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Vampire Age Breakdown

Vampire Ages and Abilities Breakdown:

The older a vampire is, the more varied and powerful their abilities; ancients would have more power but more flaws and new ones would have less power but be more human and have fewer oddities. The following list breaks down the number of abilities and flaws a vampire of a given age may have:

Elders/Clan Leaders(Staff only)
1 added ability (Clan only)

Ancients (Staff only): Made before A.D. 400 ( Over 1606 years old )
4 abilities (One has to be clan only powers)
3 flaws

Middle Age: Made between A.D. 400 and A.D. 1000 ( Between 1006 - 1605 years old )
4 abilities (One has to be a clan only power)
3 flaws

Adolescence: Made between A.D. 1000 and 1800 ( Between 206 - 1005 years old )
3 abilities (One has to be a clan only power)
2 flaws

Youth Made between A.D. 1800 and Present ( Between 1 - 205 years old )
2 abilities (One has to be a clan only power)
1 flaw

Note: Elders/Leaders have one more power added to their bios. They have that little something extra that keeps them on top. (Mod/Admin characters only at this point)

There will be some of each age group in all three clans.