Valentine Curious
Created on 11/01/2005 • 428 Posts & 14 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post She laughed slightly at his business school idea about keeping good employees. Val only worried about keeping a good manager. They could sor 19 years ago
- post You had to be impressed with the equipment, so much better than they’d had when she was still working for the IRA. Hunt, kill, destroy 19 years ago
- post Val had been watching everyone, but was still a bit surprised to be approached. Of course, it made sense, she was new here and had to be 19 years ago
- post Well this was certainly one way to meet the locals, still there were orders and one showed up prepared when given orders.Severely pinning he 19 years ago
- post “I had no idea Dubine was so generous.”Val now officially wondered exactly what Addison’s roll within the company was. Sur 19 years ago
- post Val shuddered delicately.“Shoot me before I get to white picket fence time.”And the idea of kids and yuppies, gir, the idea just 19 years ago
- post I'm all for it... i'm leaving town in about 3 hrs and won't have net access till Tuse and what fun would that be? 19 years ago
- post “It winds up being equal parts science, art and luck. So yes it can be complicated.”She was lucky in the respect, most prospecti 19 years ago
- post "The hostile take over women are always the sexiest? Good to know."Â?Val preened slightly, she did like to look good and that was down to t 19 years ago
- post "So your saying I -do- look like a hostile take over kind of girl."Â?She laughed at her own joke. He was cautious, that was certain look at 19 years ago
- post She smiled coldly at the kid who'd brought the new drink. Damned that meant she'd probably over done it and freaked him out. Giovanni had ne 19 years ago
- post The mention of Dubine caught her attention, enough so that Val stopped fidgeting with her ring. She didn't know many, ok she didn't know any 19 years ago
- post Val thought about the circumstances that had lead to her name: guns, violence, being turned. Still, all things considered it was a complimen 19 years ago
- post Over the years, she’d grown rather fond of her nickname and only very –very- rarely used her given name, she treated it more lik 19 years ago
- post After taking is hand Val sat down and flaunted, er crossed her legs. Even though she had on jeans, they were well cut for that sort of move. 19 years ago
- post She needed a new hobby or to blow something up or something because she had been bored far too often of late.Parking in front of some cyber 19 years ago
- post “I’m sure you’ll find something around here without too much trouble. It was nice to meet you.”Val waited a second, 19 years ago
- post She nodded, sympathetically, sincerely.“Good luck with that. I mean it sounds like you have everything at least a little planed out an 19 years ago
- post Val absently ran her tongue along her canine, fang call it what you will as she listened. No one ran from a ‘not so nice alternateR 19 years ago
- post Her father had been a storyteller, so had Giovanni; her mother had been a listener and Valentine had picked up some of each. She’d lis 19 years ago