Catching up and thinking..(Invitation only)
As Mathias sat in the private Tacharan area, waiting to see if Ellis would make it..his mind drifted to earlier and Shay.
Fascinating woman,quite spirited and bright. And unaware of my true nature...
Mathias thought back to the last time a mortal woman had intrigued him so,and felt a catch as he remembered her all too tragic end.
I cannot allow myself to get that involved - for either of our sakes. Yes, that is what's right. But he knew what a lie it was.
After a time,and no Ellis, Mathias decided he should take Ellis' suggestion and call Simon to catch up and get the state of the clan. Maybe she would still come by,if not Simon would let her know.
Pulling out his phone,Mathias dialed Simon's number and waited....

'Mathias?' Simon had just barely uttered his name when his cell phone began to ring. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the little silver bit of technology. Simon opened the phone up and gave the other vampire a half smile. 'I'm guessing this is you calling me?'
Simon reached out to shake his hand. 'Welcome to Nachton. Ellis sent me to debrief you on your recent job.'

Said jokingly,there was a kernel of truth to what he said. While he didn't dislike Simon, he found the Tacharan XO unsettling sometimes. His devotion to Ellis was absolute,and Mathias had witnessed such devotion poison men's souls before.
Then again,if we are already damned what does a bit of poison matter?
"She also mentioned you could bring me up to date on Clan affairs,but that can wait until we are done"
Mathias began to explain to Simon what occurred and how he made it look like Gallo's partner was responsible. "While it may not sate any police curiosity,I am sure it will be enough for Mr. Gallo's 'friends' "
He sat back and waited for Simon's response.

'Sounds good, just let Carol know where you want your money sent to and we'll wire it.' Simon said with a monotone voice. 'As far as Clan dealings, there is something currently brewing.' Simon had read Mathias' bio so he knew what he was capable of. Bringing him along would be necessary, it's explaining what they're going for that might prove a bit more difficult. 'There will be a Merc run into a compound later tonight. Ellis is going ahead of us, we stand by. Just be ready to move when that happens.'
Simon blinked and placed his hands on the table. He laced his fingers together and again, with a monotone voice, asked, 'Was there anything else?'

" I will be ready. Can you give me any more details than that? I don't want to fly blind into a...situation"

'This will be a group raid on an known enemy of the clan. He has infiltrated the core and Ellis has decided that he is to be dealt with. I'm not one to question why she does...what she does.' He let his statement sink in a bit before he looked off into the crowd, watching the bodies gyrate to the music. He thought of Marthinus and how he last left him at the Domicile. Then a thought occured to him.
'Mathias, if you're interested, I have a special project for you.' Simon inwardly smiled. If he was lucky, he could assist his children in their task to protect the family. He knew the vampires used to watch over were not clan vampires, but renegade hired out mercenaries. Ellis kept her use of them down to almost nothing, save for overly dangerous and covert missions. He watched as Mathias took in the information and wondered if maybe Ellis wasn't setting Mathias up to be one of these covert mercs, possibly a Harvester like Lykaios. Maybe she had already recruited him.
Or maybe she plans on grooming Mathis to take Lykaios place. It would not surprise him if she felt the Wolf's presence in the clan was becoming too much of a liability. Restock the merc ranks with fresh blood, so to speak. Simon smiled just then. A smile that is commonly known as 'a shit eating grin'.
'I believe it involves something that Ellis might be prepping you for.' There goes the bait. Just waiting on the nibble.

"Her motivations were not being questioned-but more information beyond 'We go and attack' would have been nice. I grew tired of heedless charges about 500 years ago." Mathias was not one to flout his age,however Simon's comments were out of line. He was no wet behind the ears whelp freshly turned and he would be damned if Ellis' lapdog would treat him as such.
Mathias thought for a moment about what Simon said and asked. Ellis grooming me? She said nothing of the sort...what is Simon up to...
Mathias gave Simon a half smile, if the XO wanted to play games then he should at least see it out. "If Ellis was 'grooming' me for anything Simon I would expect her assistant to know. However, I am always at your service...what is it you would ask of me?"

'You'll eventually find out that, although Ellis is our leader, I ultimately control what happens to the newer vampires in the clan. The new ones who feel they're above answering to the higher up, older vampires. Specifically myself.' Simon leaned in closer, so the seriousness of what he was about to say would not be lost in the hum of the music blaring. 'Your presence in the clan is by permission only. Permission from both Ellis and myself. There will never be anything that you do...that I won't know about. So that it's clear, not only do you answer to Ellis, but you answer to her second in command.'
Simon knew he was commonly referred to as Ellis' lapdog. It was a harmless insult that he grew used to hundreds of years ago. The city knew, the clan's power relied solely on Simon's ability to control Ellis. Her companion, yes, but lapdog...far from it.
'Hopefully we are now clear.' Simon sat back and continued with his offer. 'You are more than likely being groomed to take the place of one our independent mercenaries. This gives you the freedom to come and go as you please and you are not required to go on all the hunts. However, your Independence will be decided by your ability to finish the more complicated jobs. My mission for you will help me decide on whether or not to recommend you when Ellis asks me about your performance.'
'This involves a disavowed vampire. Clanless by choice and by need. Here's the fun the part.' Simon smiled. 'We do not know who he is, only that his target has been brought to our attention. He follows Marthinus T. Steyn, our CEO of Duibne. Your mistress' head familiar. Find this vampire, kill him and bring us proof.'
Simon slid out of the booth and stood. He straightened his jacket as he looked back out into the crowd of people dancing. 'I have no other information to give you. You are on your own.' He turned and looked back at Mathias. 'You in?'
((ooc - if you decide to take it, feel free to create an npc vampire that is no older than yourself. Take him out however you see fit. Marthinus can join you in another thread if you want to tail him to get to this vampire stalking him. Simon is on his way out, he's just waiting for your reply.))

Most interesting Mr. Huntington..and well played
((ooc Mathias out as well. Please lock))