Brig Jameson
Blood Sucker
Created on 12/13/2006
348 Posts & 22 Threads
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Of all the fashion fads he had seen over the years, his most favorite was the Fedora. Brig twirled his flint gray madison with the center
16 years ago
Brig stood as Carol's little body slipped out of the booth. Looking down at her he reached out and took her small hand in his, shaking it s
16 years ago
Brig scratched his chin and answered in a slightly higher than normal voice. 'Uh, security.' He pointed his index finger down and drew a c
16 years ago
Brian actually felt himself blushing as Carol flirted back with him. What a charming young woman, he thought. Easily an excellent choice f
16 years ago
Brig was stunned into silence as Carol just chattered away. She was exuberant, charming and had the bluest eyes. Never at any point did sh
16 years ago
'Not from there. Been there though. My family is Scottish,' he pointed to his reddish brown hair. 'Here on business, actually. At least f
16 years ago
'Right...uh,' Brig's eyes were immediately captured by her revealing movement. 'Uh...,' he stammered. He tried to focus in on her face but
16 years ago
Brig openly looked at her as she gave him a good perusal. He even smiled a little as she did it. When she realized she had been staring, h
16 years ago
Brig's seat in the booth had him sitting facing the door. So when the little blond came walking in, screaming about sauce, he immediately t
16 years ago
Brig inhaled his burger but mid chew he stopped and his face brightened.
'Oh, you mean I don't have to go?' He smiled then, a huge shit ea
16 years ago
Brig settled back in the booth and started cracking his knuckles. He pointed back at Hammerthynn again.
The waitress returned again with h
16 years ago
Brig took a long pull from his water and trapped a couple pieces of ice in his mouth. Hammer dropped his bomb and Brig began to choke one o
16 years ago
[I]I Can't Stand It, I Know You Planned It
Ima Set It Straight, This Watergate
I Can't Stand Rockin' When I'm In Here
'Cause Your Crystal Ba
16 years ago
Brig took a step forward and cleared his throat.
'Sir...The Pipers were on city sewer grid mapping detail last evening and my second in com
16 years ago
Brig stepped out of the black SUV with his hand draped on the door. He looked up the gravel driveway at LT who was walking down toward him
16 years ago
The fire consumed about an acre of the forest on the property and with the help of the Pipers, the local fire department was able to contain
16 years ago
A silver bullet. How quaint.
Brig knew it was a matter of time before the vampires started using silver bullets. He had expected it much
16 years ago
'Are you hearing this?'
Brig looked over at Hammer at the barrage of gunshots that were vibrating off the steel walls. The human had manag
16 years ago
The elevator doors opened and with silent curiosity, Brig stepped past the gun toting human and peered out. It was painfully quiet.
16 years ago
Brig felt Hammer's irritation without even having to see the expression (or lack thereof) on his face. The presence of the Duban woman set
16 years ago