Shalimar O'Mannon
Basic Information
Birth Name: Shalimar O'Mannon
Aliases: Shay
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Age:(real and apparant) 24
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Fiction Writer
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Policewoman
Hair Color: Brown - streaked Blond
Length and Style: Below the shoulders - worn in various styles
Eye Color: Bluish Green
Skin Color: Tawny
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125
Nationality: Caucasian
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Human
Body Type: Toned, long legs, average build
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC):
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality - Shay is suspicious by nature, always thinking there is a hidden motive or agenda in everyone she meets. She never takes anything at face value and people always feel they are being sized up, upon meeting her. She has a good sense of humor, and loves to have a good time, but can also be dead on serious when the need calls for it. She is determined and that is what made her a good cop, and also now makes her a good writer. She never gives up when she sets her mind to something. She has a loving, tender side, but few ever see it, and when they do, it is for short periods of time.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) She appears confident, and, and aloof...not approachable, unless one likes a challenge. She appears this way, even if she's curious as hell about someone or is a matter of self protection.
3.What does your character like? She likes to solve her mysteries, she likes eating, she likes being the center of attention.
4. Dislike? She dislikes being ignored, or criticized, she dislikes bugs, she dislikes being bored.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. The power of glamour, or illusions...she's strong willed, and I can see her being very adept at this.n Bonding would be another avenue she might excel in, as she is very empathetic.
6. What are your fears? She fears little, but pain is something she avoids, she has a low threshold, compared to most. She fears being held captive and being tortured.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
She has extraordinary powers of deduction and reasoning, or logic. She is very good at solving puzzles.
She can be prejudiced, and have little tolerance for those she feels are in the wrong. Her prejudices extend beyond race though, and are geared more towards cultures, or life rednecks...or rich elite...etc. She also has a bad back that flares up at times, and prevents her from being as active as she'd like. Her back was hurt in a minor car accident, while on the police force, but not serious enough to cause her to become disabled.
Hobbies & Skills - She can shoot very well, from her training at the police academy. She is also quite adept at martial arts. She is very computer savvy, but not to the point where she could hack anything. She can usually find whatever information she needs though, through her connections online. She still retains a lot of her access codes to the police databases, where she used to work. A friend of her's never removed her permissions. Her hobbies include working with stained glass, and glass blowing. She also buys 2500 - 5000 piece puzzles to solve.
Abilities - Reads people well.
Flaws - She is a bit more self centered than most, and she doesn't see her flaws, or weaknesses very easily. She is arrogant at times, and when she feels strongly, that she's right about something, she will rarely back down, or apologize if she is proven wrong.
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules) She has beautiful clear, skin, and gorgeous soft, shiny, thick hair.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - she smokes on occasion, but it is not a habit
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Shay was born to Matt and Pam O'Mannon, in Los Alamitos, California, and grew up there in a normal, happy atmosphere. She was the oldest of four children, and had two brothers and one sister.
She did all the normal, everyday activities. She was in girl scouts until she was twelve, and then took dance classes. She was fairly popular in high school, and dated the same boy throughout the last year of school. Brian Metcalf was his name, and he took her to both the homecoming dance, as well as the prom. She was voted Prom Queen, and was on the honor roll. All her teachers found her to be a good student, and trustworthy.
Shay did have her moments of rebellion though. She gave up her virginity when she was seventeen, to Brian, on the eve of homecoming, after she'd only dated him for three months. She also tried her hand at recreational drugs, and started drinking alcohol way before she was twenty one. But nothing major was ever an issue...she was basically a 'good' girl. She and Brian broke up; however, two months after she started college. He just didn't have the same drive she did, nor the ambition to make much of himself.
When she went to UCLA, she studied English at first, but switch to criminal psychology, and law mid year, when a close friend of her's was raped and killed. The Los Angeles police were unable to locate the killer, and their investigation of the occurrence left a lot to be desired, in Shay's mind.
However, once she became a cop, she found out a lot of the problems lie in the system, and not the people who are on the front lines, and trying to do the best they can. Frustrated, she left the force, and wrote a fictional book of her life, which became a best seller. Through the profits from that first book, Shay moved to Nachton, intent on finishing and beginning her next two books there. The underground rumors of vampires were the defining factors in why she chose Nachton to live. Her third book would be about them, and their lives.
Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? Thank you, I'll have a Rusty Nail.
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? Calmly questions the child, while looking at the people in the vicinity, trying to locate the person responsible for the child.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? If possible, she will try to subdue the situation, if not, she will probably consider the people at risk of being hurt, and if she deems them worthy of protecting, she'll contact the authorities. Otherwise, she'll just leave the bar.
4.What animal does your character most identify with? A cat. She likes their independence, sleek lines, and air of mystery.
***Shay has since been turned, and now has the telekinetic and perception abilities. Her creator was Ginnie Kavanaugh, who has since died.
OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine) : Den
Other Characters you play: Here - None yet
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) : Krystal