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Alec Devereaux (Vampire - Tacharan) Bio

Birth Name: Alec Devereaux
Aliases: Kevin Dess, Kevin Devereaux
Place of Birth: New Orleans, LA
Age:(real and apparant) 29 / 25
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Cat Burglar
Past Occupation: (If different from above) College Student / Unknown

Hair Color: Dark Brown / Black
Length and Style: Medium Length, somewhat shaggy
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Anglo Complected - light
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155
Nationality: American (French / Dutch)
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire (Tacharan)
Body Type: Wiry, slim build
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Unknown - his amnesia blocks memory of his creator, in addition to any events before four years ago...about a month after his change.

Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Alec seeks to eke the most out of any situation, taking in as much information from the subtleties around him to find any hints or leads that might give him a social edge up. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that this makes him come off as edgy, intense, tense or odd...his own desire to do better undermines his efforts. He knows that most of the time, due to his somewhat bland looks, his soft voice, and his focused demeanor that he will be at a disadvantage in most social situations. He would like to figure out the whole socialite's game, but he isn't sure how to go about it.

He isn't a stupid man, but he knows that there are a lot more intelligent folk out there. He tries to keep up as best he can, but, well, not everyone can be a genius. At the same time, sometimes he will come up with truly remarkable parallels and connections that most people might miss. This is most evident in his "profession". It isn't that he needs to steal - he has a good nest egg saved away. It is just the feeling of doing something artisticly that others can't even wrap their minds around.

Compared to most Tacharan, he is a bit behind physically. He simply doesn't have the brawn of his typical clanmates. Luckily his skills are still valuable, but when in a pinch and fighting, he fights as underhandedly as possible - take out the eyes (if he's expecting a fight he'll bring ground glass or something equally unpleasant to throw in people's faces), then genitals, then a leg, and then leave them for someone else to finish off while he gets out of the way. If for some reason he needs to handle someone himself, he will invariably opt for a sneak attack from behind with multiple retreat vectors, relying on a single crippling strike rather than fair combat.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Alec comes off as a bit tense in social situations, but when he is in his element, he becomes a different person. If anyone were ever observing him without his knowledge, he would seem to be an extremely comfortable and confident individual - this vanishes when in public, and he tenses up.

3.What does your character like?
He is a bit of a thrillseeker - the mild fear of getting caught despite knowing that he has honed his skills past the point of mere mastery. Still, the silently slipping past a waking mark to make off with their prized goods is almost a compulsion. Alec also likes people-watching - just sitting in a place and watching the interactions of those around him, trying to figure out what it is that he's doing wrong that they all seem to do so well.

4. Dislike?
Alarms sounding, guard dogs, firearms when aimed at him...nothing too unusual.

6. What are your fears?
Getting caught, being outted as a vampire, meeting people that he cannot remember, being cornered.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Alec is very quick and naturally silent. He is an excellent thief, has an architect's eye for design and can circumvent any security system...given enough time to do so...sometimes there simply isn't enough time to do a job in one night without a lack of finesse he will not bring to bear. He is very perceptive, with a good eye for detail. He is naturally stealthy when not attempting to, and nigh-invisible when he tries.

He is socially awkward most of the time. He is not very large, and not as physically strong as most vampires, though still quite a bit stronger than most humans. He feels that the Tacharan deserve a spot at the table and claims set with them despite being a very non-typical member in several ways...which can be a disadvantage in and of itself.

Hobbies & Skills
Master thief and locksmith, highly skilled with detection and countermeasures. Careful to a fault. Skilled architect of a variety of structures - from the outside he can generally create a layout of the inside. Loves people watching. Skilled acrobat and climber.

Perception and Blending


Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)
Nothing apparent - some scars that are almost always kept covered.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Alec stares. A lot. Sometimes he will seem not to blink. He tends toward only grayscale clothing (white, black, gray), unless coerced into something else.

Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)

Alec recently left New Orleans to avoid running into his past. Recently, someone he has no memory of repeatedly tried to get in touch with him and would not take no for an answer. She seemed like a nice enough person, but in his line of work, remaining safely anonymous has its advantages. From what he could gather, she was a friend from college at Tulane - apparently they studied together. Since he has no memory of those days, and all of his skills are somewhat instinctual for him, this was quite disturbing. Not knowing people coming into a social situation caused him to become rapidly withdrawn and overly analytical - he would stare at people and try to figure out if he used to know them or if his waves of deja-vu were entirely wishful thinking. When he couldn't stand the confusion, he ran.

While in New Orleans, the only real "friend" he had was an aging fence who worked at a pawn shop. In exchange for leads, Alec would sell at a lower price. In the (at least) four years that they worked together, they managed to make each other quite well-to-do...but neither would deviate from their chosen profession. He had very little contact with Vampiric society there - an unfortunate lack of social skills led to him favoring the Tacharan in his dealings, but his lack of physical skills set him apart there, though he agrees that even the "young" deserve the chance of success in the long night. He hopes with a clean slate that he might be able to do a bit better within the "Clan" here...but knows his limitations.

1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response?
*stares for an inappropriate amount of time, then smiles warmly* Ah, thanks (insert gender and age specific familiar identifier here), cheers. *places hand on beverage container, considers beverage container for a protracted amount of time, then drinks a small amount, smiles again, and stares, waiting for the other individual's promptings*

2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?
*stares at child, looks around, stares at child* Go home. The night streets are no place for a child.

3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?
Makes sure there are a variety of available exits and doesn't get involved unless forced.

4.What animal does your character most identify with? Octopus - well camouflaged, patient hunter, not one for physical confrontation, awkward when out of its environment

OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine)
Name is J. Most common online names are Toranith and Silverjay.

Other Characters you play

How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)
Link-hopping - Darkblood to Angry Crayon to Sanguine Affliction. :D