Thugs and Computers. ((lock))
Ginnie sped from the pier, stopping only for the flashing blue lights in her rearview. The officer asked if she's been near piers 12 or 16 that night as a green bug, driven by a red-head, had been spotted. She said she hadn't and that she couldn't possibly be the only red-head with a green beetle. In her opinion only red-heads should be aloud to drive green beetles. Laughing he let her go.
She pulled into a gravel flinging stop infront of the Net Cafe. She hated this place it smelled like coffee and unwashed bodies. Ginnie double checked her weapons, and slid from her car. From the boot she removed a shotgun from it's case and entered the cafe. Inside was Corey, hig gang of friends and a few other customers. She's do her best to not hurt the PC's.
"Corey, you sorry son of a bitch. What gives?" Cocking the shot gun one handed had, him and his boys on their feet, doing their best not to piss themselves.
"I don't know what you be talkin' 'bout, lady." She aimed the gun, she was getting pissed now.
"Like hell. Give me his location and you get to have kids some day." She lowered her aim, a small smile curling her lips.
"Look, I don't know nuthin'."
"Who are you selling to, Corey? Who?"
"He didn't gimme no name. Just a wad of cash in the place he said it'd be."
'Shit. This guy is good and it's about to ruin my life.'
"I hope it was worth it Corey. I really do." She gestured with her gun. Her anger dancing in her eyes. "Outside, all of you."
She followed the five boys out, and directed them to the alley between the two buildings.
"Talk Corey, or you watch them die. I've had enough of the games."

Out the door that smelled strongly of coffee and electrical heat came five youths and a redheaded woman. Cyrus could smell vampire on her, either she was a familiar or one of them, though she did not smell like Anantya. Of course he had been away for so long, he could be mistaken in the last presumption.
He laid down on the roof, just his front paws and head looking down. Thankfull there was minimal light to make his eyes shine in this darkness. He licked his lips and hoped that maybe she would leave him a chew toy.

"I know you're up there, and I know what you are. You can leave now or come down here and face the fires of hell." She hopped her words would make it clear that she had no problem killing one of the kindred if he or she got in her way. Mostly she wanted him gone, but if that failed then to come out of the shadows and face her.
She turned back to the boys, resting the shot gun in her right arm pit, her hand on the trigger. She pulled a glock out of it's holster with her left hand. Now she just had to wait until the boy gave or chose to call her bluff, and for the vampire to leave or show himself. 'Yeah this has been the fuckin night of my god-damned life.'

He contemplated his options but was hungry enough for the blood pounding in the five boys to leap off of the roof and into the alley. He landed behind the boys on a dumpster's edge. His long tail low, his crouch bringing him close to the metal. There was at least several bodies between him and the other vampire. So if she shot at him it would first go through them.
He blinked his golden eyes at the red head and licked his lips at the boy who had the fastest pounding heart. Luckily when the snarl came he was intent only upon the boy. The thirst was overpowering.

"Talk, Corey. All I want is your contact number. Since you;ve contracted amnesia when it comes to names. Or if you want, I can let that monster loose on you. Which is it, Corey, hmm?"
The boy began to shake, she had him and it made her little smile turn into a grin. He sank to his knees, fear running through his body. He was a little afraid of her guns, but he was scared out of his mind by the cat. She wondered if he knew what lurked in the night in this town. The thought made her want to laugh, but she managed to control the urge.
He continued to stare at the cat until he bent double and vommited the coffee and drugs in his system. When he was finished he looked up at her, tears in his eyes.
"I'll give you the damn number. Just keep the cat off me, please" Not a yo or be to be heard, she figured the thug thing was just an act and it to made her want to laugh at this pathetic thing before her. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small flip phone. She crouched next to him and took it. The other boys just stood there too scared to stay and too scared to run.
She opened the phone and opened the contact menu. "Name?" He shuddered, swallowed then spoke.
"G-man Smith." She chuckled then, as she paged through the numbers.
"Oringinal." She found the number, nodded and slipped the phone into her pocket, he wouldn't need it anymore. She reached out with the glock and lifted his chin. The smile on her face seemed almost regretful.
"Here's the thing, Corey. I don't control that monster. So if you're lucky he may leave you alone and go after one of your boys. If your not, well I'll be at your funeral to pay my last...respects." Her voice was a sneer as she spoke the last words.
Ginnie stood and faced the shifted vampire, holstering her glock and uncocking the shot gun. "Do what you want with them, kindred. But if you ever get involved in my affairs again, I will kill you. Understood?"

"Do what you want with them, kindred. But if you ever get involved in my affairs again, I will kill you. Understood?" he acknowledged her threat with a short bow of his feline head and then looked upon the one she had called Corey.
He was unsure if she would mind if he killed him or not so he waited. When the shotgun was uncocked he leaped upon the scared boy Corey, knocking him to the ground where he hit his head with a thunk. That would be a concusion or worse.
He watched as the other boys scrambled about. One had the audacity to pull a knife out. With a snarl Cyrus lept upon him, digging his claws into the boys upper arms and thighs. He heard the clank of metal hitting the ground and knew the little thug had dropped his knife. Pathetic.
He ripped at the pounding pulse in the boys throat. His large fangs crushing bone and splitting muscle easily. Cyrus drank his fill as life drained out of the body beneith him.
Contemplating the boys rushing about of the alley, he decided that this one and perhaps the unconsious one would be enough to sate himself for the evening. The bloodlust was so encompassing that he feared he had ignored the redheaded woman. He hoped she had left, he was enjoying his chewtoy.

((ooc Ginnie Out.))

With a swipe of claws on poor Corey's back he shifted and drank his fill from the unconsious boy. It left the thug mostly alive, though if he did not get the vicious claw marks treated he would not survive long.
He made sure there was no one watching the alley as he shifted back into leopard form, lept to the rooftop and stalked away. Was a good meal and the redhead was cute and fiesty. He hoped to see her again.
((Cyrus Out! Thanks for the meal.))