Kem`Raaisu Nachton Elder
Created on 09/18/2005 • 1050 Posts & 35 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Kem looked up in surprise to blink at Pak. "Fire you?" He furrowed his brow. "I can't fire you. You're not even in my department." He did a 15 years ago
- post Kem looked up from his pile of work as Pak let herself in. It was about ten minutes till three in the morning; for them, it was nearly the e 15 years ago
- post Kem nearly choked on his drink as he echoed Pak's tone of voice. "You? Well thought-of? Now I've heard it all." He gadly joined Aishe in a 15 years ago
- post Kem's grin got wider at Pak's suggestion. "There could be a good income in that for you. You could "fix" mine, too, for a small gratuity." 15 years ago
- post Kem snorted at Aishe and then turned to Pak and said, "I'm pretty sure it's already in there. No sense trying to deny it at this point." He 15 years ago
- post Kem was about to argue, but he stopped without saying a word, and shrugged, tossing a grin at Aishe. "She's right. it's my fault." He sho 15 years ago
- post Kem shuddered visibly at Pak's new threat. "All right, all right. You know my weaknesses! I swear upon all I hold dear I will never leave yo 15 years ago
- post Kem simply favored Pak with a grateful smile. He was happy to have a little sister who worried. He'd have worried about her, too. He'd expla 15 years ago
- post Kem shook his head sadly at Pak. "I wish I could promise, but I can't. You know that." He added though, as consolation, "I can promise i wil 15 years ago
- post It was difficult to keep a straight face, knowing why Pak was being Pak. He did his best though. "Yes mistress. Forgive me mistress." It la 15 years ago
- post Kem winced inwardly at the glare Pak shot him as she went into Barney's for her own drink. When she returned to throw herself in her chair, 15 years ago
- thread [I]Kem slouched back in his comfortable chair outside Barney's, waiting on Aishe and Pak while he enjoyed his usual "pointless" (as Aishe wo 15 years ago
- post Kem looked at her skeptically, trying to figure out if she was joking or not. her smile was genuine though, with no hint of mischief. His vi 15 years ago
- post Kem blinked in disbelief as Aishe held out to him the ring he'd tracked down and gotten a hold of. "Where did you... no, I don't want to k 15 years ago
- post There wasn't much more to say, although it occurred to him that now would have been, finally, a perfect time to give Aishe the present he'd 15 years ago
- post Kem found himself smiling down at Aishe, his finger sealing her lips. "We both know you didn't mean what you said. I know it, even if I let 15 years ago
- post "Uff." His pile of work was neatly removed from his hands and flung - well, somewhere, Kem thought with a wince. Subsequently, he found him 15 years ago
- thread [I]The work had, indeed, piled up around Meridian while he'd been away. It was the perfect thing to throw himself into, which he'd done with 15 years ago
- post I'm okay with admitting I've been a terrible boyfriend and an even worse friend the past few days. Yes, I'm hiding in the archives. I'd been 15 years ago
- post It took me a moment to process what she'd said, and even as it dawned on me she was staring at me, her mouth partly open, before one hand re 15 years ago