Questions for character backgrounds..
Sitting here brainstorming, have some questions as we develop our backgrounds...
1) Do they need to be from Nachton?
2) Should they have been turned in Nachton, or could they be comming here from another city where they were?
3) Are the clans blood specific.. turned by them always one of them, or are they an association of like minds / types? example : Vamp01 turned by a stuffy elder feels more comfortable with the rebellious punks.. is he welcome there or stuck with stuffy peers?
4) If they are turned in another region where a certain animal is prevailant can he become that one even if he is not from said area (tourist to Australia is turned by an Aussie.. can he become a koala hehe?)
5) Have the baseline strengths / weaknesses been determined for each type?
6) Drinking non blood liquids.. that OK? Or a couple drops of blood in a beer should make it pallitable, I would think?
7) Do we have an age range for each clan? Or is there a limit for how old any one should be (vamp years)?
8) Resources, retainers, henchmen.. if you want to be mortally from a wealthy family can you carry said resources over?
9) Will there be any unique abilities, powers, mutations? Should you PM a mod or are these just not something for right at first?
10) Are these vamps the type that must feed every night.. so much per week..?
11) Connections.. say you were a mob hitman before being turned. Can you still call on your former associates, if you left on good terms?
That's all we can think of for now =)

Do they need to be from Nachton?
Nope - just live there now.
Should they have been turned in Nachton, or could they be comming here from another city where they were?
It doesn't matter where specifically they were turned, just that they reside with a clan in Nachton now. They could have traveled from anothe city or country.
Are the clans blood specific.. turned by them always one of them, or are they an association of like minds / types? example : Vamp01 turned by a stuffy elder feels more comfortable with the rebellious punks.. is he welcome there or stuck with stuffy peers?
Clans will have innate abilities and depending on which clan you're in, you'll have a list to choose abilities from, but each clan has something specific about it. Depending on what you pick for your flaws will detemine how they interact with other vamps. The flaws list is still being worked on. One flaw will 'eating boogers' courtesy of Ryala. O_o
Have the baseline strengths / weaknesses been determined for each type?
Yup, putting those up now.
Drinking non blood liquids.. that OK? Or a couple drops of blood in a beer should make it pallitable, I would think?
It wont be like Anne Rice's version where they dont eat or drink anything other than blood. Our vampires will get their grub on, drink, smoke, have addictions (flaw) and have sex as well. They enjoy it all.
Do we have an age range for each clan? Or is there a limit for how old any one should be (vamp years)?
Clan 1 is an ancient clan, meaning they're the oldest.
Clan2 has ancients but is empathetic to humans and live with them. They are business oriented as well.
Clan3 is the young rogue clan. They are much younger then the other 2 clans. Currently we're starting our timeline to as far back as 5BC so yes you can pick an old vampire, but being ancient would have to be approved and probably restricted to mods.
Resources, retainers, henchmen.. if you want to be mortally from a wealthy family can you carry said resources over?
Dont see any reason to not be able to bring your money over. We might limit how many characters you can play at one time, but as far as bringing over your posse, I dont see that as a problem either. Might have to get back to you on that.
Will there be any unique abilities, powers, mutations? Should you PM a mod or are these just not something for right at first?
Abilities are posted but as far as doing something unique, yes that has to be approved by the staff.
Connections.. say you were a mob hitman before being turned. Can you still call on your former associates, if you left on good terms?
Depending on the situation, might want to ask your elder first.

for each clan, is there a hierarchy (sp!) within them? and will it be possible to be a decendant of that lineage?
Yes and how its set up now is the staff will be in control of their chosen clans.
Ryala - Anantya. These are the ancients.
Mai and Rasberry - Evenhet. Business clan who works closely with humans. Ancients and new old (like new money) vampires.
Maelarya - Tacharan. No Elder (leader role) but 1 leader with 2 beneath her. No ancients.
Eve - Human who will be turned.
So yes there is a hierarchy of power. Elders are the title role of leaders. Clan 3 (tacaharan) does not have a recognized Elder but has a leader by strife who's origins date back to about 1600.
To be a decendant from an ancient Elder definitely has to be approved by staff. How we're setting it up is our Elders will be running special storylines to participate in. Either just for their clan, supporters or open to all. If you think you want to be a decendant, PM the Elder of that clan first to dicuss it.
Good questions, guys, thanks!

Ryala and Mai are in Anantya
Alfarinn and Ras's character Megan are in Evenhet