Charlie Hammond Curious
Created on 10/24/2010 • 118 Posts & 23 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Charlie winced at the sharp pain on his left side. Red's colorful flat top brushed up against the underside of his left arm as he touched a 13 years ago
- post Charlie was tired. His body ached, his chest felt like it wanted to burst from breathing so deeply and quickly, and he was pretty sure two 13 years ago
- post Licking the blood off his lips, Charlie heaved a deep sigh as Red spoke to him. His head was foggy with pain and it was a struggle to stand 13 years ago
- post Charlie kept his eyes on the ground until LT moved away from him. Finally looking up, he watched as LT entered the circle with Paulson. He 13 years ago
- post Charlie stepped out onto the trail dripping wet with his equally wet shirt flapping behind him, tucked into his shorts. He realized he was 13 years ago
- post The sun was blinding him through the trees. Wait, he thought, what sun? Lifting his head from his flat on the ground position, Charlie 13 years ago
- post The path became a blinding blur of tears as Charlie ran off the trail, deeper into the trees. The large Oaks blocked his view, forcing him 13 years ago
- thread [I]Charlie grimaced at the ground in the pale moonlight.[/I] [I]This was a familiar path on the property. He knew the hills and curves 13 years ago
- post "So you're coming out tonight?" "Yes, Red. I said I would." "You promised." "No, I didn't promise anything." "You're not coming?" Char 13 years ago
- post Charlie returned to staring out the large windows in the DI lobby as Red struggled with Charlie had just told him. He just wanted to be lef 13 years ago
- post "Do you mind?" Their talking was distracting. It was hair above what he could legitimately hear, but it was like a buzzing in his head 13 years ago
- post Good luck, Miya =/ 13 years ago
- thread [I]Continues from [URL=""]Deep breath[/URL] Charlie looked at his hands and fe 13 years ago
- post "Hi, Charlie." Looking at Vivienne made him feel absolutely nothing. That apparently was wrong, from what he gathered from Red and LT. 13 years ago
- post It was after their run now and time for his evaluation. A quick sit down with the Commander and Beta followed the run and after breakfast w 13 years ago
- post Charlie closed his apartment door behind him with a soft click. He was early, but he never used to be. Red always came in and jumped on hi 13 years ago
- thread [I]"Lewis? Matty? Is that blood?"[/I] [I]Charlie took a deep breath and sat up in his bed. His heart was racing in his chest, but th 13 years ago
- thread [B][SIZE=6]Basic Information[/SIZE][/B] Birth Name ([URL=""]Name Guidelines[/U 14 years ago