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Basic Information
Birth Name: Sarah Renolds
Aliases: Sarah
Place of Birth: Nachton, USA
Age:(real and apparant) 7 years old.
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation:
Past Occupation: (If different from above)
Appearance: Small thin dirty child of the streets
Hair Color: brunette
Length and Style: long and uneven
Eye Color: blue
Skin Color: pale caucasian
Height: 3'0"
Weight: 45lbs
Nationality: american
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) vampire
Body Type: frail, tiny
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Chryseis Angelique

Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality: Mean and vindictive. very childish.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) a small weak child. Helpless, vulnerable.

3.What does your character like?: getting her way. getting everything she wants when she wants it. candy, toys, dolls, animals.

4. Dislike? Adults, Men.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.

6. What are your fears? Daylight, not much is known of what she fears, what she feared as a human she has turned into rage and destroys.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Her size makes her quick and easy to get into small spaces. It also limits her strength and ability to reach things. She needs adults even tho she hates them. She is a master at dissapearing into the crowds.

Hobbies & Skills
Abilities: Command, Blending

Flaws: Bad Temper

Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention: Sarah was turned when she was a child and still retains some child like behaviors.

Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character): Sarah didnt know much of her life in the place with doors. What she did know was that door kept you safe. They kept the bad people out, they allowed you to go potty with no one looking. She liked doors, and she yearned for them in her current 'home'. Nowadays home was a small place between two dunmpsters in a back alley behind the large strip of shops. They had been there for a very long time now, ever since that night mommy charged into her room and swept her up into her arms. Mommy had let her take Mr. Teddy with them so that she wasnt so scared. They had went to many places and mommy had cried alot but Sarah didnt. She wanted mommy to stay happy so she rarely cried. When she cried mommy only cried harder. So she smiled alot. Smiled at mommy every chance she could. Smiled at the nice people who would let them stay in the homes. It would only be for a night or two and then mommy would pack them back up. Sarah hadn't seen her daddy in a while, but she didn't mind. Daddy made mommy cry more than anything did. Once mommy had gotten hurt and they had to goto the hospital. Daddy had stepped out fo the room to talk to the doctor about her broken ribs. A nurse had quietly slipped in and handed mommy a small piece of paper. She looked scared like mommy did sometimes. Mommy cried again and tucked the piece of paper into her gown and daddy stepped back in. This was 3 weeks before mommy took her away.

One day a strange woman came into their 'home' their alley. She rambled and spoke funny and Sarah didn't understand her. Mommy had laid her down to sleep and told her she was going to see this new lady. The others on the street had warned them away from the crazy lady, but mommy wasn't listening. Mommy had a way of making people mad daddy had said once.

Sarah fell asleep and awoke to the sound of sirens. Sirens werent heard that often around here but now they were blaring. The ambulance was pulling away and the other street sleepers scattered back to their hiding spots. Where was mommy? Sarah stood up and peered around the dumpster and looked at the weird lady. Mommy was not there. Maybe the weird lady would know what had happened. Slowly Sarah shuffled over to the weird lady eyes downward. When she approached her the lady spit at her and hissed. Fear shook through her small body at the sight of the ladys teeth. "Where's my mommy?" She boldly asked. The ladies head slowly turned towards her and a light bounced off her eyes. They glowed like a cats. Sarah gulped. "I will take you to your mommy child." The woman cackled. Her long arm shot out and snatched Sarah close to her body. Before she could wiggle the lady bit her neck. Sarah cried out and the woman bit harder. Sarah grew weak and slumped into the arms of this mean mean hurtful lady. SHe began to whimper and suddenly the lady gasped and pulled her face away from Sarah's neck. The ladies eyes were wide and full of shock. "Medea! What have I done? Medea my child, i'm so sorry!" The lady started to cry and held her close again, this time hugging her. Adults cried alot in her presence and this one was no exception. The lady began speaking strange again and bit her own wrist. Shoving her wrist between Sarah's lips forcfully. The tears swelled in the ladies eyes and the only way to make her stop it seemed, was to lick her wrist. The first small bitter licks quickly turned into hungry suckings. When she finally pulled away the lady was slumped and sleeping. Sarah stood and walked back to her little nook between dumpsters. As she walked she felt a strange sensation in her body. Something was different, she felt dizzy and giggly at the same time. She noticed that as she walked, the other street sleepers stared at her in awe. She saw a glimmer of something in their eyes. They shrank back when she stepped to near. When she reached her nook, she felt exausted. The short distance she had walked seemed to take way too much energy out of her. She collapsed and fell asleep. For the next few days of haze, her dreams were filled with things she couldn't have ever seen on her own. Nightmares contained worse images of grisly deaths and wars. Another life was being lived in her slumber and she tried harder and harder to stay asleep. The power of these dreams were addicting. This acient life that played through her dreams was centuries worth of experiences. It would take time before she would understand them all, but she would try.

Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response?: She wouldnt be at the bar! she'd be outside waiting.
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?: Trys to turn them into a vampire.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?: Lights the building on fire.
4.What animal does your character most identify with? Rat

OOC Info:

Player name (online is fine): Dia
Other Characters you play: Chryseis Angelique, Panos Mehalitsenos.
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)Was here when it was borne! /wipes tears