Long overdue
Every now and then Marthinus would catch himself mid breath, waiting for the pain that never came. The one dose of Eternity had done a great deal of repair to his heart. Still, the fear was still there, lingering.
Marthinus wandered upstairs in his apartment located in the Domicile. His hand over his heart, his feet slowly climbing the 2 flights of stairs. It was one of the larger quarters, about 3 thousand square feet. His office was connected through his study. He slowly strolled down the upstairs hall in the direction.
He needed to speak to Jacob. Marthinus knew it was his son that ordered the Eternity. He didnt need Simon or anyone else telling him that Ellis had probably refused to stop his death. She would not be happy. Jacob was ready to assume the CEO position, having worked at the nation's capital as a lobbyist for the corporation. He was nearing 30 and had the finest education Duibne money could buy. Marthinus was walking on borrowed time and it frightened him.

Checking the computer panel by her door, he looked for Marthinus, hoping he was here instead of his flat out in the city. He was in luck. He entered the elevator at the end of the hall and quietly asked for Marthinus' level.
Simon closed his eyes and cracked his neck to the sides, trying to relieve the tension in his shoulders. He has always had this profound guilt when dealing with his decendants. Ellis doesn't understand it. She thinks it's weak and wasted no time in using it to control Simon. He opened his eyes as the elevator came to a halt and opened with a swoosh.
He walked the 20 feet down to Marthinus door and just stood there. 'What the fuck am I suppose to say now?' he said aloud to no one in particular. It was that 'doing the right thing' issue again. His world as he knows it was ending. What could he offer Marthinus now? He had become a man left with no recourse.
A hero without a choice.
He turned on the computer and connected with Duibne's network, catching up on the last 2 days worth of reports. There had been no mention of the beast being missing, but he hadn't expected there to be just yet. Ellis was no doubt pursuing Hillman. Poor Hillman. He wont know what hit him.
Marthinus' computer signaled to him that he had a vistor. He tabbed into the Domicile network and saw who was standing outside his door. It was Simon. He hadn't quite knocked yet but had been standing for so long at the door, he had caused the computer to trip its alarm. Standing, Marthinus rolled up the sleeves of his blue silk shirt and headed back downstairs to confront the waiting Simon. He was undoubtedly so wrapped up in his guilt. He quickly made his way down the steps and towards the door. Touching the matching computer panel, it opened the door, revealing a startled Simon.
I think this is the first time he has looked me in the face for more than 2 seconds, Marthinus thought to himself. Simon. A man of many sorrows. He had never met a vampire that held such guilt.
'Simon,' Marthinus said with a smile.

'Simon', Marthinus said.
Marthinus had his eyes. Hazel colored with flecks of yellow. Simon had never noticed that before. But why would he, he's never looked Marthinus in the face before. He wasn't nearly as tall as the rest of the Huntington's, probably from his mother side. Simon struggled with his words.
'You look...better.'
It was a start.
Simon shoved his hands into his pockets and flushed. In a more even tone, he looked back down again and asked quietly, 'I'm sorry, am I disturbing you?'
'Not at all, please come in.' Marthinus stood away from the door and let his great grand-ancestor in. Simon walked with a slight hunch, probably because of his height. Why hadn't he gotten that tall, Marthinus chuckled to himself.
He wasn't going to make an already awkward situation worse by waiting for Simon to speak. He was impressed that he made it this far. Marthinus spent his whole life trying to understand what Simon's grief was about. If anything, Marthinus thought the Huntington legacy would be a source of pride for Simon. As he grew older and took over Duibne Industries, Ellis explained it to him, as plain as day.
'Simon's upset that I have his entire family at my beckon call,' Ellis had said. 'It's not like it's a horrible thing, the family has thrived under Duibne control, hasn't it?' Her own logic was so easy to understand. 'I suppose threatening to kill of you if he is disloyal might be giving him a bit of a problem.'
Marthinus hadn't said a word to Ellis as she went on with her reviere. It was all so logical to her. Through his fear came loyalty. He was her play thing as well. It was at that moment he realized with grave clarity of the burden Simon carried. Marthinus supposed that Simon loved her at one point, although if he did now, it was anyone's guess.
'I feel fine, Simon. If that's what you're wondering. I appreciate you coming to check on me.' Simon had walked in the room and was looking around, avoiding eye contact with him. 'Can I offer you a drink?'
Simon finally stopped and looked Marthinus in the eyes. 'This was going to be interesting', Marthinus thought to himself.

Marthinus looked at him with clear eyes. So strong, so young, he seemed. After seeing him near death the night before, it was almost startling to see him standing casually before him.
He figured this would be a good a time as any to let him know something.
'I'm going to tell Ellis where Hillman is. She'll want to go there straight away to deal with him.' He paused, still looking Marthinus in the eyes. 'She'll go alone, but with back up waiting. Hillman will probably try to kill her before she can kill him and I dont know yet what his chances of doing that are.'
He took a step towards Marthinus and stood straight, all 6'4 inches of him. He spoke slowly. 'A time has come for us to do the right thing, Marthinus.' Simon watched his decendant's face darken. 'We can't let her get the beast back.' Simon tried to choose his words carefully but when speaking of such a heinous act of betrayal, he could not think of an easier way to say it.
'If Hillman does not kill her, I will.'
But the family. He was putting the family at risk. Marthinus ran a hand over his face and turned away from Simon, thinking of the repercussions. Duibne Industries would be affected. Clan relations in the city. Dear god, how could they explain this to the other Clan elders? They'll learn of the beast, they'll learn of her plans with it. Will the clan suffer for her endeavors?
'Simon.' Marthinus half groaned as he took several steps away from him. 'Do you realize...?'
'She was more than willing to let you die,' Simon said.
Nodding, 'Yes, I know.'
'If it hadn't been for Jacob authorizing the Eternity...'
'I know.' He nodded again. 'Yes, I know. When she realizes what was done, she'll blame you and/or kill Jacob.' Suddenly Marthinus saw Simon's position clearly. The dreams he had in the hospital. Doing the right thing. This was the right thing. They'd deal with the consequences and ride that wave when it all came.
Turning back, Marthinus looked at Simon and approached him. Reaching out, he clasped his arm and held it firm. 'What you speak of is the greatest treachery a vampire can commit. She's your maker, Simon. Doing this will start your legacy with a black mark. But if you do this, I have no doubt the Clan will follow you. Everyone knows it is you that holds the clan together.'
Marthinus stopped, watching Simon's reaction. The vampire suddenly looked sad. 'You will rule this Clan and make it what Ellis couldn't or wouldn't do to make it honorable. You have my loyalty as your human contact and your descendant. Your will, will be Tacharan's will. Do not question your actions now, Simon. This IS the right thing and you will make it happen.'

Oh crap.
While dealing with his guilt and anger over the situation with Ellis, Simon had not considered what would happen to clan leadership if/when she was gone. Shit.
'Marthinus, I'm no leader...'
His descendant smiled. 'You have always been the Clan's leader, Simon. You know this.'
Simon's job was to oversee the development of the clan classes: the Mercenaries, the Harvesters and Duibne Industries. Ellis led the Harvesters and secured jobs for the Mercenaries.
That was it.
Clan relations had always been between Simon and the other Elders. His friendship with Alfarinn had made dealings with the Evenhet much smoother. He kept contact with the outer sects beyond the city. He ran Tacharan in Ellis' shadow. What would this treachery do to the clan? The ripple effect across the globe would be enormous. Doing this would change everything.
'I need to sit down.' Simon crumbled onto a chair. 'Marthinus, the ramifications.'
Marthinus had been thinking of that for a long time now. His assistance with the beast had been out of security of the family, not by his own wishes. He remembered watching Ellis and Simon check on him as he grew up. From being a small child in South Africa to finishing his education in America. Marthinus was a commodity to her. That was all. A way to further the clan by bringing in money.
'We have to tell the Elders.'

Simon felt his stomach lurch. 'I know we do, I know. Right now you're the only one I've discussed this with. I dont have anything...planned. I just know we can't let her continue.'
He leaned forward in the chair and laced his fingers together. 'I need to speak to her now. I'm meeting Lykaois to exchange information.'
'What information?' Marthinus asked.
He half laughed, 'This rabbit hole goes pretty deep. It involves Evenhet and Anantya as far as I can tell. At least, from what I've been told. Something is about to happen in the other clans as well. Maybe a power shift, I dont know.'
There was going to be some rough times ahead of the clans in Nachton. Simon could only imagine what happens after tonight.

Standing at the door, he knew the cameras would sense him, knocking once, Jan said.
"Open up. I know you're just pretending anyway."
One of Simon's older children, Marthinus imagined he would have no problem following Simon when the change of power happened. The question now was, should they tell them? He'll know something's up just with Simon being here alone with Marthinus. Simon's mortal family ties were no secret. He'd have to leave it up to Simon.

"Hey Marty, how's it going then? I knew you weren't.." Coming further into the room, Jan caught sight of his maker and stopped mid sentence.
"Hello Simon." Jan smiled meekly and asked. " Am I disturbing anything?"
He wondered if Simon was just coming by to make sure Marthinus was alright with his own two eyes or if there was something else that warranted the private consultation. Jan knew from experience that Simon didn't spend a lot of idle time with his human relatives so it had to be for a purpose.
He found a table and set the books down on it before smiling back at his host.
"I figured you might be forced into idleness if I know the over protective habits of a certain pushy Native American woman who shall not be named. She'd never admit to worrying anyway, just hound you until you hide in here of your own accord."

'Jan, we need to talk,' Simon approached the younger vampire and he put his hand on his shoulder. 'Where's Nova?'
He would see this to the end. Good or bad. Life or death.
'Indeed, there is much to discuss. Simon has little time now but there is something you and Nova must know.'

Well, in the physical sense anyway. The three of them, Jan, Marthinus, and herself, had returned to the domicile, given Marthinus strict orders to rest up, and then parted ways. Nova had practically fallen into bed; the phrase 'asleep before hitting the pillow' came to mind as her eyes opened blearily. She remembered having vowed to give Evans nice sweet dreams tonight before sleep overtook her, but tonight, the only dreams she walked were her own.
She shook off her subconscious and shoved herself up in bed, twisting painfully to check the clock.
She laughed.
She had only slept an hour. What was up with that?
Beds, she reasoned, had their own special gravity fields, and hers was quickly pulling her back in with its unique and nearly irresistible pull. Her eyes, though, stayed open.
Bah, fuck it. She rolled out of bed, fell to a heap on the floor, and scrambled up to her feet. Still somewhat out of focus, she searched her sparse quarters for an elastic, and upon finding one, restrained the somewhat messy gray streaked hair.
She would just take a peek in at Marthinus. Just a little look, and then she could sleep more. That was it. Really. Just a glance...and if he was awake, and wanted company, could anyone blame her if she stayed?
It was with such self justifying thoughts that she made her way to Marthinus's rooms and stood in front of the door. She'd just tap the door, a little tap was all, and if he was asleep he would never know that she had come back. Not that she was embarrassed to find herself unable to sleep without checking on her friend one last time, of course.
If he was awake, though, he would hear. Hopefully.
She lightly tapped out shave and a haircut on the door.

Simon motioned for Marthinus to open the door.
They had to be a sight.
(permission to move nova)

Well. All her guys. 'Father,' 'Brother,' and Mentor together in the same room.
That sure as hell didn't happen every day.
"Heh, call me Miss Predictable I guess...couldn't stay away."Â?
She had rather hoped no one else would have to know about this little visit, as she felt like somewhat of a dork for needing to check, but these guys were all cool; were, if she were being honest, the people she trusted the most, and apparently knew she would be about anyway. She guessed she was more transparent than she knew, not that she was exactly a subtle personality to begin with.
Keeping up with her reputation, she asked the obvious question bluntly.
"So what's going on?"Â?
Obviously it was something, and she hoped this was the conversation that Simon -really- needed to have with Marthinus, though she thought it somewhat odd that she and Jan would be involved in that decision. Maybe it wasn't that, then. A lot of crazy shit going down with Marthinus getting sick and the Beast getting stolen and the whole goddamn mess with Hillman that she was pretty sure she only knew the half of.

He was saved from being blunt and asking what was going on by Nova being blunt and asking what was going on. Jan smirked at that and wondered if there was something in Tacharan blood the transmitted tactless as a trait or if they were all just attracted to the same kinds of people.
He picked the arm of a chair and perched himself on the edge, gesturing for Nova to come take a seat.
"Yeah, what's up?"

'There are things in motion now that will bring unwanted attention to the clan. Well, even more unwanted attention. Hillman and the Beast have been found. I'll be getting the information within the hour but the person who I'll be talking to is involved in something that involves the other 2 clans.' Simon looked at his children and heir, bringing them all together and telling him these plans puts their life at risk, but he had no choice now.
'Knowledge of the Beast has been breeched. Anantya and Evenhet know of its existence and its purpose. This will undoubtedly bring the sanction death of our esteemed leader. Ellis...doesn't know this. She also doesn't know that it was me that told the other clans.'
Simon paused, grappling with the guilt. 'Ellis and I have put the clan in jeopardy. My betrayal was necessary. Tacharan will never be an honorable clan under Ellis and...I just can't let her do this...anymore.' Simon felt his eyes well up in tears. He'd tell them everything now.
'I can't let her use this clan, this clan I've come to father and love, to give her the means to control this city and that's what she plans on doing. She will bleed out ancients now, not just clanless vampires but ANCIENTS. Where do you think she'll get the older vampires? Where but her own clan? And when she's done decimating her competition, she'll start picking off Evenhets and Anantyas.'
'She'll start a war and destroy Tacharan but she doesn't care. The money that will be brought in from Duibne synthesizing the ancient blood for stronger strains of Eternity will make her rich beyond belief. She'll buy her own city, if she can't have Nachton.' Simon swallowed, very much aware that he would be seeing his maker in a few minutes. His voice had raised and become excited but upset. He was saying things that as her XO he could never even think, but it was well past the point of no return now.
'My loyalty to Ellis is not from love, although I did love her. More than anything. Her Huntington familiars, my family, are used as leverage against me. A reminder.'
'Ellis will go for Hillman as soon as I give her the information. She'll go alone. I've decided that if Hillman and his men can't kill her...I will. And when I do, it will cause a chain reaction of Huntington deaths I wont be able to stop. Except for Marthinus and his son.'
Simon held his hands out, pleading. The tears that had been threatening to fall finally came. He made no move to wipe them away.
'I dont have any other choice.'