
OOC: Out of Character- Mostly used in something said as you, the player and not your character. Ex:

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Alfarinn said in whispered hiss. Had she lost her mind?

((OOC: He's mad, I'm amused.))

You could also use it to ask questions instead of a PM to clarify something for your character that might not have been in the other character's writing.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Alfarinn said in whispered hiss. Had she lost her mind?

((OOC: Does she seem upset with him? ))

IC: In character - This is information said as your character or threads and forums where you should respond as your character.

Ex: The nightclubs would be IC forums where you should post as your character. The intro forum is an OOC forum where you could ask questions and post ideas as a player.

PM - Private Message

IM - Instant Message

SA Terms

Vampires -

Ancient A very old vampire, generally of powerful blood.

Elder A leader of a sanctioned clan.. generally also an Ancient.

Orphan-Slang A member of Tacharan. Not considered a recognized Clan by the others.

Youngster - slang A young vampire, most likely Tacharan.

Child - slang A young vampire, most likely Tacharan.

Yuppie - slang A member of Evenhet

Tombstone - slang An ancient

Relic - slang An ancient

Mummy - slang An ancient

Werewolves -

Gifting - activating the virus that makes werewolves what they are. Can also refer to the date the viris is activated. ex. "I gave him the gift" or "You are almost seven; do you know when your Gifting will be?"

Validus Legio ab Lupus - Mighty Army of Wolves, Vyusher R'asa's primary military force. Also referred to as 'The Legion'

Sarkis - Official title - Male leader of the Vyusher R'asa

Savia - Official title - Female leader of the Vyusher R'asa

Jiro - Second in command to the Vyusher R'asa's alphas

Kadzait: "Wandering wolves;" Inuit.

Tiglikte: "Thief;" A derogatory term used to describe Vampires.