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SA Event Introduction and Rules

This forum is used for special events and plot line threads. It will be watched carefully by the staff and NPC's are likely to join in.

If you wish to participate in an event, please begin by posting in the indicated thread. Once you have posted there, you are permitted to /ooc out of the thread and start a new one in this section should you wish to have a private conversation, but we like to start off by giving everyone a chance to interact or at least make an entrance.

Events hosted in this forum are considered "extra threads" meaning that you may participate in these events even if your character is currently in two other threads.

If you would like to host an event in this forum, please PM staff. Be advised that Events hosted by players are expected to be all inclusive. As there will be only one event running at any given time, understand that we also have to consider scheduling and the like.

There may be a need from time to time for special things to happen that would normally violate your character's free will. You will be warned that this is such a thread by the header (plot line) and PM'd -if- a special situation comes up for your character. Backing out or arguing with the Staff about the event will be severaly frowned upon as you joined it of your own free will with prior warning. Joining them can be fun and we hope many people do but we don't want people getting involved who are going to make it difficult for us to continue the thread. No character will be killed severely harmed, or turned in case of humans in one of these threads but there will be things that might alter your character's future situation on the board in some cases.