Aishe Nevrat
Basic Information
Birth Name: Aishe Nevrat
Aliases: None known
Place of Birth: Egypt
Age: (real and apparant) real: 32, apparent: 27
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Archaeologist
Past Occupation: (If different from above) student
Hair Color: Black
Length and Style: Long, straight, waist-length
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Deep bronze
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs
Nationality: Egyptian, raised in America from her early teens.
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Petite, slender, but not skinny. In good shape; she has a very physical job.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Christian Bern
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Aishe Nevrat is a small, quiet woman with snapping green eyes that seem to hold more shadows than her bright smile would betray. She seldom misses anything, but just as seldom comments on her observations. She's an archaeologist, an observer of the past, who lives merely to understand "what came before." Aishe is no leader; she is an energetic and tireless follower, someone who likes to be told what to do, then go out and accomplish it with economy and precision. It is rare for her to take initiative, but even with the changes her life is about to make, she remains calm and seemingly in control of all she does.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Aishe has an unassuming air. She holds herself with great poise, which hints at good breeding and an upperclass upbringing, but she doesn't project any kind of snobbish air. She has a knack for fading quietly into the background and uses it unconsciously to hear things she might normally not. Aishe is not the kind of person to be heard laughing without restraint or shouting. She's fairly reserved without being uptight. She used to know who she was, and that former mindset still has an effect on how she bears herself now.
She dresses casually, in loose t-shirts and cargo pants or khakis. She can wear an evening gown with equal comfort, but because of her job, she prefers to be ready for activity.
3.What does your character like?
Animals, mysteries, puzzles, soft music, anything romantic, jewelry (especially historic pieces).
4. Dislike?
Disorganization, clutter, those who make no attempts to better themselves.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
Incoming abilities!
6. What are your fears?
Dying alone. Never finding herself. Never understanding her past. Since arriving in Nachton, Aishe has been doing some serious soul-searching, some of it good and some of it bad. Entering vampire society has shown her that she has a very real fear of losing her free will and independence.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Aishe has a great deal of courage and perseverance despite her calm, seemingly-shy attitude. Although not one to take initiative or be impulsive, she seems to slowly be heading in that direction. However, when she does decide to do something, she does it often with blinders on, oblivious to the effects her actions may have on others and the problems they may create.
Hobbies & Skills
Aishe is an excellent excavator of archaeological sites, and is quite good at piecing together mysteries.She studied her native history a great deal, and can read hieroglyphics. She enjoys any kind of intellectual challenge, and anything her mind can work out. Her hobbies include jigsaw puzzles, brainteaser magazines, and her physical pursuits reflect that as well. She likes yoga, tae kwon do, and fencing... any sport that engages the mind as well as the body.
Empathy - Aishe's empathy seems to be a mixture of her creator Chris' ability to see auras, and synesthesia ('seeing' speech as colored symbols). When in close quarters, she sees colored shapes floating in the air around a speaker's head and mouth. The color determines the emotion and the shape indicates the strength of it.
Savage Savant - Raccoons
Fear of Crowds (brought on largely by empathy)
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules) Maintains nice dark skin even after turning. Perma-tan! Small vertical scar on her left wrist from pre-turning.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention: Aishe bites her nails, not necessarily when nervous... she does it habitually.
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Aishe Nevrat always prided herself on being a fairly down-to-earth person. She went through life with cookie-cutter precision; everything had be set up for her and she followed the guidelines perfectly. Her parents left Egypt and moved to America when she was 12, and immediately enrolled Aishe in the best school they could find, where she excelled. Aishe was never the most popular kid in class, partly because of her tendency to stay on the outside of a crowd and observe, and partly because even though she'd been in the US for several years, she was obviously a foreigner.
Aishe never minded being held at arm's length by her classmates, no matter what the reason. She was proud of her heritage and close enough to her family that not having very many friends didn't cause her any grief. From the time she was very small, Aishe knew she wanted to be an archaeologist like her mother, and both of her parents encouraged her.
When Aishe first left home to go to college, she didn't have any reason to expect her life might deviate from its quiet, solid course. That seemed to be the case, while she studied hard and graduated with top honors from college. She travelled to Egypt to study with one of her former professors shortly after, and remained until just recently. While there, she met a young man who also seemed interested in his own studies, and they began seeing each other. ((The rest is in the intro))
Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response?
"No thank you. I don't drink, I'm just meeting someone here."
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?
"Come on, little one, let's find your mother. Perhaps that policeman over there can help?"
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?
Stay out of the way until a path to the door clears.
4.What animal does your character most identify with?
The swan
OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine) Foxx
Other Characters you play None
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)
The Angry Crayon
((edited for grammar))