dying to know!
who's the male in simons sig?
he is a gd hottie! i melt every time when i see it but cant really recognize it!

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Shh, he's just some nameless model I fell in love with while googling. =x He's a hottie huh? I'd so do him and he's exactly how I pictured Simon.

Chryseis Angelique
19 years ago
he is so damn dreamy. i want to cuddle him very much!

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Yeah he is a cutie!! And right now I just want to hug poor Simon and pet that sessay hair until he feels better =)

Simon Huntington
19 years ago
Simon cried. That killed me to write. I so would have his babies. Verileah said she wanted a shirt that said, 'I < Simon!' WHICH I'M SO GOING TO MAKE!!! LOL

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
I just like *HIM* he's so tortured and tender.. you wanna be the one to wrap him up and make it all better. And the sexy face on him only makes him yummier.. and I will take one of those shirts too, kkthx!

Chryseis Angelique
19 years ago
omg i want one too!


19 years ago
You've got a man, Chryseis... granted he's related and has a habit of kidnapping...

19 years ago
OHHH!!! I want one!
I can wear it along with my elephant Bananna Hanger and cowboy boots!
I can wear it along with my elephant Bananna Hanger and cowboy boots!

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Are you going to burst into the chorus of it's raining men while wearing this?

Are you going to burst into the chorus of it's raining men while wearing this?

Chryseis Angelique
19 years ago
whats wrong with a harem alfarinn!

19 years ago
uhm.. hmm.. Well I suppose there is nothing wrong with a harem for you but I think if I answer that any other way Thaddeus might take offense.