Nicholae Lache
Basic Information
Birth Name: Nicholae Lache
Aliases: Nic
Place of Birth: Bucharest, Walachia - later known as Romania
Age: Born in 1630 - turned 1655, appears early 20's
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Actor
Past Occupation: Model
Hair Color: Dark blond
Length and Style: long and shaggy, atm
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tan
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 190
Nationality: Romanian/Hungarian/Caucasian
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Tall, long legs, solidly built - works out and it shows. He's a hunk.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Iuliana Solomicianski- Clan Evenhet - She looked to be in her late twenties to early thirties, was tall for most women - 5'10", and slight of build. She also had seductive, lavender eyes, and long black hair, that she wore in upswept styles, most of the time.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality -
Nic is a character. He's friendly, boisterous, and very animated. He is also moody, and given to fits of temper. However, for the most part he only displays his happy side, especially to strangers, or random people on the street.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
He dresses in the style of the day, though normally on the casual side. He cleans up very nicely, and knows how to wear clothes, even the most elegant.
3.What does your character like? He likes the ladies, he likes being the center of attention, he likes comfort.
4. Dislike? He dislikes manual labor, dirt, and gore.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? He fears death, he fears being alone, he fears being isolated, or shunned.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Physically he has strength in his upper body. He can run fast, as well, but doesn't like to put himself out. He's lazy. He's not terribly bright, though he's not at all stupid. He's got more street smarts than book knowledge.
Hobbies & Skills - He works out in a gym at least five days a week, and is very conscientious about it. He likes to perform gymnastics, and is mediocre at it. He drives well, and has toyed with auto racing, though he's never made any kind of name for himself at it.
Abilities - Suggestions, Bonding, and Glamor.
Flaws - Narcissistic, and won't feed on children, or mentally challenged.
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules) He's a pretty boy, with flawless skin.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - He rarely sleeps, usually no more than a couple hours in a twenty four hour period.
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character) --
Nic was born in Walachia (Romania), and grew up in and around Bucharest. His family owned and operated vineyards, and produced renowned wines that pleased even Romanian, and Hungarian royalty.
He was the seventh of ten children born to Vasile and Magda Lache, and because of his position in the family, became the comedian to gain attention. His antics entertained the family, and got him into trouble in school. However, his good looks and winning smile, as well as the ability to use these things, got him out of trouble just as easily.
Nic skated through his childhood with very little happening to him. Though his childhood was fairly happy, being from such a large farming type family,he never felt terribly special within that family. So he often took trips to neighboring cities where he'd meet and entertain people in cafes,and on street corners. He fulfilled his need for attention that way.
On a trip when he was 24, to a town called Constanta, on the Black Sea, he met a woman in a pub. Her name was *Iuliana, and she was the most beautiful and worldly woman Nic had ever laid eyes on. As it turned out, Iuliana became not only his benefactor, in helping him become an established actor, but was also responsible for turning him that same night. Nic, being quite drunk, had no idea what he was getting himself into, other than agreeing to become Iuliana's companion. And in turn, Iuliana, having never been stingy with money, set Nic up quite well financially.
It was natural for Nic to be attracted to Iuliana. She looked to be in her late twenties to early thirties, was tall - maybe 5'10", with legs that never ended, an ample bosom, and an ass any woman would envy. She also had seductive, lavender eyes that caused Nic to melt upon their gaze his way. And because Iuliana thought Nic was equally attractive, they appeared made for each other. A more striking couple might never have been seen before, or since.
However, both were highly self centered, and much more concerned with their own needs and wants, to ever establish much of a bond between them.
Nic stayed with Iuliana until she disappeared in 1712, while they were visiting England. He spent considerable money trying to find her, to no avail. It seemed highly likely some ill had befallen Iuliana, and she had perished, but no evidence of that was ever found.
From that point on, he has remained virtually unattached, and bent on just enjoying the better things in life. Through the years, and fortunate acquaintances he's met, he's established a lucrative investment firm in London, and is now able to live quite well from the earnings of that firm.
It wasn't until the late 1800's that Nic chose to move to the states. He moved to Hollywood in 1918 and took on movie roles, but always as the lesser known player. He was constantly offered greater roles...his good looks could have taken him far in the business, but he chose to play character parts instead, and because he did them so well, he was able to get work whenever he felt the desire.
To protect his identity, Nic always worked under an alias, and often disappeared for five years at a time, usually traveling back to Europe, only to return under a new name and begin acting again.
Yet with the advent of television, he was finding it more and more impossible to retain his anonymity, and thus decided a change in his life was now in order, and moved to Nachton.
OOC Checklist
Player name - Den
Other Characters you play - Shalimar O Mannon
How you came to SA - Kryssy told me about it
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes