Alfarinn Evenhet Troub...Elder!
Created on 04/29/2005 • 3367 Posts & 191 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- thread [i] Alfarinn found himself a nice comfortable chair to lounge in. [/i] "Sup?" ((OOC:lol, :vampgrin just putting something here)) 19 years ago
- thread The Rules of Evenhet are for your protection as well as the protection of the Clan. 1.[b]Respect the property of others[/b]- We live in a 19 years ago
- thread Welcome to Meridian Apex Enterprises where we use the past to brighten our future! You have been granted special access. Welcome to Clan E 19 years ago
- thread Welcome to Meridian Apex Enterprises where we use the past to brighten our future! Please state the following: Name: Age: Occupation 19 years ago
- thread [i]The friendly woman at the desk looks up at you and smiles.[/i] "Welcome to Meridian. How may I help you?" ((OOC: This post is for a 19 years ago
- thread Information soon 19 years ago
- thread "We have many available job listings here at Meridian. If you would like to apply please follow the lighted pathway to the nearest dental s 19 years ago
- thread Not much is known about the original founders of Meridian. The twin towers were said to have been built into the original design by the two 19 years ago
- thread "I would like to think you for your interest." [i] The computer's voice took on a warmer tone almost seeming pleased with your curiosity. [/ 19 years ago
- thread "Lets begin with the outer construction." [i]The voice resumed its speech once you had made your choice.[/i] "This building was constructed 19 years ago