Kem'Raaisu (Evenhet)
Basic Information
Birth Name: Kiamhaat
Aliases: Kem, Kem'Raaisu (Nightmare, or, literally, Black Dream in Egyptian)
Place of Birth: Egypt
Age: (real and apparant) His real age is 1,619 years old (born in 391 AD, created in 410 AD). His apparent age is about 29, although he was turned at 19 (bodies aged differently back in 410 AD and life expectancies were far shorter).
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: As of mid '08, Kem works dually as Meridian's Head Archivist and Evenhet's resident Elder while Alfarinn is away.
Unknown for certain if he works for one person or many, but Kem handles stock exchanges and investments, mostly from home and/or online. He also continues to pick up whatever freelance work comes his way in the line of transcribing texts, translating old documents, and appraising Egyptian artifacts.
Past Occupation: (If different from above)
Prior to mid '08: Unknown for certain if he works for one person or many, but Kem handles stock exchanges and investments, mostly from home and/or online. He also continues to pick up whatever freelance work comes his way in the line of transcribing texts, translating old documents, and appraising Egyptian artifacts.
Kem has done a variety of things. While human, he was a weaver. Since being turned, he has been a weaver, a musician, a poet, a teacher, and at all times, a scholar. He often made a living as a scribe as well as a translator. At various points in his life's history he achieved some recognition as a fine singer.
Hair Color: Silver-white
Length and Style: Worn loose, to the middle of his back. He doesn't do much with it; it often falls forward and curtains his face, hiding his expressions.
Eye Color: Very pale grey
Skin Color: Pale gold, not unnaturally so. Appears lightly tanned.
Height: 6'3" (unnaturally tall for his time period, but he fits in now)
Weight: 160 lbs (unfed), 195 lbs (well-fed)
Nationality: Egyptian
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Lean, wasted if he hasn't fed recently. Well-toned and muscular without being stocky (a swimmer's build) when he takes care of himself.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Unknown
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality: Kem began his life as a vampire by being a loner. No one knows much about what he did during the first few centuries, but he eventually found his way to the Evenhet clan.
Kem's personality is very much in the "pacifist" corner although he isn't entirely nonviolent. He often goes as long as possible without feeding, starving himself to the point of constant weakness. His appearance to humans is that of a lean, sickly man with no energy (unless he has fed recently: see physical appearance).
Kem despises killing or hurting anyone or anything for any reasons less than self-defense, but when necessary will feed on those who wish it. However, even under those circumstances he won't do so until absolutely necessary. Kem will step in and try to protect those weaker than he is and has a protective streak, especially toward women who remind him of his sister.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Kem appears to humans as a lean young man who must be ailing from some kind of long, wasting illness. His skin is pale, his face a bit more sharply defined than it would be if he were healthy. His eyes and hair draw attention far more than his body-type does, being inhumanly pale. In modern days, most people give him the fish-eye and assume he dyes his hair and wears contacts, or that it must be a side effect of whatever makes him so sick. Most would consider him attractive, even as "sick" as he is. He has pleasing, well-sculpted features, although his nose is a bit prominent. His mouth and eyes are very mobile, and while he himself seems fairly apathetic, his eyes and lips give away many emotions that body language does not.
*note: Kem's physical appearance changes depending on whether or not he's been feeding. When well-fed, the "sickly" appearance goes away, leaving him looking like the young adult he was when turned, healthy and quite strong, with a lean sort of muscle tone, narrow waist and broad shoulders reminiscent more of a swimmer than a bodybuilder.
Kem dresses somewhat casual-chic. Jeans torn out at the knees with a button-down dress shirt, trendy shoes, are the norm. At home, jeans and a t-shirt. He's a pretty unoriginal dresser, and follows a lot of TV fads. Being tall and slim lends itself well to buying whatever clothes looked good on the mannequin at the store.
3.What does your character like? Manners and chivalry are high priority for Kem, who would be polite even if it killed him. Fully embracing modern technology, Kem loves TV, movies, and the internet. He is fond of mysteries, and has an ironic addiction to... of all things... vampire movies. Kem loves the outdoors, and has a fondness for bodies of water in particular. Kem also enjoys music of all kinds, particularly 'world music' or anything historic in nature.
4. Dislike? Abuse of any kind, violence (including very physical sports like hockey, football), heights, and mexican food.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? Failing to protect someone who has placed trust in him; having trust placed in him to begin with. Kem also has an irrational fear of heights. He doesn't even know where it comes from. High-rise apartments make him sweat. Elevator rides cause him discomfort. He can stand to be in a penthouse as long as he doesn't get too close to any windows, but for his own comfort, will choose the lowest point he can find in any given situation.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Kem will go to great lengths to protect life, and once devoted to a cause, will remain true to it indefinitely. However, Kem is limited by his own refusal to do harm unless necessary, often going as long as possible without feeding, living pretty much on the edge of collapse.
Hobbies & Skills: Kem is a collector of fine art, particularly Egyptian, and is very picky about authenticity. He reads and writes many different languages as he has done extensive travel. A lot of what he knows are very old languages. He speaks Greek, Latin, Egyptian, Italian, German, and most Asian languages, and has a more thorough understanding of hieroglyphics than any modern-day historian. Any language involving pictographs comes easily to him. He is an accomplished knife-fighter, particularly with the kris. He's also an accomplished internet-surfer, and has a keen mind for numbers, mathematics, and probability. Gadgets interest him, and electronics as well. If Kem had been born in the modern day, he'd have been born with the word 'geek' stamped onto his forehead. As it is, he's adapted quite well already.
Kem is an excellent singer as well, although it's been centuries since he actually did so. He has a variety of esoteric skills dating back through the centuries, such as weaving, calligraphy/scribing, translating, etc.
Abilities: Sending, Bonding, Psychometry, Telekinesis, Glamour (Elder Ability: added 5/08)
Flaws: Mortal guilt, picky eater (won't feed on anyone unwilling and even then it's 'iffy'), Fear of heights.
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules): Abnormal hair and eye color, pale silver-white, often written off as dye, contacts, side-effects of medical treatments, etc.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention:
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character):
Kem'Raaisu, as he's known now, was once a young man of minor nobility in Egypt (the time period of the Roman Occupation). In 410 AD his younger sister was married to a man of upper nobility, but although the man seemed like a decent person, he had a tendency to beat the girl harshly for the slightest offense. She would often run home and hide by her older brother's side, but each time was forced to return to her husband. Each time Kem felt guilty for not defending her, for not stepping in. Each time it worsened.
Finally, after seeing his sister beaten to within an inch of her life, Kem took revenge on his brother-in-law, seeking the man out in his own home and killing him with a kris after a long fight. Startled at what he'd done, Kem was too slow to run before the city guards caught him, and he was comdemned to suffer damnation of the soul in spite of his younger sister's pleas for mercy.
In a dark ritual that Kem won't describe to anyone, he was turned over to the high priest, who led him into a deep chamber... and created Kem'Raaisu.
After his creation, Kem was forced from the city. He fled, living on his own for centuries before turning to the Evenhet Clan.
Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response?
*raises his glass quietly and sips at whatever it is for several hours*
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?
Kem's protective instincts would not only lead him to bring the child to the nearest authorities, but stick around until a parent is found.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?
Kem stays out of any fighting unless necessary to protect himself or someone innocent. Barfights? They probably brought it upon themselves. Let them work it out that way.
4.What animal does your character most identify with?
The cat.
OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine) Foxx
Other Characters you play Aishe
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)
TAC :)_________________