Amberelle DeEspionne
Sweet can be deceiving!
Created on 05/05/2005
1265 Posts & 108 Threads
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We went out of town for the holidays and I knew there would be net access available so I thought no big deal.. but we forgot the laptop *sig
17 years ago
Looking visibly relieved, the blonde returned Alex's bow slightly before assuming her stance. "Oui, if you are OK.." She studied his face a
18 years ago
I'll keep y'all in my thoughts.. I know how hard it can be when your hubby is sick, so please try to take care of yourself too! *hugs*
18 years ago
About the time that his hand closed around hers, her brain screamed "Shit!" and Amby realized she'd given him an opening. But, it was too la
18 years ago
Steaming mug of cocoa in hand, Amby made her way back to the spot she had been working at. Delicately picking up the blue ornament, she was
18 years ago
The young Creole watched him, as he was watching her. His actions were controlled and his movements confident, she observed. Alex's style re
18 years ago
hello! bonjour! Welcome to the city, hope to see you around soon =)
18 years ago
Humming softly while she worked, Amberelle had found an internally silvered globe and begun applying washes of paint to create an irridecent
18 years ago
Ever since she had read about this event days ago, Amberelle had been gathering up cash from her 'meals' and various other unsavory individu
18 years ago
After a few more passes under the pole, it had started getting fairly low. Amberelle was easily the tallest of the limboing women, but was m
18 years ago
Circling Alex, Amberelle could feel the rush of adrenaline erasing her earlier fatigue. The urge to toy with him was strong, but she was cau
18 years ago
Thanks everyone! They moved him out of ICU and into a normal room this evening! =D Maybe I can actually get some sleep now...! I'm hoping an
18 years ago
X is in the hospital so I may be AFK a few days. Not sure... he's in ICU so I may be desperate for things to fill my time in between visitin
18 years ago
Fallon's mood was infectious the Creole had decided. Giggling some, she moved around to the limbo pole. Letting her body move to the beat so
18 years ago
She had been in the powder room, but had been able to hear a snipit of Fallon's song faintly. 'So much love between those two,' she thought
18 years ago
Returning Alex's toast with a 'And you as well,' Amberelle took a long sip of bubbly. She wasn't very fond of champagne, unless it was in a
18 years ago
It didn't even register that he was speaking French at first and she simply responded to him in it from habit. No, you didn't disturb me at
18 years ago
Speak for your self! To my Southern blood 40's and 30's is seriously cold!!
18 years ago
The blonde gave him a nod, signaling she understood what he had meant by family business. His mentioning of investments peeked her curiosity
18 years ago
Happy happy berfday!!!!
18 years ago