The Chapel (Simon, Alfarinn, Thaddeus)
Thaddeus shrugged the laptop bag onto his shoulder and stepped out of the limo into the humid night air. He pulled at the top button of his shirt, though he did not actually unbutton it, and looked to the wide circular steps. Simon had apparently not arrived just yet, though he could show up any minute. His eyes made a quick sweep of the surrounding grounds and flickered up to the bell tower; they appeared to be very much alone.
He turned to Alfarinn, his expression half hopeful and half shy. What would his companion make of the place? Seeing it up close this way for the first time, he was even more sure of his own desire to take the Chapel and make something of it; a home, and quite possibly much more. It was his understanding, though, that Alfarinn was used to much more modern living. It would take time to bring the Chapel up to more comfortable standards, and while Thaddeus thought the location was more than worth the work they would put into it, Alfarinn might prefer something quite different.
The structure was, he decided, an interesting mix. There was a humility to the roughly cut and unevenly shaped stones, but the high, elegant arches and towering presence turned that sense of humility back onto the viewer. He reasoned that he generally felt that way about churches, however; humbled by the representation of faith.
He looked back to the bell tower with something like longing; though he delighted in the Chapel's sense of grandeur, with its high stone walls and ornate rosette stained glass window, even from this angle the bell tower had a look of secrecy that appealed to Thaddeus. He could imagine climbing to the top and simply getting away from it all for a time, either alone or in Alfarinn's company. He wondered what he could see from up there, and tried to imagine the view.
Shaking his head to clear it of fanciful thoughts and mostly succeeding, he turned back to Alfarinn with one eyebrow raised.
"What do you think?"Â?
He reflected, as he waited for an answer, that he had managed to not think about The Wolf, or Sorin, or anything else related to impending doom or betrayal or other such depressing matters, for at least the past three minutes. Perhaps they were on to something, though his practical side claimed he should not allow himself to become distracted by his own future plannings.

There was stone instead of metal and stained glass with a riot of colours instead of white. These would admittedly be better to be seen during the day and it was a shame that such a thing would be something they could not fully enjoy. Alfarinn was already resolving to film a sunny day's worth footage through the windows so that they could experience them in all their glory, when his eyes drifted upwards to the bell tower.
This was something he felt they could enjoy in their evenings and thought it would be perfect for taking in the view of the grounds with his lover or gazing at the night sky through a telescope. He briefly wondered if the stars held any fascination for Thaddeus of if they were a wonder to him alone. Alfarinn knew enough to sail by them and like many sailors he held the stars as something wholly mystical and magnificent to behold.
Wrapping his arms around his companion's waist, He continued to enjoy the scenery in silence a moment more, imagining walks in the nearby woods, reading quietly together in a library, and on to other pursuits that made him smile.
Leaning down to kiss his companion's neck, Alfarinn then said.
"I believe it is perfect."

Thaddeus supposed there were not many people who would look at the building in front of him and declare it perfect. Some might admit it had potential. Others would simply see a project. He decided that it took a certain amount of vision to appreciate this place and was not at all surprised to find that Alfarinn saw something more in the stone building.
He twisted his head around, planting a kiss on Alfarinn's chin before beaming a smile at him.
"I do believe you are entirely right."Â?
Of course, for the moment the Chapel was to serve a quite different purpose than that of a comfortable home, and Thaddeus felt he would do well to remember that Simon could be approaching at any time.
He kissed Alfarinn once more, and remained right where he was.

But not for him.
To Simon it was dark and unwelcoming. An orderly arrangement of parts. He stood, stoic at the edge of the cricled drive. He could see Thaddeus and Alafrinn admiring the building, no doubt lost in its lusture. For them it probably gave hope. Again he looked at the structure. Nothing but a broken dark place where hope used to live.
Simon chuckled at the irony.
Stepping onto the circled drive, the crunching of his feet echoed into the night, no doubt alerting his waiting companions.

"It almost makes me impatient to get started. I can certainly imagine what plans we could make."
Alfarinn looked up when he heard Simon's footsteps on the gravel and noted that his friend seemed as melancholy as ever. He continued to keep his arms around Thaddeus though he'd step back if his companion seemed to want him to. Something of the gloom of their friend made him want to hold Thaddeus tighter, for here was a person very much alone with his pain.
He smiled softly and said quietly
"Good Evening, Simon, I hope things are better than they were the last time we met. How is Marthinus?"

He straightened his posture and took his hand out to shake Alafrinn's hand.

It was, he felt, somewhat of a relief that the three of them were past mincing words; it would make this discussion easier. Though all of them had their secrets to keep, at least when it came to The Wolf they could be honest with each other.
He nodded in quiet acknowledgement as Alfarinn and Simon exchanged friendly greetings and found himself encouraged at the Tacharan's news.
"Good evening. And I am glad to hear Marthinus is improving."Â?
Simon certainly deserved something positive, especially considering the latest batch of negativity they would bring. Thaddeus wondered what it would be like to have a conversation with the Tacharan in which they were doing something other than exchanging bad news, which would come soon enough tonight.

"Yes, that's good to hear."
He looked over the man in front of him and decided Simon looked better than he had the last time they had spoken with him. It was a relief to see but despite the good upate they were here for a less fortunate purpose. There were things to warn the Tacharan of but Alfarinn felt Thaddeus was better equiped for that task than he was.
"I'm afraid we've got more news to complicate things."
He looked down at Thaddeus and smiled faintly in reassurance.

Turning to face Simon, with Alfarinn at his side, he gathered his thoughts and spoke, the explanation coming out with the flat bluntness Thaddeus typically turned to when any emotion would inhibit the telling.
"The Wolf has a more personal reason for desiring the ring, and consequentially my death, than we initially suspected. The stakes are somewhat increased, it seems."Â?
He considered for a moment how exactly he wanted to word his kinship of sorts with The Wolf, trying to manage a way to avoid calling him his brother directly.
"We share the same Creator. He in fact has as much claim to the ring as I, and I fear he wants it badly enough to kill whatever stands in his way to get it. We further believe that he has no interest in keeping potential rivals around."Â?
Now that that accounting was out of the way, it was much easier to go on to how they wished to proceed.
"These circumstances may make your exchange with The Wolf considerably more dangerous. For our part, we feel it is best that he is eliminated as soon as possible; at this point information is secondary to lives at risk, however critical said knowledge may be, but we realize his information could be crucial to all of us."Â?
Thaddeus sighed inwardly at that admission, knowing what it was like to believe there was knowledge worth dying for. He had to believe there were alternatives to that, though, and could only hope Simon felt the same way.

As Thaddeus spoke, Simon's eyebrows furrowed with concern. 'So...he's your brother?'

He raised his head and focused his attention once more upon hearing Simon's blunt statement of the facts. Putting his freehand on his lover's shoulder, Alfarinn squeezed gently in order to reassure.
"That would be the base truth of the matter, yes, though I think it is safe to say he's given up all rights to such a title."

He crossed his arm over his chest to cover Alfarinn's hand with his own, squeezing lightly. He would have to face the fact that it was his brother they were going to kill sooner or later and if he let Simon's mentioning of their kinship get under his skin they might as well give up now. He wasn't going to go all to pieces over this, he couldn't afford to and it was a foolish waste of time to dwell as long as he had on the matter.
He wondered if anything aside from his own twisted family history had actually gotten through to Simon. Knowing The Wolf was after him had certainly unnerved Thaddeus, though Simon did not seem particularly fazed by the knowledge that he was in more danger than ever.
"We wanted you to be aware of the dangers. We realize meeting with The Wolf is not without great personal risk to yourself, but as we both still need information from the killer I see no other course of action other than to move forward as planned, though I know I would be more at ease if you had some additional protection in place."Â?
This was, in fact, another element of their situation Thaddeus struggled to make peace with; though the Tacharan seemed willing enough, he realized that they were asking Simon to stick his neck out in part because of them. While Simon certainly had something to gain by working with them, it troubled his already frayed conscience.

'I'm not an idiot, Lykiaos is definitely stronger than me, but what if I don't go alone? I can set up the meeting at the House of Pain, in public and give him the ring there. You two could stay nearby.' Simon shrugged, wondering if his suggestion would be a good one. Truth be told, Simon didn't understand their concern with the Wolf and his saftey. There wasn't anything the wolf could do to Simon that Ellis couldnt do to him 1000 times worse. Especially when his plan for her comes to light.
No, the wolf was fucking sunday school compared to Ellis' rage.

Hearing the Tacharan's suggestion, he tilted his head and looked at Thaddeus, wondering if his companion was going to be comfortable with coming so close to the Wolf so soon. It was a good plan though and it let them watch both the Wolf and Simon. The orphan might not care if he lived or died but Alfarinn would miss his occasional drinking buddy and he couldn't help but think that Tacharan needed Simon...and badly.
"I think that is a good idea. What about you, Thaddeus?"
[If you aren't ready, we can try to come up with a different plan.]

When Alfarinn gently asked if he was ready, his response was immediate.
[I am as ready as I ever hope to be.]
"I concur."Â? The corner of his mouth twitched upward in a half smile at Simon. "We will be there."Â?

Inside revealed a foyer with an old stand that held a book, a guest book Simon presumed. There was a tall archway that led into the church itself. He stopped, looking down the long aisle and in the darkness seeing the religious statues and paintings behind the altar. 'So tell me, why meet here?' Simon turned to look at the 2 vampire lovers.

[Well. I suppose 'new locks' will be first on our list.]
Unable to resist looking once Simon had the door opened, he peered into the darkness of the foyer, trying to make out the indistinct shapes inside, before answering Simon's question.
"I imagined it was the last place one would look for us."Â? He gave a little shrug before continuing in a somewhat dry tone of voice. "And I like churches."Â?
He stepped in after Simon, his expression carefully blank in spite of being slightly embarrassed to have revealed even that much of his inner thoughts on the matter. He reasoned that he was being silly; the fact that Thaddeus happened to enjoy the sense of sanctuary and peace found in a church rather paled in comparison to knowing he had a psychotic brother out to kill him.
Letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, he looked around, taking in the simple narthex with the red carpeting and the arched doorway leading to the main chapel. He smiled at both the pure potential of the place and the inherent calm of the interior before turning to Alfarinn and giving him a solemn wink. They were already being fairly irreverent simply by stepping inside and had not yet been struck by lightning, after all.

It was if time had erased color from his memories. He could remember the weather of his hometown, even the smell of the wind, but not the colors. His sister's children and his woman's child playing the sunlight, behind the church. The golden high fall grass was now a pale blue, blowing in the wind. He could always find the children there, playing on the hill behind the church.
Simon remembered watching the ornate coach travelling the road past the church to the property beyond it. The coach was black with dark, blind windows. He remembered watching it ride slowly up the road as the sun began to set behind him. He could feel the warmth of the sun's rays but he could not see the reddish coppery colors fill the evening horizon.
He met her, that next night in the church by chance. The new resident in the land beyond the church property. Her eyes were a color he had never seen before. Soft, liquid green. Now why, god...of all the memories he's had in his lifetime, why does the hint of color surround only her? She was so beautiful to him, it was painful. Almost like light trapped in a void that seeped out of her skin. Long, dark hair framing that smiling face. She purred his name. So soft.
Simon opened his eyes with a sharp breath and looked at Alafrinn and Thaddeus. He hoped to God they never knew the type of love he endured.

[Large bath tub, telescope, new locks, check. Anything else you want to add?]
He feigned innocent interest in the decor instead of looking at his companion. Answering the reason for them being here, he replied.
"They do have their charm and serenity, or at least some, others have a lot of pain associated with them, as do most things religious. It seems to be one or the other."
Watching Simon, Alfarinn couldn't help but feel the other man's emotions when he looked about the place. It was not something that he felt he should pry into or ask about, it was most likely caused from past experience and not the present situation, which begged for caution and perhaps anger but not sorrow.
Alfarinn reached out a hand and grasped Simon's shoulder a moment, before letting him go.
"If the place makes you uncomfortable we can go back outside."
It was the Tacharan that opened the doors but perhaps he didn't expect such feelings to hit him when he walked in. Alfarinn looked around and wondered again how it must appear during the day, probably far more peaceful than it did in the current darkness. He was sure that it could be made to appear welcoming both day and night with a bit of work and attention.
((OOC: feel free to move away from the hand if you'd like.))

Alfarinn had put his hand on Simon's shoulder and gave him a concerned look. Simon grinned, he really needed to let go of his sorrowful brooding. He placed his hand on the vampire's reassuring touch and said, 'No, it's fine. It's nothing but old human regrets.' He considered explaining further but wasn't sure he should...or could. He looked into Alafrinn's eyes and knew he only meant well.
'There is a church, or was a church, in my old hometown.' He paused for a moment, 'The woman who gave me my only son would meet my sister and her family near there, to play in the fields.' He tilted his head, recalling the memory again, 'I met Ellis in the church there. The property she moved onto belonged to the family of the pastor of the church.' Simon blinked, looking down. 'It was a long time ago.'
He walked away from Aalfrinn and looked at the detailing of the stain glass windows. 'This place is very beautiful. I would imagine it's magnificient in the daylight.' Suddenly his cell phone rang and he reached into his pocket and fished it out.
Simon looked blankly at the display and then looked up at the two vampires. 'It's the wolf.'
He had printed the photographs mostly for dramatic flair; they were also burned to a dvd along with the data he had stolen from the little man's computer, but there was something about handling actually printed material that was appealing. He figured he might as well throw in the fire escape plan; while they could likely get that sort of information on their own, the flimsy plastic sheet might make a good reference point. He filled in his map of the perimeter with footnotes and added brief explanations to some of the more unclear photos. The pen he kept to himself for the moment.
Satisfied with his careful work, he at last picked up the phone.
He hoped this time, the Praetor would answer.