People Watching
After getting his bolthole situated, Alec heads to the Strip to see what there is to see, and to put his finger on the pulse of the city. Wandering the street from end to end, he finds a likely bench and situates himself. He watches...
...a young single mother try to get the shoe back onto her fussing toddler... elderly couple using that rare touch and gesture communication found only among those who have grown completely comfortable with another's prescence...
...a teen boy despairingly looking into the window of a shop beyond his meager means...
...a thirtysomething suit chatting into a cellphone, explaining why she'll be missing her date, another man on her arm...
...a vagrant who loots each rubbish can for recyclables...
The city is like all others, when you boil it down to its base components...the people here are much like the people anywhere is in the recombination that the unique spirit of a place comes out. The Strip is a place of contrasts...ultramodern and electronic jostling tradtitional and archaic for elbow space. But everyone gets a spot at the table...
...smiling to himself, he goes back to his people watching.

Now that it was over, though, she probably didn't need to look quite so fancy. She reached up and pulled off the dangly parrot earrings, dropping them into her purse, and took off the hat, which while cool looking was starting to make her head kind of hot. Shaking her hair free and raking her fingers through it, she fished around in her purse and pulled out an elastic for her hair to tie it back in her usual ponytail.
So. Let's see this car.

She's over here, come on.
She held herself in check and walked to the car a little slowly since she had a feeling Nova wasn't super comfortable in her heels, and especially not on a few of the more uneven spots on the sidewalk. Stepping up to the drivers door, she turned and did the classic sales girl pose, arms motioning to the car.
Grinning at her own sillyness, she pulled out the small remote and opened the doors. Another button pressed and the roof slid down and dissapeared into the car in a mere 17 seconds. The interior was a buttery cream leather with rich bamboo wood details. While it was over 10 years old, she had taken meticulous care of it, and there was no way to tell it's age aside from the body style. Reaching in, she popped the hood. Leaning against the rear fender, she left the driver's side clear for her friends to get a good look
Nova, Jan.. this is Baby.

So. Let's see this car.
...sets a chime off in his ear. Without losing the stream, he follows the sound visually to its speaker. strange. He watches the Parrot woman deftly arrange her hair while walking...quite skillfully in those shoes...with...a picture of grace in motion. Too graceful for this street at this time of night...the precise, flowing motions of an energy conservatist...a dancer, a prizefighter, a duelist...the images flit through his mind, but none resolve to the image of civility present here. The dark young man in stride with them should seem slightly out of place - almost as if he were walking there...though he seems truly comfortable where Alec would be stiff. He moves in such a way that it seems not even concrete could hold him...true freedom in motion, an exercise in social confidence.
She's over here, come on.
The chime of the Parrot woman is replaced with the discordant clang of alarm bells caused by the sound of vintage New Orleans. Alec twitches slightly - has the past already caught him? He takes a deep breath, realizes that he's been staring again. Stretches, forces himself to relax. They aren't even looking in your even if it is the past coming to town, it will walk right past, safely. Probability dictates the chances are nigh impossible.
A bit of the edge off, he looks back to the trio. He stares a bit longer, trying to figure the tie between long have they known one another? Is the wealth pretense or reality? Are they friends? Lovers? Coworkers?
Whoa...Aston Martin...DB series. That answers that WEALTH question. Alec watches as the Driver shows off her fine specimen of autodom to the Parrot and the Goth. For a moment, he is curious what else resides in the purse with the earrings, but turns his attention back to the voice that breaks the pattern.
Nova, Jan.. this is Baby.
Baby...well, she certainly has babied it...a car rarely keeps its shine that long without dedicated ownership. Chuckling internally, smiling slightly, Alec wonders which is Jan and which is Nova...being thankful that the third party was inanimate and therefore more obvious when named. By wagering a guess, he figures on the masculine pronunciation that Jan is the gentleman...which leaves Nova as...the redhead... *chuckle* I bet you don't get that name without quite the temper...
Man...I'd love to get a closer look at that car...I wonder if she's a walnut, mahogany or bamboo says mahogany, motions say bamboo...he'd be a mahogany type, though.
Alec, you're staring. *blinks*
Lounging back a bit more, reclaiming relaxation, Alec stretches himself over the curve of the benchback, loosening his muscles, and admires the vehicle.

He had to admit though, the Aston Martin was a sweet looking ride. It looked like a lot of fun to drive and that was about as far as Jan went in the vehicle department. Was it cool looking? Did the sound system work and how good was it? Did it handle well so that he can listen to his music and enjoy the road?
Nodding appreciatively at the car, he smiled at Amberelle.
"Unlike Nova, I'm not a car buff but I can see that she's a beauty."
He looked around while during the conversation, taking note of the people passing by and wondering what his companion's would like to do for the remainder of the evening. If they wanted to drag race that was fine with him just so long as they didn't play chicken with him in the middle. Luckily that was unlikely with how much they cared for their respective vehicles.
"We racing or doing something else? What did you two have in mind?"

Of course, you'd have to be blind or stupid not to appreciate such a fine machine. She whistled through her teeth and walked a circle around the car, admiring the finish and streamlined body before returning to the hood, which Amberelle had been kind enough to open.
This was, she felt, an art form of its own. Power and beauty and elegance put to a form...or something. The true expression of a great car, though, was in driving it, and Nova felt the car and the owner made a good match. Fun, sassy, sexy with clean lines. Powaqa was more like her; raw and gritty.
She crouched down to eye level and looked inside, a smile crossing her features at the smell of oil and the road and heat and -car-. Nodding at Jan in agreement, she gave her deeply philosophical verdict at last.
Fuckin' A.
She looked up at Amberelle, rising to a stand once more and grinning.
Let's hear her. Hell, let's let the whole street hear her.
She chuckled, knowing that putting some gas on Baby would be sure to turn a few heads...though a glance around showed that the car already had. Hmm. Well, they -were- pretty spectacular looking at the moment.
She shook her head at Jan.
Just a sec...for real, you -gotta- hear this.
Still grinning and thinking of rattling the fillings out of some people's teeth, it occurred to her that Jan's patience for car ooogling would only hold out so long. And even if she was a little rough around the edges, she wasn't raised by wolves; she knew it would be pretty shitty to leave her brother out of the fun. Besides, Baby was really at her best with the top down, cruising. A race would kind of be missing the point, though of course it would still be fun.
Damn, when did I start waxing poetic here?
Well we're all dressed up, might as well find something we can all do. After we check out cars though.

heh.. Yes, she is. And thank you Jan. Glancing at the siblings, Amby shrugged. I think we can save the races until we come up with a good spot to really test the two of them. How about we find someplace else to raise a little hell at instead? But first..
Sliding into the driver's seat, Amberelle smiled and pressed the simple glass button that brought the sportscar to life. It's V12 engine roared and growled deep before lowering to a purr.
There's just something sexy about that, non? Well, it is to me at least. Her eyes twinkled as she smiled, she couldn't seem to stop smiling as she showed off. What do you think of the bamboo? I love how unusual it is. And the aluminum. Oh and here Jan.. you'll like this.
Reaching over, she turned on the stereo and cued up a CD. The first few notes of 'Bring Me To Life' filled the air with crystal clarity. Turning it up until it hurt she yelled at him over the still perfect audio.
What do you think? Turning it down to a much less ear drum damaging level, she leaned back in the seat and grinned. It's got a Linn 950 watt system with Dolby pro logic. Pretty much the best sound system you can get, so I'm told.

Mmm, that's a sound. She grinned at Amberelle's assessment. That thing is sex on wheels.
Craning her neck slightly, she checked out the interior and nodded her head. Her own interior actually needed some work, she reflected ruefully. It was suitable and all, but it could use some updating and customization. It wasn't really at the top of her priority list, considering she was still debating whether to rip the back seats out and really make a racer out of her, but seeing Baby's shiny new interior put thoughts into head.
Good stuff, you did well by her.
Raising her eyebrows at the specs on the stereo, she nodded to Jan, as that sort of thing was his department. She just liked...loud, and her system was fine for the moment, though eventually that too would need to be upgraded.
She took a glance around her at the noise, though, wondering with amusement if they had managed to scare anyone. Yeah, their presence gave a few people pause. She frowned a little at the sight of a guy on a bench...staring. Hopefully that's all he planned to do and he wasn't scoping out the car; while this was a good enough part of town, car like this was bound to tempt some people. She gave Jan a look, then jerked her head in the stranger's direction.

Turning his attention back to the full scene and away from the kaleidoscope of sounds, Alec realizes that he has left his eyes open again, and notes to try to use all of his senses at once in public, not hyperfocusing on one or another, risking unsightly misinterpretations. Relaxing his hearing to better dedicate himself to his eyes, he notes a look of deja vu pass over the Driver's face, but thankfully she dismisses it. When he notes that "Nova" reacts slightly more militantly, he stiffens a bit at her predatory gaze...much at odds to the image she presented minutes before. He has kept himself at a somewhat awkward distance from the scene - close enough to fully take it in and appreciate it, but also close enough that his departure at this point would be terribly, terribly obvious. least this is good and public. If things go sour, I can get lost in this crowd right quick, or through one of these buildings, loop, back to the car and out before they could say Jack Robinson. Or I could just try to talk my way through it...*sigh*. Gotta start some time. Hope it goes better than that last test...
Girding his courage, he gets ready for whatever exchange might come, and makes a mental note to really try to stop staring, or at least to shut his eves instead of leaving them open all of the time...

Leaning his head down into the doorway, he smiled.
"Good sounds..good song too."
It nice the attention they showed to these kinds of cars, though he supposed you paid enough for them to make the extra effort. The convertible was a cool feature but he figured the sound system would be better in a hard top. Still, the car fit Amberelle and he could easily see her driving down the back roads with the top down on some summer night with the music blaring.
Nova's look made him check out the direction she indicated. It would seem they had an audience. He wondered if it was just someone appreciating the car or the ladies or something more. Jan decided they weren't going to find out by standing here wondering and in true Tacharan fashion, he chose to do something about it.
Stepping closer to the stranger, he smiled.
"Beauty, isn't she?"
It was all up to the guy now, he could react well or badly but there were three against one, and who knew if this guy was human or other. If he wase human, he didn't stand a chance.. if he was avampire.. he likely still didn't stand a chance. These things made for an easy confidence as far as Jan was concerned, though the street rat in him said confidence got you killed, he shrugged the thought off mentally, no use in worrying before there was reason to.

His wide eyed, unblinking stare at Jan is a bit at odds with his very friendly smile.
Indeed...Aston-Martin makes a very choice ride...a DB series if I am not mistaken, though I've only been so close to one once before...there was one driven to the Southern Florida Concours D'Elegance...otherwise I've only had opportunity to admire the workmanship and photomanuals. Sitting at this level, the synchronicity of the cylinders is even more apparent than when standing beside it...a lucky angle, indeed.
Alec inhales slightly, remembering to blink after speaking, thinking to himself, "much better...conversing is much easier when near something easy to praise. My words don't usually make people as edgy as my nonverbal cues...maybe those are reduced when I am seated. Well, I'll find out in a moment..."

Her ears perked up at the mention of the Concours D'Elegance. Hmm, seemed the guy was a legit car lover if his comments were anything to go by. He spoke a little strangely (who the hell says "photomanuals?"Â?) but hopefully he was a harmless admirer.
If not...Nova figured there was more than one way to break in a pair of shoes.
She jerked her head in Amberelle's direction, speaking over her shoulder.
"Seems Baby's caught a few eyes."Â?
Still unsure if Mr. Funny Talker was up to anything, she gave Amberelle a look and then turned her attention to the two guys. There was something a little odd about the stranger's bearing, and Nova wondered absently if he was on something before she shrugged and chimed in.
"Yeah, she sounds pretty sweet doesn't she? Music to my ears."Â?

Only a brief moment of suprise showed, just a small pursing of her lips and the faintest furrowing of her brow, when the admirer responded. There was no mistaking the accent that colored the admirer's speech, even if it wasn't overpowering it was there in the rhythm and roll of his words. 'That voice.. no mistaking it. He's from around Louisiana.. that could be why he looks familiar.' A million places she could have seen him flitted through her thoughts but something niggled in the back of her mind, insisting.
"Seems Baby's caught a few eyes."Â? Her topaz eyes flicked over to Nova when the other woman spoke, and Amby acknowledged the redhead's statement with a small nod and a 'mmhhmmm'.
Just above a whisper, speaking to herself more than the Tacharan beside her, the blonde muttered, 'I'd swear I've seen him before, too.'
Deciding his behavior was odd, but perhaps understandable when you're faced with three people staring at you, she smiled at her fellow Southerner. He really did sound like an auto fan, and she didn't want to seem rude or snobbish.
Would you like to come get a closer look?

"Yeah, she sounds pretty sweet doesn't she? Music to my ears."
Shifting his gaze from Jan to Nova, he smiles slightly. Certainly making some headway. He glances back past the Flame to the Driver as she turns down the stereo, clearly in thought. Momentarily confused, his puzzlement might flit across his gaze, the barest hint of the deja'vu he is experiencing.
Under the driver's breath, Alec picks out her mutter through the myriad sounds of the street and the thrumming of the engine, his dead perception weaving the sounds away from her Southern voice...
"I'd swear I've seen him before, too."
His flit of deja'vu protracts a bit, into something even an unskilled watcher would notice. His uncertainty and almost apprehension are clear...the oddity of his singular interaction being replaced by the edginess of an individual facing their first public speaking lesson...clearly this is not someone who is comfortable around large groups or used to being the center of attention.
"Would you like to come get a closer look?"
Anyone watching would see a very, very odd expression, indeed...a momentary flash of panic replaced seamlessly with gratitude, with no alteration of eye position whatsoever, though the contents of those orbs be worlds apart. "Aw crap, she might know me...wait, she's not sure. it off like you read about. You have your conversational in...the car. Besides, you get to know if she's a mahogany or bamboo type." He takes a deep breath...
"Now...could I pass up an invitation of this sort? Never..."
Somewhat bonelessly, he lifts himself without much motion of the arms in an extremely flexible and controlled swell, and slides fluidly closer to the vehicle, careful to not put himself between any two individuals or in an unobstructed line of site of the Driver, maneuvering himself around the car, looking at the finery before him. Passing the front of the vehicle, around Jan and past Nova, keeping the edge of the windshield between himself and the Driver...
"Truly, this is a fine specimen. You surely have taken loving care of your Baby."
As he passes to the far side of the vehicle, he leans down to inspect the tires and wheelwells, keeping far enough away from the car so that from Nova's angle she can clearly see what he's looking at and NOT doing and to use the upper edge of the opposing door to shield his face from the Driver.
"Ah, been using the tires, though...good to see that she is getting her exercise."
Moving to the rear of the car, he is left fairly exposed, so he times his facing the collected troupe with the passing of the next vehicle, the lights bright behind him, framing him only as a silhouette, erasing the details of his face.
"Hm...bamboo. Intriguing. I would have guessed you a mahogany-type based on your clothing...though the bamboo certainly fits your movements..."
Alec pales internally, his jaw stopping in the trademark position that jaws often take after someone says something potentially socially disasterous or forward or generally ridiculous, just as his backlighting fades, ruining his visual cover. "Crap...too comfortable. Where the hell did THAT come from. Good move, you smoothie. No more Bond movies THIS week! And it was going so well...had to keep talking." He clamps his mouth shut, blinks for the first time in a little too long, and looks to the assembled group from the far end of the car. He smiles slightly, biting the corner of his lip in the universal gesture of any young man staring perhaps a bit too hard.
Forcing himself to blush a bit, he lowers his head both in apology and farewell, and begins a turn to walk away, quietly sighing to himself...
"Merd...j'ai les cerveaux que Dieu a donné un oignon..."*
* ("Crap, I have the brains that God gave an onion", roughly...sorry, my French is quite rusty...for lengthier bits I'll annotate with a language marker)

No matter the century,cities never change,he thought to himself. Be it Constantinople,Vienna or Nachton - they all had the same energy,the
He noticed a group of four gathered around an automobile.
Definately never changes,this could be 50 years ago with teenagers admiring a Ford thunderbird
Passing by,he nodded in greeting.
"Good evening"

Listening to the man say that Amberelle looked like a mahogany type of person instead of bamboo, the inward smirk made itself evident upon his face.
"Well, it is -hard- to tell what wood a lady prefers. I suppose we should simply be glad that she prefers it."
Chuckling, he turned to notice a passer by who greeted them and nodded his head in return.
"Yep, that it is, so far."

For a brief moment she had a fearful thought. Perhaps someone had been sent to eliminate 'the annoyance' she had become. A tight knot formed in the pit of her stomach and her hand unconsciously slid over to the panel where her gun was stored. Perhaps he was familiar because she'd seen him in a training class or around the house a time or two? The blonde's mind whirled a million miles a second as she watched him. He commented on the tires, on Baby's care.. she wanted to respond but while her smile never faltered, she couldn't bring herself to respond.
"Hm...bamboo. Intriguing. I would have guessed you a mahogany-type based on your clothing... though the bamboo certainly fits your movements..."
His face fully revealed as she spoke that, Amby blinked at him. Watching her movements..? Her nails sunk down to the clasp of the hidden storage compartment and she prepaired to pop it open. But her movements stilled and she was confused suddenly by his obvious embarassment. Was she being played? While she really didn't think so, she couldn't be sure. Until a sudden memory popped into her head and she snapped to where she remembered him from.
Non! I'd say you have a pretty good brain, considering you admire such nice things. 'Now THAT sounded vain Amby!' Smiling much more brightly, she stood and reached out to touch his arm and stop him from moving away as Jan quiped about her liking wood. Giving him an exasperated mock glare she wasn't able to hide her amusement from turning the corners of her mouth in a supressed smile. The car I meant, of course. But, seriously.. don't go.
(( OOC Feel free to avoid her hand, or keep moving as you choose =) ))

Non! I'd say you have a pretty good brain, considering you admire such nice things.
Well, it is -hard- to tell what wood a lady prefers. I suppose we should simply be glad that she prefers it.
At this, Alec's unblinking eyes go even wider than they already were, and he is put entirely off his social balances, tossed topsy-turvy into an interaction type he cannot recall having been in before. He is caught in his tracks, all sense temporarily on vacation. His ears and upper cheeks flush in the universal response of embarrassment, now clearly visible to the driver at this close distance.
The car I meant, of course. But, seriously.. don't go.
Tossed further into the maelstrom of unexpected reactions, Alec does the only sensible thing - nothing. Pink, wide-eyed and unblinking, he does not snap back to reality until he feels a light, delicate yet strong hand on his right forearm. The touch anchors him back to reality, and sends his senses focusing in an intangible rush response to the uncharacteristic lack of activity they were just subjected to, his blush fading. They focus first on her perfectly manicured nails, not a trace of misplaced cuticle, glossed to a perfectly smooth surface before being expertly treated. Her fingers were long and fine, a silent testament to her genetic heritage. The contours of the palm of her hand, however, spoke a different tale - the ridges associated with physical exertion but in the detailed lines of a wielder of weapons. The knuckles of her index and middle finger were also a bit well-developed for a quiet socialite, indicating that she had used a fist quite frequently. In contrast, the expanse of the back of her hand was carefully and smoothly sculpted, smooth to the wrist, which had unconsciously steered her hand to a position over two pressure points and in such a configuration that she could have likely him into a full submission hold before he could have blinked...but she hadn't. She hadn't. A touch instead of a slap.
Following the guide of her wrist, up her arm along the outside of her body, Alec notes the lines that reveal the toned, strong body that creates them. He follows the nautral line drawn by her collarbone, across and up the opposite side of her long, soft neck, around her shapely jaw and across her flawless cheek to her amber eyes. The blush returns across his cheeks...
Ah...oai. about the most intelligable thing he can say at that point. He fervently hopes that the stranger exchanging greetings with Jan will distract Nova as well in the hopes that he won't look *too* foolish. Still staring into her eyes with his unblinking gaze, he thinks he sees...

Her feet, meanwhile, were telling another story. She had been standing in some shoes that no one could possibly think were comfortable for an entire evening, and while she was no stranger to some pain it seemed kind of stupid to stand around on the side of the road when there were plenty of places along the strip to sit their asses -down- and hang out. Plus Jan was looking slightly glazed; while that could be a disaffected musician thing he had going on, she knew cars would only hold her brother's interest for so long.
"Any chance we might be able to discuss wood and other fine things sitting down? My feet are freakin killing me in these shoes."Â?
Looking about for a place to hang, she spotted a passerby giving a good evening and nodded in return.
"Yeah, you too."Â?
Spotting a sight that looked promising, she pointed to a well lit building.
"Elektronicka Arcade. Looks like fun; what do you guys say?"Â?

With an act of will, Alec shakes himself free of his fixed stare on the Driver (after a fairly protracted and unmoving silence which was probably also socially awkward...) and looks to the assembled group.
Certainly. Let's get indoors where I can make a fool of myself in a less visible location...and you can get off of your feet...those can't be comfortable. I don't know how women can cope with painful shoes.

Looking into his eyes when they met hers, she tried to show her smile through her amber orbs, silently projecting a 'relax, it's ok' vibe she hoped. Nova's well timed suggestion sparked a big smile and she squeezed her hand gently on his arm and tugged a bit.
"Certainly. Let's get indoors where I can make a fool of myself in a less visible location...and you can get off of your feet...those can't be comfortable. I don't know how women can cope with painful shoes."
Her smile turned to a more mischevious grin and she shrugged, flipping a strand of loose hair back over her shoulder. See, you have to get used to them. Imagine wearing these for hours in full costume on a packed float tossing beads for Mardi Gras. Now that can get to be torture. Besides, it's worth it to make my ass look good! She giggled and winked at her companions.
Now let's see.. we should get introductions out of the way. This is Jan, and this is Nova. Her free hand gestures to one, then the other. I'm Amberelle.. and what was your name again?