm around his waist and wondering what the future would bring.
[I suppose this is all the more reason to build a safe place for our kind.]
He sighed and raked his fingers through his damp hair, then realized it would be much more effective to go inside and out of the rain.
Shall we? I don't imagine you are in the mood for a tour, but while we are here I might as well have a look in the library.