Trouble (Open/Attn: Celeste)
Addison didn't know why he had ended up at the cafe...he could be on the machine tucked under one arm right now...from the relative privacy of his own office, but the sound of silence punctuated by the occasional battles from his game of World of Warcraft wasn't going to do it for him tonight. he was again, looking to mayhaps socialize...before getting into some trouble, but avoid the spilling of the coffee this time.
"Hello, I have this..." The red head pulled his membership card out of the back pocket of his leather pants (The only thing he could find in his size on the store quickly on the way here, having not wanted to go home and find something of his own) and handed it to the pimply guy. And unfortunately, pizza head remembered him. Craptastic...
So, Addison put up with the leer long enough to be pointed to a free jack and get a latte (but put a stop when the guy said he wanted to see Addison's "Memory Stick" --that was just creepy). Then he put as much distance between him and the "happy" pizza as he could in an effort to keep the gross away.
The first sip was heavenly. A xanthine alkaloid compound never tasted so good as when it was flavored with chocolate and raspberry...damn!
"Fuck yes....Mmmmmmnnnhhhh"
Maybe he shouldn't have said that so loud...or with that moan at the end. Addison dipped his head, hoping his har hid the flush in his cheeks.
(OOC; thread...pc geeks abound!)
(OOC: Oops...put wrong charry name!)

The usual? The second counter guy had shoved his way to the front and was grinning like the village idiot, making the redhead sigh softly. Men could be so annoying sometimes. It wasn't like a single one of them would ever even come up and talk to her. Yeah, she said quietly. Got any free ports? He nodded vigorously and pointed towards one of the tables. She nodded and put some cash on the counter before heading that way. Behind her the guy began to whip up her triple chocolate mochachino with extra whipped cream.
Sliding into a chair across from another redhead, she gave him a noncommital, quietly muttered, 'Sup, before going about plugging her machine in.
((wuwu and bringing Redd out of mothballs too!! hehehe))

"Hey," Addison chimes back, looking up briefly to be polite and then doing a double-take as he registered the color of her hair. It was a color of red he has rarely seen, sans his own reflection in the mirror.
There should be a law limiting the amount of junk mail one could receive a day. No sooner than the small but powerful machine of Addison's boot up he got this:
"A connection is trying to be made...somebody needs me"
His audio clip from a Harry Potter spoof he has set to announce he has new mail...only, set too loud...leftover settings from playing his internet radio at top volume. Patrons, annoyed at the interruption, turn and glare at him, almost as if in unison. Addison drops his head to the table. This could be worse than when he fried the power supply last time...
(OOC: the boots and shirt!)

A tall cup of caffeine and chocolate appeared beside her and Redd dared not look up to see what the clerk's reaction to it had been. Yeah thanks man, she said quietly.

Addison peeked over his screen at the other red-head, feeling a possible invisible bond now. Ok, that was corny, but still....He cleared his throat.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help but you play World of Warcraft?"

Umm... yeah. Started a couple months ago. Her face softened from its normal defensive glower as she spoke to be a bit more animated. I take it you do too? Sipping her chocolate sludge she grinned a little wider. It was super extra chocolatey tonight. Two good things, she was on a roll!

"I'm Addison, by the way." He looked back over the laptop to make eye contact and accidentally caught the eye of the happy pizza over her shoulder, smiling at him or her, Addison wasn't sure. "Oh, gross..." Oops! "not you.." he lowered his voice "the clerk's staring over here."

People call me Redd. She leaned forward and stuck her hand out to him. I play on Scarlett Crusade... been obsessed with my bee-eee rogue lately but my main's a human 'lock. Only been in the game a couple months, so I'm still feeling it out.
So like.. I haven't seen you here before. 'Doh, that sounds really cheesy, smooth move moron,' she thought.

She had spent the majority of the day running between offices. She had to have her birth certificate to get the social security and the forms to get the birth certificate were rediculous. She was ready for a nice tall mocha latte. She had managed to stop by the second hand store and get a decent coat which made a big difference. She wore the thick brown wool hip length coat over jeans and a plain blue tshirt.
Going to the counter, she fought the urge to grimace when the kid taking her order gave her the once over. He was creepy in the extreme. She didn't have her own laptop, so paid the fee to use one of the few remaining stations near the two red heads that seemed to be enjoying a friendly conversation. She nodded politely as she sat down taking a cautious sip of the coffee. She had almost spilled it in her haste to get away from the clerk.

Taking her hand, Addison did the whole shake and squeeze gently thing that fellow humans did when interacting with eachother instead of their computers. "Oh yes, the Blood Elves are a sweet race, although I'm still on the fence with the whole sharing of the Pally's and Shammies...the horde lost an advantage there, imo." It was still controversial, even after the expansion pack came out...but Blood elves were cooler looking than the dranaei.
Speaking of what sounded like pick up lines... The accountant chuckled. "Naw, I've been here before, but it was a long time ago...long enough to make my membership card a waste of time to get. And...I've been very antisocial as of late, unless guild and barrens chat is considered socializing, and somehow...mediocre chuck norris jokes aren't real bonds between people."
He didn't want to admit it, but he did own the T-shirt that said "I survived the Barrens chat." Just then, another red head sat down nearby. "Hello," he greeted the newest red haired addition. "I'm beginning to think we should start a club...walk around in black leather trenchcoats and sunglasses in the middle of the night...The Red mafia...Although that might be taken as Russian, I suppose...."

"I'm Nara." She introduced herself with a nod taking another sip of her heated beverage. She logged in with the code the boy had given her, and waited for the screen to change.
"Hope I'm not interupting. If so, just pretend I'm not here. I won't make a peep." She promised with a friendly smile.

It's Vin Diesel jokes in my guild, she said with a little grin.
Redd peeked over at their tablemate and offered a Wazzap? Shrugging, she pondered the latest person to join them as Addison quiped about a club. Would the government pay to subsidize a study on the gathering instincts of age groups based on shared physical attributes? Probably. They did all kinds of stupid shit, she thought with a smirk.
I think we would need a different name, fersure. Somehow I see that one sparking Homeland Security to tap our phones and pull our 'net logs. Chuckling, she shrugged. I'm sure I already have them watching me considering some of the forums I like to chat on... so... uhh yeah, less reason for them to make me dissapear would be nice.
Nice to meetcha Nara, I'm Redd. And uh I don't think you were interrupting.. Grey eyes looked at the male across from her for confirmation.

"True, tapping into conversations and trying to descipher the secret messages of the better hair care products for red heads would take up too much resources on the government's end...not that they wouldn't be prepared to waste it, it seems." The accountant tucked a lock of hair behind one ear and avoided the clerk's attempt at making eye contact. "Probably not without some sort of sponsorship. I think we could probably get free service here, but I'm not about to pay the cost of that." Addison shruddered at the thought of letting that...that...person anywhere near him on a voulentary basis.
Addison smiled at Nara and glanced back over at Redd. "Not bothering at all, red heads need to stick together, after all. Where do you two hail from? In town visiting? Residents?"

She glanced at the two of them and blushed. "Too much info there probably. You both live here obviously, what's it like? I read online here and there some references to disappearances and such weird things. Is it true?" Her curious mind wanted to know more and that more would be better found from actual people than the internet in some cases.

Well, I moved here from New Orleans right before Katrina. I don't get out much and really don't pay too much attention to the news so I hadn't heard of any dissapearances. But.. she shrugged again, like I said I don't pay too much attention. Smiling she added, Unless it's on one of my conspiracy theory forums.
So like what are you gonna write about? Missing persons? Kinda like "Cold Cases" or what?
(( *blush* Sorry I missed this guys!))

She glanced over toward the clerk and got a shiver at his manner of watching them as often as he could, or so it seemed. "Though there is one that I wouldn't mind to find missing. Does that guy give anyone besides me the creeps?"

When the topic slid around to Mr. PizzaFace, Addison nodded almost too enthusiastically. "He' the aura of a know...the sort that you eye and think they live in their parent's basement playing star wars galaxies, but secretly are serial killers...the Hannibal sort..."
(OOC: eeek...I forgot about the thread!)

"Maybe we will run into each other again." She got up pulling on her jacket. "Um if he follows me, could one of you maybe alert someone? I don't want to be the next one on the disappearing person list." She gave a somewhat less than hearty chuckle as she waved and headed out.
(Nara out... np was beginning to worry that something had happened to you two. Glad you are ok.)