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Before Dusk((lock))

Jeeves carried her bag into the house for her. She bit her lip, to keep from saying anything. It was just one bag, she could have carried it. As soon as Jeeves shut the door to her and Aron's room, she began to undress. 'Whoa, when did it become my room?' She looked around her, a pair of her shoes sat next to the new dresser, and her jewelry was layed out on top of it. Yes, it very much had become her room, shared with Aron. 'Well there's a first time for everything.'

She tugged off her boots, skirt, shirt and underclothes. From a drawer she pulled out a pair of lycra/spandex bike shorts, and a matching sports bra. She pulled them on, and fished out her new socks and shoes. Meegan sat down on the edge of the bed to pull on the footwear.

Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan chuckled softly. It seemed that they could get past this, with some modicum of decorum. She needed that. In the middle of all of this, she needed some decorum.

"I hate doing them, but the fashion world gets pissy if you don't have one. So I compromise and refuse to open or close my show with the infernal thing. One great thing about my line is that my wedding fashions can be any color I want them to be. Though if I design one more black gown, I might just shoot myself."
Rachyl 19 years ago
"Because black is the accepted color of Goth, dear, and I don't think you really have much of a choice in that."

Rachyl dropped her hands to Meegan's shoulders and squeezed gently. "Though you could consider charcoal, pale grey, pink, red, or purple polkadots."
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan lifted an eyebrow. "Purple polka-dots...hmm. You know what, that might just work. I plan to work tomorrow so we'll see what happens to the image forming in my head."

She would never have thought of polka-dots on her own. She liked polka-dots, and didn't get to use them nearly enough. This could be a most spectacular gown. Her lips curled in a small grin as the gown took shape in her head.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron entered the mansion, and Jeeves quickly appeared to help him with his coat. The drinking had been less than satisfactory, for some reason he hadn't been in the mood. No matter, he had gotten enough to keep himself from biting the first warmblooded being he saw. He felt the women, still in the room where he had left them. Curious combination of emotions though. Something told him that Rachyl didn't exactly like him. Something he could hardly blame her for, he could still remember the 3 girls, in a fog of lust and love at the nightclub. Well, perhaps he could smooth their relationship a bit....
For some reason, May found that unusually funny.
Rachyl 19 years ago
I plan to work tomorrow so we'll see what happens to the image forming in my head."

"As long as I get to try it on first, you can even use me as a model, especially since I can't imagine needing to ever wear one."
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan's head wrapped itself around using Rachyl as a model and she was compelled to pick up her camera.

"Oh, I don't know. There is someone out there for every one. Who says you have to marry a man?"

She grinned at her friend and then looked suddenly toward the door. As though she heard something outside of it, but the reality of the matter was that she had felt something stir inside of her, a longing in the pit of her stomach. 'What the hell does that mean?

She shrugged it off and turned back to Rachyl, capturing her unsuspecting face on film, well not really it was a digital camera.

"So tell me about what's going on at the office."
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
He stood outside the door and focused on the women within. They didn't seem too intimate right now, and he wanted to let Meegan know he was there, perhaps even erase the awkward image Rachyl had of him.

"And perhaps you'll find Excalibur hidden under your pillow"

"There isn't any harm in trying you know..."

His hand knocked on the door.
Rachyl 19 years ago
"Who says you have to marry a man?" was what flowed, unknowingly, from Meegan's mouth.

Truth be told, it had been a thought that occurred to Rachyl a few times over the past couple weeks. But she had a continuing nagging feeling that Meegan had wanted something... else.

So when Meegan turned back from facing the door and suddenly snapped a picture... The look on Rachyl's face was probably a mix of longing, disappointment, affection, and loneliness.

"The office has been quiet without you, and a lot of people have been asking about how you're doing and when they'd see you..." Her speech stopped as the knock echoed through the room.
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan's head turned toward the door once more. The gentle longing in her belly became a soft ache of need. Not entirely sure she could trust herself if she went to the door, she called.

"Please, come in."
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron opened the door and stepped in. He smiled as he saw Meegan, and walked over to her. He gently kissed her cheek.

"Just wanted to let you know that I was back if you needed me, but if you'd like more time alone with Rachyl it's fine"

He looked at Rachyl and smiled.

"That dress looks good on you you know"
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl could almost feel Meegan light up when Aron entered the room, then noticed the sudden serenity on her face when he kissed her.

"That dress looks good on you you know," Aron commented.

Her brain clamped down quickly on her mouth so she wouldn't say something incredibly... stupid.
"Thank you, Mr. Swiftwood, that's very kind of you to say. It's nothing fancy, but I've come to enjoy the femininity of a plain old dress."

She smiled sweetly, and sincerely, and really wasn't putting on airs, but in her head, she thought quietly, "And there's pretty much no chance you'll ever see me without some sort of clothes on, not to mention the fact you have no chance of ever getting your fangs into my flesh. I have no problem with what you are, but just don't think I'll be a free meal because you're the choice of the woman I love."

"I hope your meal was enjoyable. Ours certainly was; I've never had chinese food before and it was quite a treat." Again, she was being completely sincere. While she was willing to give him a chance as a man, the tingle he evoked against her senses would be a constant reminder he was... not any longer.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron let his voice echo inside Rachyls head.

[Rather unfair of you, don't you think? So far I haven't done anything to you against your will...and I think Meegan might get jealous if I took up watching you without your clothes on]

"Well, I should have stayed here then. My meal wasn't overly enjoyable, especially when there were such delicacies here"
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl blinked slowly as she felt Aron's voice in her head, but it didn't arrive there through her ears.

"Rather unfair of you, don't you think?" was the only part of the thought she wished to respond to.

"No, I don't think it's unfair at all. You're a man. And one nice man will find it difficult to change a lifetime of bad experiences with men. Please don't misunderstand me; I'm glad Meegan found someone worthy of her. But... time will tell."

She swallowed and stared into space between Meegan and Aron - not that there really was any, as close as they were embraced - and quieted her random thoughts.

Then when he said aloud, she couldn't help but chuckle, almost nervously.
"I imagine that, what with Jeeves' wonderful cooking, take-out is not something you get to experience much."
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan's eyes darted back and forth between the two. There was a tension there she did not think would ever go away. She wondered if maybe this had been a bad idea. But then again she could not live her life keeping her...ah...whatever and her best friend apart. So she decided that ignoring it would be the best course of action for now.

"I was just about to find Jeeves and ask for coffee, tea, and dessert. How does that sound to both of you?"

She set the camera on the drafting table, and pressed her damp palm against her thigh.
Rachyl 19 years ago
"Sounds good to me. I'm not picky." Rachyl looked questioningly at the table of food. "I'm still hungry though."
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
He smiled to Meegan and let his eyes meet hers.
"Dessert sounds wonderful love"
Meegan 19 years ago
'OK then. I guess I get to be the talky one. Wait is that even a word?' She pressed her body into Aron's in a brief hug. "Now, I need to find Jeeves. Is there an intercom sys..." The door opened to admit, the man in question. Meegan leaned into Aron and whispered. "How does he do that?"

The scene with the Spanish butler in Mr. Deed's ran through her head, 'I think you are underestimating the sneakiness, sir,' and she was forced to stifle a giggle by clearing her throat delicately.

"Just the man I was looking for." She smiled at him. "We'd like coffee, hot tea and dessert, please."

"My pleasure, Ms. Meegan." And he was gone just as silently and quickly as he had come.

"OK you have to tell me how he does that, because that's just creepy."
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron chuckled. He had gotten so used to Jeeves just being there when he needed him that he no longer thought about it. In truth it was probably a side-effect of Aron's blood, but he was fairly certain Rachyl wasn't quite ready for all the gory details.

"He is British love, it's our national secret"
Rachyl 19 years ago
"He is British love, it's our national secret."

Rachyl almost couldn't supress her giggle at Aron's comment, and in her voluntary clamping down of mirth, her brain spouted,
"You'd almost think he could read minds, or maybe there's Aron-cameras around the mansion with bleeping lights that tell him a few seconds in advance when you'd need him so he can get to you in an expeditious manner."

She realized she could hear her own thought echoing in her ears and slowly raised her hand to her forehead, silently bonking the heel of her palm against it. Thud, thud, thud.
Meegan 19 years ago
"You know I think I'm partial to the Aroncam idea. It would explain much." She let her chuckle bubble in her throat and gave Aron a soft squeeze. "Either that or Aron wears a wire, and planted one on me somehow."

Meegan had to let her laugh loose, in order to prevent the snort that threatened.