Legend Bound
Created on 12/30/2005
695 Posts & 46 Threads
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Holding on to Louis as he carried her to her bedroom she turned her face into his chest, the tears didn't seem to stop, they just kept comin
16 years ago
Hey! sure you're not dead? what a shame
16 years ago
Welcome back hon! good to see you again /hug!
16 years ago
She was dancing, panic rising up inside of her, one moment she was fine the next he was next to her, looking into his eyes she froze, as he
16 years ago
Yep see it all, thanks a ton guys
16 years ago
When Louis almost chocked on his wine she couldn't help but laugh, patting him on the back she grinned at him, looking at Panos over her sho
16 years ago
I just checked in my Alexa account i don't see the pack forums for the were's as Alyssia I do because she's a were but not sure how it is su
16 years ago
Ok hold your damn horses did this scream threesome or what! freaking threesome with two hot men.. but wait... with Louis... O MY FREAKING HO
16 years ago
Leaning into Panos' touch she sat next to him sipping her wine, looking back and forth between both man she felt kind of in a dominant posit
16 years ago
Sitting down on the couch she watched Louis take a seat on the other side, so here she was, sitting in the middle of two men, one who had be
16 years ago
Welcome to SA, like the others said looking forward to rping with you
16 years ago
O great, now Louis was there too and from Pano's body reaction she could tell he was not reacting well to a strange male in her apartment.
16 years ago
Something was up, hearing the lock in the front door being opened she looked at the clock, SHIT it was 2 am, turning around on her heels she
16 years ago
Taking a seat on the couch she looked up at him as he spoke.
"Thanks, I decorated it myself, look Louis, it's not going to be easy, this, y
16 years ago
What the hell was she supposed to do now? here she was sitting across from him, she felt her throat tightening with emotions, just then her
16 years ago
Yes you do missy and you need to post more too!! *glomps* and I already told you over at DA that this is hotness
16 years ago
They are still a bit hard to get by over here as well, we were lucky to get our hands on the Wii fit game but omg i seriously love it, they
16 years ago
Have fun hon, hope you have a great time /hug
16 years ago
Things were so confusing right now, here she was with the man who she thought had betrayed her in the worst possible way and because of this
16 years ago
As she calmly sat there she observed her former friend, the man she had been ordered to kill by her former lover, a man she once considered
16 years ago