Created on 05/05/2005
18 Posts & 3 Threads
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Taking a nice long sip of her chocolate sludge, Redd nodded and smiled as Nara talked. Texas huh, not too far from her own home she thought
17 years ago
Redd just shrugged noncomittaly at the paladin/shaman debate. It didn't matter one way or another to the redhead, she didn't get into the pl
17 years ago
Grinning, Redd nodded in agreement. There wasn't much better than a good immersive game for your free time, in her opinion. Listening to...
17 years ago
Frowning at her screen, Redd took a second to register someone was actually speaking to her. With a rather undignified "Huh?" she looked up
17 years ago
Looking up, Redd smirked at the rather embarassed looking young man across from her. About then her computer finished loading and her welcom
17 years ago
Pushing open the door into the cafe Redd took a deep breath and let herself smile a little. The buzz of caffeine and the delicious smell of
17 years ago
*crawls out from under her rock* Yeah more redheads on the board! f'n a! *crawls back*
18 years ago
She hadn't expected the suddenly frowning and serious look from Celeste when she'd asked what had brought her here. But then again Celeste t
19 years ago
'Same old cheap Celeste I see,' Redd thought with a sigh. But she was happy to see her friend and curious about what brought her here. 'No r
19 years ago
Her attention was focused on a small group's monitors. They were playing a multi person shooter game she hadn;t seen before and it was engro
19 years ago
It was a nice night so Redd decided to walk the couple of blocks from her place to the coffee shop she'd Googled up. Their website promised
19 years ago
After a couple beers and over an hour of playing video poker and trivia at the bar, Redd slid down from her stool and stretched. Wandering a
19 years ago
Upstairs, cool. She didn't even notice when the guy walked away. She rubbed her hands together and grinned. Game first, suds second. Allllri
19 years ago
Redd smirked at the grumbling teenagers, then she turned to the arcade guy and grinned. No one under 18 in here huh? Damn.. so I look like I
19 years ago
Avatar test.. whatcha think?
19 years ago
She was completely, totally, without a doubt pissed. It was a huge game to these boys it seemed, laughing and circling around the steaming r
19 years ago
[i]A short redhead walked through the sliding glass doors and pulled off her sunglasses. They dissapeared into a pocket of her massive black
19 years ago
done I think yep
19 years ago
[b]Basic Information[/b]
[b]Birth Name:[/b] Crimson Renoux
[b]Aliases:[/b] Redd
[b]Place of Birth:[/b] Houston, Texas
19 years ago
bwahaha.. Overactive imagination fueled by the flow of blood resuming to your brain after that lengthy session at your house maybe? I think
19 years ago