Meegan's Journal (private, blah, blah, blah)
((This is written in a flowing, loopy script, mostly in crimson ink. Meegan will not be including dates as she is not a consistant writer.))
I find myself with this little book Rachyl gave me and I am not sure what to write. Perhaps I will just write what has happened since I got it. I got this on a Friday night. Tha Saturday morning V got a call about her mom and has moved back home. I miss her alot and I wish we could all be together. I won my tournament, and I am now a third degree black belt. Go me. Then Sunday night I was taking out some garbage and ran into my dishy neighbor downstairs. Well it seems his band wants to do a farewell tour and so he's going to be gone for at least twelve months. He said something about maybe recording another album and then taking a vaction to some place tropical. Bully for him. I'll miss him, he was a nice distraction.
The following weekend was the anniversary of my parent's death. I went to visit their grave and my aunt had me over for tea, to which she invited what seemed half of Richmond. Where I was asked more than once where my accent had gone to. Nice. Like I don't have better things to do then make sure my accent is perfect. Not to mention I hated that damned genteel southern crap. But that is neither here nor there. Then Sunday I went to brunch, then a museum, and shopping with Rachyl. It was a bit of emotional day and we decided to spend a night of pampering at the Piazza. Well she revealed some things about herself that not even my investigators knew and they were a hard pill to swallow. I'm very proud of Rachyl. She's a strong woman.
Tuesday I spent the evening and most of the night with a Mr Aron Swiftwood. He's the gentleman that payed for our drinks that friday night. It just took me a week and a half to get a thank you invitation out to him, because I'm a slacker during design time. Well I made a to die for coq au vin, and it seemed Mr. Been-Around-the-World Swiftwood enjoyed it to. I will not put in here the entirety of the evening as somethings are meant to remain in a woman's mind and heart. I do hope to see Mr. Swiftwood again.
I am very close to meeting my deadline. I plan to stay late Thursday night to get more done. I only need six or seven more. Only...

I wonder what has possessed me to pick this up and write in it. Perhaps there is much unsaid in my life and I am looking for someone to talk to. Rachyl and I are going to have a baby, well we are trying. Rachyl is the one that is going to carry our child, and I think I have been questioning myself far too much.
I wonder often at my motives for agreeing to let her carry this child that will belong to us both. Am I so vain that I feel the appearance of my body is so much more important than Rachyl's? Or is it that I do not wish to put myself through the torture of child bearing and birth? Am I so selfish that I feel like it is beneath me to bring life into this world?
I think sadly that the answer to all three questions is yes. I think my carrying a child would in fact ruin my body and my image, sadly is overly important. I have zero desire to watch and feel my body stretch and contort to accommodate a baby, nor do I wish all the other things that happen with pregnancy to happen to me. Vain and selfish, ah yes, my two defining qualities.
I worry then about my ability to be a devoted partner to my Rachyl. How will I feel once her belly starts to grow? Will I find her attractive? Will I find myself turning from her? I can only hope I am stronger than that.
I wonder too about how I will feel when this baby is here and I must sit by and watch Rachyl feed and care for her or him. Perhaps I think to little of myself. My work calls and I have run out of things to be circular about. Perhaps I will find solace in the pages again, perhaps not. I am not entirely sure this helped in the least.

We were given a form to fill out on our ideal donor, and were given a print out of men that met our criteria. So then we ranked them in preference and were asked to wait a few moments to confirm availability, meaning our first pick hadn't been picked by another woman.
Our first choice was available and we came home with our arms full of information pamphlets and a new sense of hope. I am beyond excited.
Oh and in case you are wondering, dear little page, he is six foot three, of medium build, athletic, blue eyes, dark blonde hair, and scored a 127 on the bank's IQ test. I had no idea they tested the men's IQs. (and if that's not enough, he very eerily matches Jeff's statistics. *shudder*)

Rachyl and I celebrated my birthday in typical Meegan fashion. I wanted nothing but Chinese take out and some death by chocolate cake. We ordered in all three meals and spent the day playing board games, napping, reading to each other and then after dinner I was the recipient of some amazing birthday sex. I wonder what it is about occasions that make the sex so much better? Perhaps it is because the other person is trying so damned hard or perhaps we know that that moment is the only one of it’s kind and one will never have their 27th birthday or celebrate Christmas 2005 ever again.
Not to mention she gave me her driver's license. I just couldn't figure out why she would, until I took the time to let it sink into my brain. I am so very proud of her she is such a brave woman.
What I do know is that I have never had a better birthday. Of course later that week we did throw a to-do at the house with the staff of Gothic-ah and other A-list people. I wonder if I have ever mentioned how much I hate the term A-list. It has always turned my stomach and made my mind harken back to the Dark Ages and feudal lords. It is an antiquated system and yet I seem forced to live my life by it. I wonder who and what I would be if I had been born to different parents in a different place.
I was put on this earth for a purpose and I can say that I have no idea what that purpose is. I go to mass every Sunday hoping to find some enlightenment, and have not yet found any. I have found that I must find a new church because as soon as Rachyl gets pregnant I’ll be excommunicated. Not that it matters all that much, I never got much out of it and in all honesty I didn’t like the priest.
Rachyl’s birthday was also a wonderful day for me. I was given the opportunity to pamper her. She didn’t want sex on her birthday, just a lot of hugging, cuddling and kissing. I dare say we spent four or five hours just cuddling on the hammock. We also gave a party later in the week for the same folks, but it was a nice party and the food was amazing.
And now that that is out of the way I must move on to the thing that has me up so very very late. It is nearly three in the morning and I find myself unable to sleep again. Rachyl is not pregnant yet, despite our efforts. We have tried insemination twice and IVF once so far and none of them took. We aren’t sure why. She is fertile and her womb is ripe and ready. I feel seeds of doubt being sown in my head and I worry about them. What if we aren’t meant to have children? What if messing with the laws of nature is throwing our efforts back in our faces.
Rachyl is optimistic and she says that if all our attempts fail we can look in to adoption. Granted I have nothing against adoption, I just have my heart set on a baby of our own.I know my desires are selfish and perhaps wrong and maybe it is my pressuring that is causing Rachyl not to conceive.
We have an appointment with the infertility doctor again in a few days. She is staying in the optimism camp and waving her little blue and pink banner. We shall see how things go this time around.

I held a company wide meeting including, via video conferencing, my casual line and my second production plant, as well as a media wide press conference, today. The way Rachyl and I figure it, it was just a matter of time before the entire world found out and I wanted the truth out, before the tabloids had their field day. Lucky for me, they are too damned interested in Brittany Spears not installing her baby seat correctly to bother with us fashion designers out here on the east coast.
So now the whole world knows I have a lesbian life-partner and we are expecting a baby. Wow, a baby. I can't get over the notion that I'm going to be a mommy. Rachyl and I haven't decided what we are going to call ourselves to the baby, but we'll get it figured out, we have 9 1/2 months.
The doctor says we shouldn't get our hopes set too high until after the crucial 12th week is past. IVFs often fail with in that first 12 weeks and I hated him for saying that. Rachyl will be just fine, but I'm going to make her take it easy. I'll just have one of the interns take over a lot of her responsiblities at work and she can putter around the house until the doctor gives her the all clear.
I wonder if she will take up some kind of hobby, like knitting...or something. I hope she doesn't take offense to my need to protect her. I just think we couldn't handle loosing the baby, it would kill us both.
But on a lighter note, we've decided to start buying baby clothes. We've put it off up until now, but we figure it's a good idea to start.
Nyra is going to start the murals in the baby's room next week and the theme is going to be a surprise. I'm excited to see what she does for our little one.
Oh! I ran into Drev. Boy that was weird. I'm looking forward to meeting his girlfriend, Wren. He's in love with her. He didn't say as much, but I could tell by the way he said her name. They are coming over to bar-be-cue with us on Friday. I hope they don't mind an absence of alcohol. We've decided to keep it and caffeine out of the house.
Hmm, well that seems like all for now.
I'm going to be a mommy!!!!

We made it past the twelve week mark with out incident. The babies are fine and growing at an even steady rate. Their heartbeats are strong and it sounds like horses racing when the doctor puts the doppler to Rachyl's belly, because their heartbeats are different. Baby A, is the bigger of the two and is already active, we watched her move around on the sonogram. Baby B is not as active, but she got the hiccups while we were watching, and that was rather comical.
Rachyl has some more blood work coming up next week and we have another sonogram scheduled for the week after that. It's going to be one of those 3-D ones and we'll get to find out the sexes of the babies. I'm really hoping for two girls, but I will love and cherish any combination God has given us.
Speaking of God, I found a lovely little baptist church right down the road from us. They don't know Rachyl and I are more than good friends, yet, and we are keeping that quiet until we know how they treat gay women and women pregnant out of wedlock. I've really enjoyed the music, and the congregation participation, but the pastor talks an awful long time. Next Sunday we are attending their Fall Festival ad helping to run the duck pond. I have absolutely no idea what a duck pond is...