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Denial...not just a river in Egypt (Kem Only)

EGYPT Circa 1200 AD

Alfarinn looked at the row of mud brick houses with apprehension. There was a killer here and the question that remained to be answered was whether it was one of his own or someone else.

The Egyptian Evenhet were a small branch of vampires looking to make their mark in the clan by sitting on one of the largest gold mines of artifacts the world has seen since the fabled Atlantis. One of their number had a disagreement with historical objects being shipped out of the country and believed the pale northern devils that had spoke of progress meant to strip them of all their riches.

Alfarinn had been sent down to soothe the feelings of discontent before they became dangerous but before he could arrive the vampire named Madu had left the clan residence. That would not necessarily be cause for alarm except that he spoke of exposing their kind for the evil that they were, that perhaps it was best, what the gods had intended.

It was now up to him to find out whether Madu had made good on his promises so when rumors of heinous crimes involving numerous deaths and gruesome half eaten corpses starting from Alexandria, which just so happens to be where the Evenhet clan residence resided, and going in a trail along the river towards Giza appeared, Alfarinn began following in the hopes of catching up and stopping who ever was behind the attacks.

These old homes had been abandoned according to several of the locals he had talked to. He was told to stay away from them, bad spirits lived there. Sounded like the perfect place for another crime and a trail of footsteps that appeared to be dragging something suggested he was right.

With a sigh of resignation, Alfarinn headed into the unknown.

Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
Kem nodded, still distracted, and offered his cot up to his guest, if he chose. He was far too restless for anything but activity, so he remained where he was and began to pack his things for one more move.

((ooc: Kem out too! Lock n things!))