So how is this pronounced?

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
I've been pronouncing it as Doo-bine although I dont think it's right. It is a gaelic name though. I did a ton of research just for Ellis' name and background. Same with Simon. There actually was a Simon Huntington that died on the boat over to the new world. Had a huge family, very religous too.

19 years ago
Shortly before I posted this, I'd asked a friend of mine who knows a good deal of Gaelic (conversational-level, from what I understand) to pronounce it for me...
She grilled me about whether or not it had accented letters; I told her no, per Ellis..
Apparently "Duibne" should be pronounced "DOO-ip-nay."
Never realized how different accents could make such a big difference in pronouncing other languages...
She grilled me about whether or not it had accented letters; I told her no, per Ellis..
Apparently "Duibne" should be pronounced "DOO-ip-nay."
Never realized how different accents could make such a big difference in pronouncing other languages...

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Wow that's different, I like it though.