Killing...time. (lock please)
Maybe this hadn't been his smartest decision. He knew nothing about this place, short of the fact that it was about as far away from Hollywood, as he could be, and still be in the states.
He had to admit he had at least one stroke of brilliance when he decided long ago, to keep up his connections with the Evenhet clan. Finding out that they had a presence here had been some of the best news he'd had in ages.
Having fled back to Europe in the early seventies, Nic had spent the years at the firm in London. But playing with money bored him, even if he did have a knack for it. Once he assured himself that things there were going to run smoothly for another fifteen or twenty years, he took off again...looking for excitement.
Returning to Hollywood was just out. He had done great there back in the sixties, and there were still too many people about who would remember him. And while he might be able to pass off his lack of aging on the wonders of plastic surgery, even most of Hollywood wasn't quite that stupid. When a guy was supposed to be in his late sixties, but still appeared to be in his mid twenties...people would definitely take wouldn't be safe.
But he had to do something, or go out of his mind from boredom. So he came to Nachton, and now was waiting to meet with the clan elders and find out if there was a place for him here. If he could do something productive here, for the next fifteen or twenty years, he might then be able to do another stint in Tinsel Town.
He walked through the museum admiring some of the more popular pieces. Nic liked art...he liked pretty things...but he really didn't know much about it. He'd been offered some paintings back in the forties, from an SS officer. Paintings that had been obtained through nefarious means, and one of the few opportunities Nic had passed on, that ended up yielding a tremendous profit to those who purchased them. He had never regretted his choices though. In fact, Nic never regretted anything.

But the piece he was looking at was different...heavier...darker...more detailed than the normal washed out watercolors. He appreciated the piece, and made note of the artist, before something else distracted him. A young woman, standing alone in the gallery, admiring the same piece of work.
Keeping his distance, he now observed her, rather than the paintings. She looked to be roughly twenty three...maybe twenty five...and very pretty. Her hair a deep shade of red, and her skin pale as snow against it. He couldn't see her face completely, but could make out the side of her mouth...full, glossy lips...and the corner of her eye...lined with long, brown lashes. A long neck, straight shoulders...nice breasts and ass. Her legs were covered in long pants, and she wore heels, so the illusion was that her legs were quite long.
His mouth watered, but it wasn't totally due to hunger. He'd been a longer time without baser needs being fulfilled. He wondered if she could provide Nic with both forms of sustenance tonight.

Casually walking around, he came to be standing next to her.
"Interesting...not bad for a watercolor actually...he's got a little heavier brush stroke than most...and uses a lot more paint."
Nic actually liked this least for a watercolor. He glanced towards her now, and gave one of his killer smiles. She was VERY pretty. She smiled back!
'I know this painter well...he was my great-great grandfather. And you are correct, several of his paintings almost even appear to be oils...he had a unique style.'
Nic thanked the fates that he hadn't slammed that piece of artwork. That would NOT have been a good foot to get off on.
"Nicholae Lache..." He held out his hand, and peered a little closer at the signature of the painting. He wasn't able to make it out though.
"Do you and your great-great grandfather share names?"
She smiled...'a lovely smile', Nic thought.
'No...he was my maternal great-great grandfather. My name is Francesca.'
And she lightly, but firmly, took his hand. He loved the feel of the heat her body generated...she had a sweet, soft scent, and it pulsated from her body...along with a tiny bit of trepidation. He resisted the impulse to laugh...he would have appeared totally rude, and somewhat heartless...and he was neither. He was just hungry.
He looked back at the picture, and focused on the content now.
"Would you be interested in getting a cup of coffee somewhere, and discussing your grandfather's work a little more?"
The girl shook her head, but did manage to look disappointed.
'I am terribly sorry, but I can't today. I'm meeting someone shortly. I just stopped in to kill some time.'
Nic understood. That's what he was doing as well...or partially doing...a snack might have been a more fulfilling way, but he wasn't starving...yet.
"Well then, was nice meeting you. Perhaps I will see you around again."
He took her hand, and brushed it with his lips, before turning and walking away. Maybe the next girl he met would provide better luck.

He sighed heavily, pausing outside of the museum. He hadn't gotten out since getting his job, spending his time overhauling the books at Dubine into shape. But...maybe this would be a nice little break.
He paid his entrance fee and wandered around. It was late, but like most things in this city, this place didn't seem to close terribly early. The red head, shucked his suit jacket and hung it up on a rack nearby before he realized it was part of the exhibit. "Whoops"
Addison looked around as he retrieved the garment, slightly embarrassed that there was another person in the room. A fella...
"Sometimes it's hard to tell what is art..."

At first Nic thought it might have been a woman, dressed somewhat masculinely, but then realized it was a guy, though very...different. He wouldn't have called the guy effeminate, but he also wouldn't have called him a he-man either. And while Nic preferred his snacks to be feminine, if he got hungry enough, he'd settle.
He chuckled to himself when he saw the guy try to hang his suit jacket on one of the exhibits, and then nodded and smiled at the guys comment.
Nic stood up, and moved to admire an oil on the wall, to the side of where this new guy stood.
"And no matter what...just because something is hand painted, it isn't automatically art either."
The picture he spoke of now was done with a very heavy, choppy stroke, and the actual strokes deterred from the beauty of the painting...or possible beauty...Nic was taking some of that opinion based on what he 'thought' could have been done better.
"Did you by any chance notice when this place closes?"
Nic assumed the guy had just arrived, and hoped maybe he'd seen the schedule of hours on his way in. By keeping up the conversation, Nic also allowed himself to move closer to the guy.

"And no matter what...just because something is hand painted, it isn't automatically art either."
"Agreed...that is atrocious." Addision eyed the painting this guy was looking at. It was hasty and seemed almost the artist felt his name could carry this as actual work. He shook his head. One should always put out their best work. It was the only way to be.
"Did you by any chance notice when this place closes?"
"I Believe it's around 11 PM or maybe midnight. I've found much in this town closes late, or rather, early in the morning. It's quite convenient for night owls..." Addison smiled and tucked a stray stand of red hair back behind one ear. The man was attractive now that he was closer, and the accountant felt more embarrassed about his mishap with the coat.
"You do not come here often? A shame as I was rather hoping you could give your opinion on the works more worth time."

"Nope...first visit. First actual anything, here in Nachton. Just arrived."
Having spent so much time as other characters, Nic never felt ill at ease among strangers. Or, if he did, he just pretended otherwise, and pretty soon he was feeling the same.
Looking down the hall, opposite from where the other guy was standing, Nic shook his head in that direction.
"I've been down that way...there are a couple great neoclassics by Dali down there, 'Poulpe Et Trois Hommes', and 'Nu Allonge'. Dali...he's such a freak, but he does some mind bending pieces."
Nic loved the imagination behind Dali's work, and the fact that it could be interpreted in a lot of different ways.
"But if you're looking for something a little more flowery...there are also a couple O' in particular I found evocative...the 'Black Hills in Cedar'."
To Nic it looked just like the view he'd seen between a woman's legs...on many occasions.
"There are quite a few really nice pieces, and I've not even been through the entire place yet. That's why I was wondering if it was closing soon...good to know I've time."
As Nic had been speaking, he had also been checking the little guy out. He seemed to be somewhere in his mid twenties...probably appeared to be a contemporary of Nic's. But he was diminutive, for a guy...and that made him even that more appealing to Nic. So he couldn't get a girl, for now...he'd done a lot worse in the past. And this little guy made him smile.
"Sorry. I'm Nic."
He grabbed the guy's right shoulder in his left hand, and grabbed his right hand in his other. A couple good shakes, and Nic released him.

The accountant smiled, listening to the guy talk. He seemed to be quite the art aficionado. Addison only knew what he liked and what he'd gleamed from Art History 101 in college. He could tell pointillism from impressionism, but that was about it. He really only knew what he liked.
"I'm rather fond of Monet's style. Very whimsical and a lot of...flow." There....hopefully, he didn't sound the complete idiot.
"Sorry. I'm Nic."
Addison reached out with his hand and found it grasped firmly. "My name's Addison, Addison Monroe." A friendly grin and he squeezed the larger hand that had a hold of his. Up close, the fella's hair looked softer, but there was something about the tint of his skin...maybe he was just paranoid after the Ellis thing. He was scrutinizing every one of his co workers, wondering if they were secretly vampires. Granted, the fact that they were out during the day made no difference in Addison's mind.

"Only a week, huh? Seems like I must have come at a popular time. I noticed a couple moving vans when I was out traipsing around earlier. I didn't know Nachton was such a boomtown."
Nic stopped and stood in front of another painting...this one a Monet...what were the odds? He grinned.
"Hey Addison...c''ll probably like this one."
The wheels were turning in Nic's head. He'd seen one of those eclectic American restaurants not far from the museum...maybe he could convince Addison to join him for
He looked over to see if Addison was going off on his own, or following along.

"Hey Addison...c''ll probably like this one."
Tearing his eyes away from the mishmash art in front of him, the red head moved to look at what Nic was seeing...and low and behold...a Monet... "Beautiful..." Addison smiled, almost dreamily in front of the whimsical painting. It wasn't the famous waterlilies, but it had that same style. It made him want to hang it in his bedroom and just lounge about, staring at it. "There's just something about Monet...kind of sleepy, but detailed all the same."

This one was called 'Coquelicots', and featured mothers and their children walking through a field of poppies...Blue skies, White clouds, Green fields, and Red poppies.
"This one I like...some of his stuff is just a bit too 'rustic' for me though."
Nic had played an artist once, in a movie back in the forties. Being the conscientious one, he'd studied up quite a bit on art back then. Ever since he'd visited museums and galleries , not only to score, but to keep his knowledge fresh. It often worked well for him, much as it was today.
"So you've already found a place? That's something I need to do tomorrow...get out and look. You rent or buy...apartment or house?"
The questions were legit. Nic did need to find a place, and he hadn't decided if he wanted just a small place, or wanted to go all out.
He turned to Addison, and gave him his undivided attention. Nic also turned on the charm, and threw a little bit of 'come here' into his gaze.

"Rustic..." Addison chuckled and shook his head. Whatever worked, though...right?
"So you've already found a place? That's something I need to do tomorrow...get out and look. You rent or buy...apartment or house?"
"Yeah. It was something of a necessity. The first nights I had a hotel room, but after I got a job, it just wasn't practical to live out of suitcases. I found a nice townhouse to rent. Two stories...nice view of the street in the evening. You out looking?" He smiled, alternating between looking at the painting and Nic, leaning towards the other man slightly.

"Yea, looking. Townhouse huh? Sounds like it might fit the bill. You know if there are any more vacancies?"
Nic felt Addison move slightly closer, and again had to wonder. Was the guy aware of Nic? Was he subconsciously 'leaning' towards Nic? It would sure make his job easier.
Walking just a few feet further, towards a Rubens, Nic actually walked closer to Addison, and was now standing within inches of the little guy. He neither smelled nor felt fear, and was now wondering if Addison had any clue what Nic was about. Not that he was going to tell least not until after he'd fed.
Not at all interested in the chubby Rubens, Nic waved his hand in dismissal, and turned to stand directly in front of Addison, grinning down at his new 'friend.'
"Listen, what say we go grab a bite, or some coffee, and you tell me more about these town homes, and any other places you might have looked at. It will save me a tremendous amount of time, and maybe I can return the favor some time."
And Nic's gaze became even more overt. If Addison had any tendencies towards his 'fellow man', this would certainly prove too tempting for him to pass up. After as many years as Nic had played the game, he knew damn well how strong his attraction to people could and women alike. He wouldn't have survived as long as he had otherwise.
He put a friendly hand on Addison's shoulder again, and showed sincere interest.

"Listen, what say we go grab a bite, or some coffee, and you tell me more about these town homes, and any other places you might have looked at. It will save me a tremendous amount of time, and maybe I can return the favor some time."
Addison smiled, the expression brightening his face somewhat. "That would be great. I didn't actually get a chance to eat dinner -- working late..." He sighed and checked his watch. It wasn't too late to order an appetizer and maybe something cafinated. That would hit the spot. And nic wouldn't have mentioned it if he weren't hungry, so surely he'd not be totally out of place eating at this hour.
And frankly, he was enjoying the guy's company. He'd only met one person outside the clan so far and he'd not heard from her since.
"After you..."
(OOC: permission to move Addison to the eatery.)

However, as he listened to Addison talk, Nic 'suggested' that Addison might be very attracted to Nic. If there were any seeds there at all, this would work.
And it wasn't like he was going to do the little guy any least none that he wouldn't recover from. Nic had no compunction in following through with his original plan.
"Okay then...there's an interesting place just a couple doors down, let's go."
Nic's hand remained on Addison's shoulder. Anyone seeing them would just assume they were close friends...and Nic intended on being 'close' to Addison. He might need to suffer through an actual 'meal' first, but after that...
(Nic and Addison out)