Welcome Home....
Gaia led the way from Tàcharan Clan room to a sewer entrance of the club. She had to change before taking her protégée out on the town. Wearing blood before you even get to a club is so cliché.
Gaia had changed in to creamy white tank that showed her tummy area and low belted army fatigue pants they were no where near tight. Strapping on her army boots she was almost ready. She quickly braided the side of her hair in two small braids and tied them off with a crimson cord. Taking a small green flowing gypsy like scarf she tied it around her arm. Little bells had been sewn on the edge. It reminded her of the woman who had given her, her first memory after loosing them all.
They had arrived at the entrance a bouncer watching the sewer opening. She by passed those trying to beg entrance pushing them roughly out of the way.
"Long time," He smiled winking at her. Gaia ran a finger along his jaw licking her lips and winked back. She then took possession of Glory's hand leading her through the door and a very crowded room. It was dark and industrial feeling as well as hot. She went right to the bar ordered 10 different drinks and told the bar tender to bring them to the booth. Of course she meant Tàcharan's private booth used by the 'elite' of the clan. Eyeing the crowd as she walked through it a lot of vampires gladly moved out of her way.
She had acquired a rather... bloody name for herself and not only that they all seemed to think she was unstable. Mixed in with the crowd were many of her trainees. Gaia toyed with the idea of making this a lesson... maybe later. She shrugged still holding Glory's hand she lead her to the booth and scooted in indicating for Glory to go in the other side.

Instead, Glory followed Gaia to the club in a lovely white, collar blouse which was see-through and outlined her perfectly. You could easily see her bra through the fabric, but that was the point, wasn't it. Class is what Glory was all about, after all, she had a holy name.
Quietly, Glory followed Gaia passing by people who were shit out of luck and being dismissed easily. It seemed that Gaia had quite the reputation which made Glory feel intimiated. She glanced down at their hands, her fit so perfectly with Gaia's it was splendid, but obviously not mentioned.
People moved out of the way for them - for Gaia which amazed Glory, though she was curious why 10 different drinks were to be brought to the table they were going to be sitting at. As their hands separated so Glory could take her seat, Glory shuffled into the booth with Gaia, across from her and smiled, placing her hands on the table again, not knowing what she was supposed to be doing.
Her previous visit had been a less than informational one as you could hardly call it a visit. It was just barely a pass through. "Ten drinks? Any particular reason?" she asked playfully. "Please, forgive me, Gaia. I feel out of place here. I see that you've earned yourself quite the reputation. Tell me about it."

"I never know what I may want. So I order a lot, and then if anyone joins me I have extra." It made perfect sense to her. "Then again I could drink them all as well." She shrugged as if it meant nothing really. The waitress came and put the drinks on the table by order of large to small. Gaia handed her a tip, the woman had done it perfectly. Taking a shot she pushed it towards Glory.
"Bottoms up," She drank it and then took the next sized glass... it has ice and a blue liquid. "Help yourself if you want anything." She said sipping her new drink.
"It is odd you feel out of place here of all cities." She said indicating the large array of all different kinds of human and vampire a like. "I was drawn here for some reason I can't say. Was doing fine when I was here one night and got trapped by Vampire Harvesters." Gaia sneered at the word spitting over the table to the ground. She had received her revenge though.
"Ellis saved me. She and Simon took me in; I became a member of Tach... I became her Lieutenant as you know from the last... 'visit'." She said not really putting any meaning in to the word. "Lately they have been calling me 'The Trainer'. I am an oddity to them." She said eyeing some of the trainees looking at her. They quickly looked away. She smirked.
"I am not the same person." She stated, "I do things no one else will. The other clans won't recognize us. I still do relics on the side, but mostly just to piss off that Emond woman."Â? She smiled it was her pass time. "I will say it plainly I am a world class Assassin in both human and vampire realms. I train those to be as good."Â? She inhaled sharply, "You can smell the fear when I enter a room."Â? She said satisfied. No more orphan status for her. Downing her drink she took another, it was a red brown liquid. Sipping it she sat up suddenly spitting it out. Eyeing the waitress she sprang from her seated position over the table using it as a spring board spilling a few drinks in the process. The Waitress froze. Gaia seized her by the neck and whispered something in her ear. The waitress backed up slowly and then ran to the bar. Gaia sauntered back to the table and sat down calmly like nothing had happened. Tossing the drink she had not liked on to the floor the waitress returned.
"It is perfect... I promise made it myself this time."Â? She stammered her apology for the new bar tender and left.
"I like my drinks particular she knows this."Â? Was all she said.

As she was given the green light, so to speak, Glory reached over the table and picked up a fancy drink she knew not the name of and brought it to her nose, smelling the goodness of it. she took a drink and set it down on the table. The night was young. There was no need to rush through drinks.
"I don't know what it is, I just suppose I am new to it all here. That must be it. I am hoping I might be able to stay ... if that is alright with you." Glory swallowed another sip of her drink nervously. Perhaps her sire would not want her around after all the times Glory had only stopped in for a brief visit and took off again. Spending 100 year away from her sire in the beginning of her turn was the worst, but now, at the most, Glory was only gone for a few weeks - never a whole year without some sort of 'hello'.
Glory was a good listener, Gaia would soon learn that. She was a patient person, the one who could wait all night for her lover to come home, not that Glory had one constant lover. Glory moved from man to woman to man again with each passing night. It was her way of life and in the morning, before they woke, she either killed them and robbed them, or just robbed them if they were a great shag.
Glory nodded along with what Gaia was saying as she said it, taking the occasional drink to wet her thirst. "It's good you still do relics. I've moved on from being the average thief," she stated. "I find the rarities that people would pay extremely handsome money for. The funny thing is - for the things I need in this ... life ... I never pay for. So ... I'm fucking loaded."
No sooner than she finished that then Gaia was spitting out her drink and leaping off the table. Glory did her best to save the drinks she could, but jumped up just as a drink was about to soak her pants. Lucky for her, it did not. she looked on with interest as words were spoken that she could not hear. Glory cleaned up the mess before she sat down, making sure there would be no unwanted stains on her pants. She looked at the waitress as she came with a drink in hand for Gaia.
"A regular goddess among vampires - got it," she winked at Gaia and took a drink of her blueish liquid. Glory cracked her neck in an unladylike manner. Ever since the trouble she ran into on her last trip, she was left with a mark she would never forget - the pain in her neck.
She listened to the music - distracted, but kept her eyes on Gaia. "Was I miss this time around or have you been so busy my lack of presense went unnoticed?"

"Your skills are valued by some." She said her voice hushed. As Gaia watched her friend closely, "Your presence... was always noticed here or away." She said her voice restricted slightly. "I can not control you however so I went about my business; survival my dear. That is how we live... how I live. As long as we are not caught life goes on."
That was what she was at now. Just the basics. Gaia had become... more carnal since coming to the city. Ellis of course nurtured that part of her and Gaia found herself loving it. She loved making people jump, and wonder just what she would do next.
"I am not nearly as selfish as when we first met. I have never turned anyone since." She admited to the closest thing she had to a friend. "At least that I remember."

"You don't understand, Gaia. Do you remember that girl you turned in the alleyway? She was wearing a makeshift dress with patches sewn all over it, though now that I think back, they were expertly sewn on because well - I kick ass. But my point is, I am dressing the way I deserve to dress. I'm moving up in this world and that is something my lame ass father could never do for me. Bastard - the way he treated me. You should consider this the ultimate payback."
Glory took a drink and leaned back in her seat with a smile plastered on her face. She missed talking with Gaia, though their previous visits had been less than ten minutes. It was pleasant sharing their past together and hopefully their future. "Well, you're right about that - you cannot control me," she smirked and winked at her sire, "but if ever there was something you wanted from me," her voice went lower, sexy, "all you have to do is ask. But it is nice to know I can be discarded so easily."
Glory was a little surprised to hear that she had not turned anyone. Glory hadn't turned anyone - she was anxious. She looked up at Gaia a little seriously. "You do consider me a mistake then? I thought what you said in the gardens was a joke - but I'm not so sure now ..."

Gaia had never been self conscious or cared for many other people accept Glory and now Ellis. "You are where you want to me." She said quieter her eyes moving form burning a hole in Glory to the dance floor.
"You were never discarded but I can not 'dwell' you know this. Shit happens and it always happens to me." Her attention was wandering from their conversation to the dance floor and the many mix of people on it. "You know if you need me I am here. No questions asked." It was a statement meant for her to understand her commitment. Gaia had created her and loyalty was everything to her.
"I never regretted turning you that's just the thing. Where would I find anyone nearly as worthy?" She asked smiling. "You are a tough act to follow."
"Lets dance!" She said suddenly standing up.

She shifted in her seat a little and smiled at Gaia. "Yes, I know you don't dwell, but I hope that I never cause you any hassle, trouble or shit ever again," she snickered and nodded her head. This meant she was planning on staying if it meant making Gaia just a tincey, wincey bit happy.
"And if I need you, I will most certainly find you. You've been really great to me and I don't know how to repay you for this new life you've given me." Glory took a long drink and then placed the empty glass on the table as she finished it off. "I am a tough act to follow? Was there something ... I don't know ... unique about me? I myself have yet to turn a single person," she wasn't exactly proud of that.
Soon, Gaia was getting up and demanding they dance, which made Glory smiled brightly. She got up, following her to the dancefloor.

She had Glory with her but her mind was lost in the spinning lights and the loud thump of what ever beat was playing. Gaia was very close to her... their body's were touching when something from behind smashed in to her back Gaia went forward her face cushioned by Glory's bosom. A hissing sound escaped her lips as she turned to see a huge vampire male dancing with a female vampire. Gaia's head tilted sideways as she contemplated the moment.
In a split second she had tapped him on the shoulder and he was now facing her with a sharp boot kick she hit him in the ribs and he went flying backwards... Gaia shoved the girl with him until they were against the wall. Using her boot once again she trapped his throat against the wall.
"Get out." She said coldly his eyes opened three times bigger and he scuttled away as soon as he was released. Turning she had a frown on her face. She spotted Glory and sighed walking towards her Gaia placed an arm around her shoulders. "Definitely time for a drink," She said dragging her to the bar.

She was here to stay and hopefully, be able to achieve what she wanted and hopefully what Gaia might want, but there was no way for her to be sure. Gaia had mastered hiding her true emotions - if she actually had them - whereas Glory had not, and in Gaia's cast, she didn't want to master them, not yet.
There was a jerking movement and Gaia was plastered to Glory, knocking her back a pace. At the exact moment Gaia hissed, Glory did as well, but Gaia was all action where Glory was all words. She watched intently as Gaia advanced on the couple and did her very sexy thing. She was a strong vampire and was definately proving that to Glory tonight.
She looked at the elder vampire as she approached, the couple leaving, and smiled. "Well done. I see you've not lost your touch." Then there was an arm on her shoulder and Glory was being dragged to the bar for a drink. She thought back to Gaia face on her, it made her feel hot. She sat down on a bar stool and looked at her sire, wondering what they should talk about next.
As she was wondering, it appeared her mind and mouth could do two different things at once. "I've missed you," she said, almost unaware. "The nights just where not the same without you," her accent was still heavy, but understandable. Glory stood up from the bar, finally aware of what she was saying. Voices in her head telling her she was out of her mind to want to be with a vampire - but it's not like she could be with a human - nor did she want to be. But Gaia, she was everything and Glory was having the feeling that staying might not be an option if she couldn't control herself.
[i]Almost casually, she started walking away. Being back brought back so many feelings. "You'd never understand," she said, more to herself, though there was the possibility that Gaia heard it.

'My my, Gaia. Making more friends, I see,' Ellis purred as she silently moved up to beside her Trainer.

As their conversation began Gaia listened... Glory had missed her. Gaia had missed her too things were not the same with out another clever mind to share them with. However she just couldn't say it.
Glory suddenly got up... the younger vampire was walking away Gaia was shocked unsure how to react... Glory had said something quietly... about understanding... who wouldn't understand? Gaia wanted to question her but something appeared; A very recognizable voice. Gaia could instantly smell her she really had not been paying attention to her surroundings.
"You know me Ellis I love to make new 'friends'." She smiled at her leader. "If you will excuse me a moment," She said inclining her head to the beautiful woman who had abruptly appeared beside her very silently.
Gaia went after glory and touched her arm. "Let's discuss this later." She stated and tightening her grip moved Glory so she was walking towards Ellis.
"Ellis this is Glory." She said introducing them. "Glory this is Ellis Tàcharan's clan Mistress." Gaia smiled at them both.
"I am sure a relationship between the three of us would take this town by storm." There was a glint in her eye... something that screamed 'danger'.
"You two are beautiful, smart, cunning, and skilled in many different areas. Myself, I can provide the fear."Â? She winked.

Glory raised her eyebrow slightly as she surveyed the woman and inclined her head in politeness. "Pleasure," was all she said, and she did mean it. Glory ordered up some random hard hitting drink, since she was at the bar. She watched the bartender ready it, at which Glory had a close eye. Hopefully they wouldn't put anything but the necessities in it. Glory was hell bent in making sure her drinks were clean.
She looked at Ellis, wondering what to make of her, but she supposed in time she would be able to. As Gaia went on, Glory smiled wistfully. "All because of your training, sire," she commented quickly. Glory could not take all credit for being as good as she was with weaponry, but she could take credit for not using it.
As the young vampire was about to take her drink, some fool bumped into her, spilling the drink everywhere, at which Glory turned around, left the bar, and visciously made a round-house kick right across his face, leaving a very deep gash, courtesy of her lovely boots. But this man was not phased in the least and sent Glory across the room, she was practically weightless.
Landing on her back, Glory flipped herself back to her feet, watching the as she was being charged at. Okay, so she had been caught off guard, what are you looking at? As the man was throwing punches of all kinds, Glory was dodging each and every one. She was back in the game, but slowly being cornered into a wall. Glory was a peaceful vampire, interested in reading in the quietness, but nothing could compare to a good brawl. Ducking under a right handed punch, Glory brought her knee up into the man's gut, threw a few punches of her own and switched their positions.
She smiled gleefully at the vampire whose teeth were showing. "That can't possibly be all you got," she snickered, causing the vampire to tackle young Glory to the ground, trying to pin her. Big baffoon. Glory wedged her boots between them and kicked him off, sending him sprawling across the floor. She flipped herself back up again into her defensive stance, but lowered those defenses and smiled sweetly like a human child at Christmas.
The vampire dared to look at her before heading out, which upset Glory just a little. Glory returned to the bar, still looking at his back, when she reached behind her and pulled one of her throwing knives from her belt, and just as quickly, whipped it through the air, so that it embedded itself in his back. He landed face first on the ground, and instantly, Glory was at his side, playing with the knife just a little, twisting it and turning it. She yanked it out after he was finished crying out. "Fuck you," she snarled at him and returned to her freshly made drink and the two other ladies.
"I'd venture that that was quite fun," she grinned proudly at herself, handing her knife to the 'tender. "Clean it."
((I don't know what possessed me to do this. Sorry for the length. haha))

Her Trainer introduced the little one named Glory. Ellis took another drag off her cigarette and then tucked her one arm under the one with the cigarette. 'Why hello, Glory.' She waited for the little one to order her drink when someone abruptly interrupted. She watched quietly as Glory decided to play with the other vampire.
She looked over at Gaia briefly then back at Glory as she returned to the bar with her bloody knife. Ellis flicked the ashes off her cigarette. She was young, very young. Tilting her head to the side, she looked at the little one from head to toe. She understood now why Simon grew tired of the young vampires, there was so much untethered violence. Not that she disagreed with that, but violence should have a purpose, preferably a profitable one.
Speaking of which, Ellis thought to herself, 'I'd would imagine that it's pretty safe to say that you'll be Merc'ing with us, Glory? Or do you even have plans on staying in the city?'

Glory was cat like in response as she kicked her opponent. This club was notorious for those who didn't care and it seemed they both had a work out that evening. Gaia winked at her with a smile as Glory returned no worse for her wear.
"Remind me to teach you how to stay on your feet." She teased. "For the rest I shall have to give you 10 out of 10." Gaia held her drink up. "Oh and never relinquish your weapon to someone else." She said reaching over grabbing the bar tender by the neck. "The lady said clean it not steal it." Gaia was choking the tender by now knowing him as a local thief like herself but much lower class. She took the weapon smeared the blood on her pants and handed it to Glory.
"Glory has the potential to become a harvester, one of the best however I have had to force her in to using any kind of weapon at all." Gaia said almost exasperated. Narrowing her eyes on the red head, "Maybe between the two of us we can convince her." She smirked looking at Ellis her eyes flashing.

Glory watched as Gaia was choking the thief who had her weapon. Glory was fully aware of what was happening to it, she was always aware of her surroundings. "Lesson noted," she said softly. "But I knew what was happening to it. Besides, I do have extras." She beamed at Gaia, who was always in the mentor state of mind when it came to Glory. It was practically unfair. She watched Gaia smear the blood on her pants and frowned. "Now that was not necessary..." she trailed off.
As Gaia and Ellis spoke amongst themselves, Glory was there to listen to every word. "Hey now, just because I look beyond weapons doesn't mean I can't use them. Come one, Gaia. I'm a pro if I'm forced into that kind of situation, but that doesn't mean I'll go looking for a reason to use a weapon. I prefer the more....hands on approach," she grinned. "I'm not sure how long I'll be staying. Perhaps a lot longer than my previous visits to me sire. Maybe one day, she could give me good enough reason to stay - indefinately." Glory let the ladies interpret that whichever way they chose, but Glory knew what she wanted.
"Face it, my sire, you know it wouldn't take much to convince me..."

'Gaia's children are welcome to the fold,' she said softly. 'If you choose to stay, I could care less what you do or who you do it to, but be mindful of the attention you bring to the clan.' Ellis stepped close to Glory, looking down at her with every ounce of superioty that her body could gather, 'Violence, although a wonderful thing, should have a purpose and there are only two purposes worthy to Tacharan.' She lowered her voice and whispered to Glory, looking her in the eye.
'Violence for power and financial gain. Preferably...mine.' She turned her head and looked at the vampire child's skin, watching the house lights reflected in her hair. Slowly she murmured, 'Welcome to Nachton.'
Whether or not Glory chose to respond to Ellis was of no consequence. She turned and spoke clearly to her Trainer, 'Gaia...walk with me.' Ellis walked off the floor, towards the elevator and pressed the button. She did not check back to see if Gaia was following.
Ellis treated her unfettered allegiance much like her confidence in her clan power. Unwavering and unnerving.

The part that perked her interest was Ellis' welcome to the fold. Glory had a place among them now.
"An orphan no more," She stated to Glory and turned to walk with Ellis at her request. "What is it my lady?"
Gaia rarely asked questions but then again Ellis would have no reason to walk with her except to tell her something.

Just then something caught Ellis eye back on the floor and she ignored the opening elevator doors.
'I have business to attend to here, then I plan on retrieving my beast.' She looked back at Gaia and leaned in close to whisper into her ear. 'Tonight, we hunt.'
With great flourish, Ellis gave her Trainer a nod and disappeared back into the crowd.
((OOC - out, but if you can, please get with Simon in a little while to discuss the plans to raid the Hillman compound in the Strip. I smell blood in the water...