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Apollyon (Vampire)

Basic Information
Birth Name: Darius Jesu Sarimir
Aliases: Apollyon (To Vampires), Peter Benjamin Johnson (his current legal name)
Place of Birth: His father's estate, in the outskirts of Rome
Age:(real and apparent) 1560 (real) 35 (apparent)
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Weapon smith, musician and mercenary
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Captain in Roman military and wealthy heir, After one of his campaigns he returned to his Father's estate outside of Rome and secluded himself for the greater part of two years, attempting to perfect an immortality potion.

Hair Color: Black
Length and Style: Down to the middle of his back and Straight, curls slightly at the end.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 320 Lbs
Nationality: Italian
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: He has broad shoulders and powerful arms, his stomach is a bit flabby, probably from all the beer he drinks.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Unknown was a homeless man in Rome.

Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality: Despite his overbearing figure, he is very intelligent, and introspective. Polite to passers by, however If given even the slightest gesture of rudeness, he came become anything from verbally abusive to physically violent. Past his outer seemingly rude and coarse self, is a man who when forges friendships that transcend all. He will descend into the belly of the beast for a friend.And though rarely found, he will fight until his great arms tire out for it. He studies his surroundings at all times, Like a general entering foreign soil. Almost completely convinced of his own superiority, Even among his fellow brethren.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) in public he dresses himself to leave no lasting impression on anyone who might see him, Jeans and a t shirt, Toss in the occasional suit and Khaki pants and button down shirt. however, when he's among fellow vampires, he prefers his Plated armor, a breastplate that has the Appearance of gold with his family crest plated onto the chest. He wears silvery plate armor on his legs and on his shoulders. He wears a golden helm and wears a Blood red cape. He Carries himself with an inner air of confidence, when walking down a sidewalk he will not break stride for anyone, even if the person coming his way was twice his size.

3.What does your character like? Tv and movies- most things from action to comedy
Music- He loves Classical, blues, jazz, but has a place in his heart for heavy metal, Angry music speaks to his soul
Alcohol- Scotch, beer and more scotch, then anything else.
Fighting- He likes a good fight, This doesn't have to involve guns and swords, he enjoys a good barefisted brawl where both people can have a consensual fight and go their separate ways after wards.
Pain- for apollyon's mind channels clearer the more pain he's in. The more pain he experiences the more determined he becomes. This is true to a certain extent, As with a mortal or very serious wound he would react to it like anyone else would.
Cold temperatures- For the past half of his life he's lived in cold climates, he likes the feel of the winter air and likes to go skiing, tubing or snowboarding. He is comfortable in temperatures from freezing to 65 degrees

Fanaticism - Especially when it comes to religion.
Hot temperatures- anything above 80 degrees causes him to become irritable

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.

6. What are your fears? Apollyon has a deep seated fear that he will be alone for the rest of his long life. He watched his mother and sister walk into the sunlight and disintegrate when he turned them. He has tried many times to forge friendships and relationships with the fairer sex but something has always happened where he friends or mates die.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? In his many years Apollyon has spent most of them honing his combat skills.With his introspective nature, he always tries to see everything two moves ahead, whether it be feeding time, fighting for his life, or taking a night time stroll. He has great physical strength an cat like agility He would consider his greatest strengths his self-reliance and his skill with all things dealing with combat. His weaknesses would be his Pride, Arrogance, and his lone wolf nature, Sometimes relying on only yourself can be a disadvantage

8. Hobbies & Skills: Many to mention, He has been a student of war for over a millennium, and has embraced technology that has followed it, from the invention of the crossbow, to the advent of the Smart bomb. He is a gifted Weapon smith , he can craft anything from a bow and a sword to an automatic rifle and grenades. Aside from weapons he Studied martial arts during his stay in the orient, and has kept himself in practice with it since. His hobby for classic cars made him a decent mechanic. Also over his long life he's developed the skill to play piano , guitar , and violin.

Coat of Arms

Picky Eater - He prefers those he feels has the air and appearance of strength, he wants no weak blood in him.and after his last encounter, He will avoid feeding on women at all costs.
Through his experiences feeding on them only leads to certain exposure.
Very Sensitive to light
Excessive Thirst

Cosmetic Traits: Nothing major to speak of, Some nicks and cuts on his arms and legs but nothing that would start a conversation. He likes to keep himself clean and fragrant, despite his past barbaric lifestyle he would like to try to be well kept.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention: Smokes, He is a lover of cigars, Cigarettes, and his pipe. can be a little paranoid at times, he tends to look over his shoulder or survey a crowd even without the need for it. Likes to drink

Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Darius Jesu Sarimir was born in 440 AD. Son of Cyrus Yashua Sarimir. Darius' father was a nobleman of little note, he was the equivalent of a major in the roman military, He helped lead the notorious centurions in battle. When Darius became of age he Followed his father's footsteps and enjoyed even more success than his fore bearer. He quickly became known as a great tactician and a crafty leader of troops. For many years he enjoyed success with his troops, and he wreaked havoc upon the barbarians with his clever use of poisons he made himself. then at the age of 28, a messenger Gave him the news that his father had been killed in the lands of germania fighting the barbarians. It crushed his spirit, he lost the flair he once had, and he accepted defeat in all he did. He withdrew himself to his family's estate in the basement in the outskirts of Rome, where he devoted himself to make a potion that would stop creeping death of aging, and would regenerate his body. He came up with many recipes but they all required someone to test them on. He had become very reclusive at this point and some would even venture to say psychotic. He began kidnapping homeless people and using them as his subjects to test his potions. And for the following six months he succeeded only in killing a hundred homeless men. Frustrated, he spent another six months perfecting one recipe he devised. He was convinced it would work this time, but the subject he kidnapped rose from his chemically induced slumber, and assaulted Darius. He Had heard of vampires before, but he always thought they were nothing more than a ghost story, now one was upon him. He asked his mysterious Attacker to turn him and for the sum of 100 gold coin, he gained his wish. in the morning his benefactor was gone and he found himself alone in his cavernous basement alone, some hours into the change. and for the next day he felt the mortality in him burn from him like impurity in a forge. At the end of his change he was utterly enthralled with the power he held. Immortality, Unmatchable strength, even greater speed and agility. HE emerged from the cellar with a different air about him and recounted his story to his mother and his sister, the scoffed at him, then when he showed them his newly developed fangs, they staggered back, over the next couple weeks they grew increasingly distant. Darius decided if they seen the gift firsthand they would only thank him for being so benevolent. Using the same potion he devised to subdue the hobos he used for his experiments, he put his mother and sisters into a deep state of rest, He released the dark gift to them, and when they awoke they were completely through the change. His family members cursed him and walked directly into the blazing sunlight and killed themselves. Darius watched them become disintegrated by the pure light of the sun. For 2 months he mourned them, After which he decided to put his old life behind him,and became a nomadic mercenary, traveling to the orient for many years, then moving to western Europe. From there he moved himself to northeast Europe and became a hermit for 500 years. This was the first time humans tried to kill him. He accidentally fed upon a nobleman's daughter and she was able to remember the description of her attacker, An angry mob stormed upon his residence, but he managed to escape. He moved to London in 1400 ad and changed his name to Peter Benjamin Miliar. he lived in London for 250 years, changing his name and appearance every thirty years. In 1649 Ad He Screwed up again, once again he was exposed, and this time he had to kill to escape, After 10 men lay dead, he saw it was time to take flight once again, This time to Scotland, he changed his name, cut he bleached his hair regularly he was now, Simon Peter Gallior, once again a blacksmith. He lived here until 1756 , where he traveled to North America, where he's lived until present time, He First lived in Maine, twenty years later, his lust for feeding once again caused him to be exposed to the residence in the local area. He fled to the Ohio, then Oregon, then New York City, with a new found resolve he thought himself able to contain his thirst, and he was right for 200 some years, Now he hopes to make a new life for himself in Nachton.

Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? Thank Them, and perhaps engage them in conversation, but only for a couple minutes
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? Children? Pfft leave them alone, to become strong one must be self sufficient
3. A bar fight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? Apollyon would be reluctant to start a fight in public, for fear of being exposed. but if it was unavoidable he would defend himself, trying not to use his great vampire strength and to only dissuade his attackers at further pursuing this ridiculous course of action
4.What animal does your character most identify with? The Wolf, A cunning and capable creature who is above all, Self Sufficient.

OOC Info:

Player name (online is fine) Nercrolias
Other Characters you play: None
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) Foxx