Where do we...
...post our bios?
A new post in the City Gates or as an add on to the bio form?

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
The posts in the city gates section now should be stickied. I am just very lazy =D So yes, post your bio there, clear title of who you are and all.

19 years ago
Cool thanks...
'Nother question.
Is an american origin appropriate?
'Nother question.
Is an american origin appropriate?

19 years ago
Nachton is somewhere in the US, Mae was thinking on the east coast somewhere. So certainly.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Ayup but there's a wide variety of nationalities that make up Nachton. So really its like any other coastal city.

19 years ago
One would assume its rather large to support a group of vampires so I would guess New York City type size or something.